shakuntala-devi-trainer 1.0.0

Brain training tool inspired by Shakuntala Devi's technics
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### About ###
[Shakuntala Devi][1]'s trainer is a brain training tool available as a GUI, a text console version and also an experimental [online][2] version thank to the cross platform GUI library [Iced](

shakuntala-devi-trainer is an EDLA project.

The purpose of []( is to promote the state of the art in various domains.

### Usage ###
The goal is to determine [the day of the week]( for a given date.  
The technic used by Shakuntala Devi is describe in her book [Figuring the Joy of Numbers](  
You can see an overview in Tibee's video [India's Human Computer]( or in this livejournal [entry]( 

To launch the GUI 
cargo run

To launch the text console version
cargo run -- --cli

If you use the console version your answer should be encoded as an integer like described in the book like so :
* Sunday 0
* Monday 1
* Tuesday 2
* Wednesday 3
* Thursday 4
* Friday 5
* Saturday 6

If your answer is wrong only the text console version will give you a hint for now.  
Each hint is the result of a step of Shakuntala Devi's algorithm.

You can adjust the range of the random date with two handy sliders.

### Web version ###
You can try the experimental online version [shakuntala-devi-trainer][2]
or built it yourself :  
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
wasm-bindgen target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/shakuntala-devi-trainer.wasm --out-dir shakuntala-devi-trainer  --web

### Developer Notes ###
* [Modulo of negative numbers shows languages in two different camps.]  
* Rust conveniently allow infinite lazy stream with iterator
* num-traits is required for Weekday::from_u32
* lazy_static is required to provide a singleton HashMap
* [By default Rust test programs hide the stdout of successful tests]
* [Rust built-in test framework does not support parameterized tests]

### License ###
© 2020-2021 Olivier ROLAND. Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
