shadowsocks-rust 1.13.3

shadowsocks is a fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.
shadowsocks-rust (1.13.3) unsable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixes

  - #767 REGRESSION: `ssmanager` missing `--server-host` command line option since v1.13.0
  - shadowsocks/shadowsocks-crypto#12 REGRESSION: `rc4-md5` method cipher IV length should be 16

shadowsocks-rust (1.13.2) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - (EXPERIMENTAL) Support setting `SO_USER_COOKIE` on FreeBSD
    - Set cookie with `--outbound-user-cookie` command line option, working just like `--outbound-fwmark` on Linux
  - (EXPERIMENTAL) Local `tun` interface refactored the `VirtDevice::poll` strategy
    - Improve performance
    - Still slow comparing to system's network stack

  ## BUG Fixes

  - #765 Updated broken Wiki URL for Plugins in command line help message
  - #764 Regression of client blocking ACL strategy on `ssserver`
    - Introduced since v1.9.0

shadowsocks-rust (1.13.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Bug Fixes

  - `Instant` subtraction may be overflowed in `PingBalancer`
    - When `sslocal` has set multiple remote servers and the host system just reboots, it will crash.

shadowsocks-rust (1.13.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - #706 `balancer.check_best_interval` could let ping balancer to ping only the choosen best server in this interval
    - Recommended: Set a shorter interval in `balancer.check_best_interval` than `balancer.check_interval` to check much frequently the best server.
    - `balancer.check_interval` controls the interval of checking all the available servers
    - When server start, the "check best" strategy starts after it receives enough data for estimating all servers' scores
  - #744 Refactored `local-tun`, using `smoltcp` as a user-space network stack

  ## Miscelleneous

  - Upgrade [`clap`]( (the command-line argument handling library) to v3.0
  - #739 Support K8S deployment
  - [shadowsocks-crypto]( switch underlying encryption library to [RustCrypto](
    - Able to build with stable Rust
    - Build for target `aarch64` with nightly, features `"armv8 neon"` should be enabled for hardware acceleration.

shadowsocks-rust (1.12.5) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Bug Fixes

  - #725 High CPU consumption on Linux Kernel < 4.11 when TCP Fast Open is enabled.

 -- ty <>  Fri, 17 Dec 2021 00:13:26 +0800
shadowsocks-rust (1.12.4) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - Configuration
    - `ipv6_only` configuration option setting `IPV6_V6ONLY` to all listener sockets that are listening to dual-stack address (`::`)
    - #700 Default configuration search path also includes `$PWD`
    - Log and Runtime related options could be configured via configuration file
  - #698 New binary `ssservice` unified features in (`sslocal`, `ssserver` and `ssmanager`)

  ## Bug Fixes

  - #694 UDP binds to dual-stack address (`::`) will detect `` already in use automatically
  - Transparent Proxy (redir) local client will always set `IPV6_V6ONLY` for listeners that are listening on `::`

  ## Miscelleneous

  - Deprecating `SS_LOG_VERBOSE_LEVEL` and `SS_LOG_WITHOUT_TIME` (introduced in [v1.12.3]( in flavor of configuring in the configuration file

 -- ty <>  Sun, 28 Nov 2021 15:01:54 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.12.3) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - #688 Support default configuration file path for `sslocal`, `ssserver` and `ssmanager`
    - Linux: `$XDG_CONFIG_PATH/shadowsocks-rust/config.json` or `$HOME/.config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json`
    - Windows: `{FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}\shadowsocks\shadowsocks-rust\config\config.json`
    - macOS: `$HOME/Library/Application Support/org.shadowsocks.shadowsocks-rust/config.json`
  - #691 Manipulating default logging options (command line options `-vvv` and `--log-without-time`) with environment variable `SS_LOG_VERBOSE_LEVEL` and `SS_LOG_WITHOUT_TIME`
  - #419 Read servers' password from environment variables
    - Server created from command line argument without `--password` will try to read it from TTY
    - Servers' `"password"` field or `--password` option support `${VAR_NAME}` format to read password from environment variable `VAR_NAME`

 -- ty <>  Fri, 26 Nov 2021 00:12:13 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.12.2) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixes

  - #683 local-dns command line `--remote-dns-addr` will have default port `53`

  ## Miscellaneous

  - Removed direct dependency to [`mio`](, sending file descriptors through UDS now with [`sendfd`](

 -- ty <>  Tue, 16 Nov 00:11:44 2021 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.12.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

    - #669 ACL regular expression rules will try to convert to `||` (sub-domains) and `|` (exact match) rules.

