Derive Macro shank::ShankContext

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Generates an accounts struct for each instruction.

The struct will contain all shank annotated accounts and the impl block will initialize them from the accounts array. This struct can be used in combination with a Context to provide access to accounts by name. The accounts strct supports the use of optional accounts, which would generate an account field with an Option<AccountInfo<'a>> type.


When you annotate your instruction with #[derive(ShankContext)]:

use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
use shank::ShankContext;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, ShankContext, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
pub enum Instruction {
    /// This instruction stores an amout in the vault.
    #[account(0, writable, name="vault", desc="Vault account")]
    #[account(1, signer, name="authority", desc = "Authority of the vault")]
    #[account(2, signer, writable, name = "payer", desc = "Payer")]
    #[account(3, name = "system_program", desc = "System program")]
    #[args(amount: u64)]

A CreateAccounts and a generic Context structs will be generated, which can be used to access each account by name in your processor implementation:

pub fn process_create<'a>(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &'a [AccountInfo<'a>],
    instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
    let context = CreateAccounts::context(accounts)?;

    msg!("{}", context.accounts.vault.key);
    msg!("{}", context.accounts.authority.key);
    msg!("{}", context.accounts.payer.key);