[][src]Crate shared_arena

For more details visit shared-arena's repository:

Memory pools are usefull when allocating and deallocating lots of data of the same size.
Using a memory pool speed up those allocations/deallocations.

This crate provides 3 memory pools:


On my laptop, with Intel i7-6560U, running Clear Linux OS 32700, an allocation with SharedArena is 4+ faster than the system allocator:

This example is not tested
Allocation/SharedArena               time:   [25.112 ns 25.678 ns 26.275 ns]
Allocation/Box(SystemAllocator)      time:   [112.64 ns 114.44 ns 115.81 ns]

Performances with more allocations:

The graphic was generated with criterion, reproducible with cargo bench

Implementation details

SharedArena, Arena and Pool use the same method of allocation, derived from a free list.

They allocate by pages, which include 63 elements, and keep a list of pages where at least 1 element is not used by the user.
A page has a bitfield of 64 bits, each bit indicates whether or not the element is used.

In this bitfield, if the bit is set to zero, the element is already used. So counting the number of trailing zeros gives us the index of an unused element.
Only 1 cpu instruction is necessary to find an unused element: such as tzcnt/bsf on x86 and clz on arm

This example is not tested

With the bitfield above, the 4th element is unused.

The difference between SharedArena/Arena and Pool is that Pool does not use atomics.
Allocating with Pool is faster than SharedArena and Arena.
Arena is faster than SharedArena


unsafe block are used in several places to dereference pointers.
The code is 100% covered by the miri interpreter, valgrind and 3 sanitizers: address, leak and memory, on each commit.
See the github actions



An arena


A reference-counting pointer to T in the arena


A pointer to T in the arena


A single threaded reference-counting pointer to T in the arena.


A single threaded arena


A pointer to T in Pool


An arena shareable across threads