  ## Bug Fixes

    - #674 MIPS targets in pre-built releases binaries will be compressed by `upx`
    - #670 Servers created by command line options in `ssserver` will have mode `tcp_only`

 -- ty <>  Tue, 9 Nov 2021 23:27:48 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.12.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - TCP connects with Happy Eyeballs (RFC6555, RFC8305) strategy
  - Local 
    - #586 Basic support of `tun` interface in `sslocal` (Experimental) Tested on macOS and Linux
    - #620 Local server will choose remote servers based on their `"mode"`
    - Local Balancer
      - Configurable `max_server_rtt` and `check_interval`
      - Reload configuration `"servers"` in runtime when receiving `SIGUSR1` signal
  - Manager
    - #421 `ssmanager` support `--plugin` and `--plugin-opts` as default plugin configurations
    - #648 `ssmanager` support starting `ssserver` in standalone (independent process) mode.
  - #627 ACL support `|` and `||` hash-set and domain-tree mode
  - Support `--outbound-bind-interface` on Windows.

  ## Bug Fixed

  - #579 UDP server reply target address should be received source address
  - TFO socket on Windows should bind to `SOCKADDR_IN6` for IPv6 targets
  - #640 `--daemonize` will set `chdir` to current working directory
    - [BREAKING] In the previous version `--daemonize` will call `chdir` to `/` by default, so it may change the behavior if users using relative paths in `"plugin"` or `"plugin_opts"`

  ## Miscellaneous

  - #596 Support Snapcraft
  - TFO on Linux queue length set to 1024 to match backlogs
  - Completely remove Replay Attack Protection with Ping-Pong bloom filter in default build configuration

 -- ty <>  Tue, 2 Nov 2021 12:52:17 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.11.2) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - #570 Multi-architecture Docker image for release
  - Replaced `futures::future::abortable` with `tokio`'s builtin `tokio::task::JoinHandle::abort`
  - Define binaries' exit code with standard in `sysexits.h`
  - HTTP local listener supports `TCP_NODELAY`, `SO_KEEPALIVE` and dual-stack

  ## Bug Fixed

  - #577 `ssmanager` and `ssserver` command line argument `-u` should overwrite `mode` to be `Mode::UdpOnly`
  - #566 Exit with error code instead of `panic!` when loading ACL fails
  - #555 Properly handling `EINPROGRESS` for TFO connect when falling backs
  - #557 Properly killing UDP associations, which may cause `Future` (memory) leaks

  ## Security

  - #556 Remove silent dropping when replay was detected

 -- ty <>  Sat, 24 July 2021 11:50:00 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.11.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - #546 Enable TCP Keep Alive for inbound and outbound sockets
      - Add a new `keep_alive` key in configuration for configuring keep alive timeout
      - Default timeout is 15 seconds (like Go's `net` library's default)

  - #543 Add `disabled` key for local servers in configuration

  ## Bug Fixed

  - #490 Try to purge half-open TCP connections when one direction is closed
      - When one direction is closed, server will set a 5 seconds read timeout on the other half

  - #542 Allow setting `method` for default encryption method when starting `ssmanager` with configuration

  - #541 Fixed ACL rules for `ssmanager`

 -- ty <>  Sun, 6 June 2021 23:16:00 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.11.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - Support TFO (TCP Fast Open) on Linux, Windows, macOS (iOS), FreeBSD (
  - Support customizing servers' weight for balancer (

 -- ty <>  Fri, 14 May 2021 12:31:54 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.9) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Bug Fixes

  - HTTP Proxy preserves headers' title case. ,

 -- ty <>  Fri, 23 Apr 2021 23:58:08 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.8) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Bug Fixes

  - Removes non-standard AEAD ciphers that have variable nonce length, including
    - `aes-128-ocb-taglen128`, `aes-192-ocb-taglen128`, `aes-256-ocb-taglen128`
    - `aes-siv-cmac-256`, `aes-siv-cmac-384`, `aes-siv-cmac-512`

 -- ty <>  Sun, 18 Apr 2021 21:00:21 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.7) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - Support non-standard AEAD ciphers `sm4-gcm` and `sm4-ccm`

 -- ty <>  Sat, 17 Apr 2021 22:46:39 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.6) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - [shadowsocks/shadowsocks-crypto#8]( Support non-standard AEAD ciphers with `crypto2`, could be enabled by feature `aead-cipher-extra`
    - `aes-128-ccm`, `aes-256-ccm`
    - `aes-128-gcm-siv`, `aes-256-gcm-siv`
    - `aes-128-ocb-taglen128`, `aes-192-ocb-taglen128`, `aes-256-ocb-taglen128`
    - `aes-siv-cmac-256`, `aes-siv-cmac-384`, `aes-siv-cmac-512`
    - `xchacha20-ietf-poly1305`

  ## Bug Fixes

  - [shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android#2705]( MD5 algorithm bug causes KDF (Key Derived Function) produces wrong key when `LEN(password) % 64 in [50, 64)`

 -- ty <>  Sat, 17 Apr 2021 21:45:46 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.5) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixed

  - `ProxyClientStream` should keep the concatenated first packet buffer alive before asynchronous `write()` finishes

 -- ty <>  Sat, 10 Apr 2021 09:07:52 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.4) unstable; urgency=medium

  # Fixed BUG

  - `ProxyClientStream::poll_write` may lose the `Address` in the packet to be sent if socket returns `EAGAIN`

  # Features

  - Support `protocol` in basic configuration format

 -- ty <>  Fri, 9 Apr 2021 17:25:04 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.3) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixed

  - #472 Fixed `SO_INCOMING_CPU` when building on some Linux targets. rust-lang/socket2#213

 -- ty <>  Wed, 7 Apr 2021 09:55:40 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.2) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixed

  - `mode` in basic configuration format doesn't work for local instance

 -- ty <>  Sun, 28 Mar 2021 11:13:01 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixed

  - #469 Compilation error on Android

  ## Miscellaneous

  - `sslocal` checks new local instance's parameters dependency
    - `--protocol`, `--forward-addr`, ... will require `--local-addr` to be specified

 -- ty <>  Sat, 27 Mar 2021 00:13:00 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.10.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  - #452 `sslocal` supports starting multiple instances in the same process
      - Add `locals` in extended configuration format for specifying multiple local server instances
      - (Android Only) Support `unix://` schema in `dns` configuration
      - Support `tcp://` and `udp://` in `dns`configuration for setting DNS protocol. Uses both TCP and UDP if not specified.
  - Support `quad9_https` predefined DNS servers
  - Updated `shadowsocks-crypto` to `v0.2`, which `Cipher` implementation uses `enum` static dispatch instead of `Box`ed Trait Object for dynamic dispatch

  ## BUG Fixes

  - PingBalancer 2nd check will be sent 10s after 1st initialization check.

  ## Breaking Changes

  - `sslocal`'s command line options are now for creating a new local instance:
      - `--local-addr`, `--forward-addr`, `-U`, `-u`, `--protocol`, ... will only applied to the local instance specified by `--local-addr`
  - `ssserver`'s command line options are now for creating a new server instance:
      - `-U` and `-u` will only applied to the local instance specified by `--server-addr`

 -- ty <>  Thu, 25 Mar 2021 18:10:00 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.9.2) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * #442 Check repeated salt after first successful decryption

  ## BUG Fixes

  * Redir: setting SO_REUSEPORT, SO_MARK for UDP send-back sockets

 -- ty <>  Fri, 6 Mar 2021 01:15:00 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.9.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixes

  * #431 UdpSocket::from_std requires sockets to be non-blocked.

  ## Features

  * Removed avx from the default CPU features

 -- ty <>  Fri, 26 Feb 2021 19:01:06 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.9.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Complete refactored the whole implementation and splits into 3 different crates:

  * shadowsocks - Core feature of shadowsocks
  * shadowsocks-service - Service library for implementing Local Server, Remote Server, Manager Server
  * shadowsocks-rust - Binary crate for release

  Replaced libsodium and libcrypto with [crypto2](

  ## Features

  * Support setting SO_MARK, SO_BINDTODEVICE on Linux
  * Support setting SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF for TCP sockets
  * Support [SIP008]( "Online config") extend server fields server, server_port, remarks
  * Local DNS Relay
      * Support sending TCP and UDP queries simutaneously
      * Support connection reusability
  * Remove mostly TCP timeout setting for tunnels, connections will only be killed if clients or servers close
  * Auto-reload DNS resolver configuration from /etc/resolv.conf on *NIX platforms.
  * [#379]( "希望通过传递参数方式,指定多线程模式下tokio启动的线程数") Allow customizing number of worker-threads for multi-threaded scheduler.
  * [#401]( "Lazy server disable implementation") Support field disabled in extended server configuration
  * Ping Balancer
      * Treat timeouts as failures, so requests that receive no response count as failures.
      * Increase check timeout from 2s to 5s to avoid penalties on slow servers.
      * Increase check interval from 6s to 10s.
  * `--outbound-bind-interface` is now supported in both Linux and macOS
  * [#352]( "Add command line arguments to control incoming/outgoing send/receive socket OS buffer size") Support customizing inbound and outbound sockets' SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF by command line options

  ## Library Update

  * [tokio v1.0](
  * [shadowsocks-crypto](, [crypto2](

  ## Optimization

  * UDP Relays sending respond packets directly to UdpSocket instead of channel, which will significantly improve respond latency
  * [#408]( "using crate spin without feature "std" causes performance problem") Enable std features for the spin crate to enable yielding threads when spinning on waiting.

  ## BUG Fixes

  * For BSD systems, set IPV6_BINDANY and SO_BINDANY on SOL_SOCKET properly
  * `trust-dns-resolver` requires explicit enables feature `dns-over-https-rustls` for DoH [#367]( "Compile error on latest `master` branch while enabling `dns-over-tls` & `dns-over-https`")
  * ACL domain rules should be case insensitive. Domain names are case insensitive.
  * [shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android#2667]( "Service is down intermittently") set timeout for protect() call to Android's VpnService

  ## Miscellaneous

  * Disable HTTPS outbound connection for local HTTP proxy by default. For most use cases, HTTPS should be proxied with CONNECT method.
  * Unified UDP relay association implementation for less duplicated code.
  * Deprecated `single-threaded` build feature, replaced by `multi-threaded`.
  * Disable stream ciphers by default. Could be enabled with feature `stream-cipher`.
  * Enable IPv6 dual stack mode by default when listening on `::`.

 -- ty <>  Mon, 22 Feb 2021 09:28:28 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.23) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixed

  * Fixed REDIR client setsockopt options, IPv6 should use IPV6_TRANSPARENT on level SOL_IPV6 or IPPROTO_IPV6

 -- ty <>  Tue, 3 Nov 2020 01:17:47 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.22) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Load balancer uses Firefox's network detection address:
      * The original is not always available all over the world

  ## BUG Fixed

  * ARMv6 release target (arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf) shouldn't enable output AES instructions
  * Moves many connection ERROR logs to DEBUG level

 -- ty <>  Mon, 2 Nov 2020 01:37:24 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.21) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Support [SIP008]( "Online config") multi-server configuration keys: `server`, `server_port` and `remarks`:

        "servers": [
            "server": "your.shadowsocks.server",
            "server_port": 8388,
            "method": "aes-256-gcm",
            "password": "password",
            "remarks": "My Shadowsocks Server"

  * [#308]( "没有后台运行的吗?") Supports daemonize with command line option (`-d`, `--daemonize`) on *nix platforms
  * Switched logging facility to [log4rs]( for more extensible configurations

  ## BUG Fixed

  * [#284]( "ssurl is broken") Fixed conflicts in ssurl command line options
  * [#309]( "端口占用造成插件退出") Fixed mode in add command of ssmanager
  * [#303]( "sslocal tries to connect to servers even when network is not yet online") Lower proxy connection error messages to DEBUG level
  * Call sleep() if server accept() failed

 -- ty <>  Mon, 19 Oct 2020 09:38:47 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.20) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Updated various dependencies to their latest release
  * Lazy creating bypassed and proxied UDP associations in ACL mode
      * Each UDP associations that running in ACL mode would create 2 file descriptors (or HANDLEs) (one for bypassed, the other for proxied) when constructing in older version
  * UDP associations in ssserver will try to return domain name addresses when receives packets from remotes that were requested with domain name address targets.

  ## BUG Fixed

  * UDP associations in sslocal handled bypassed requests incorrectly, which would try to parse response packets in shadowsocks' server protocol

 -- ty <>  Wed, 14 Oct 2020 00:46:08 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.19) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Plugin configurations in files have a new optional field plugin_args for passing command line arguments when plugin starts

        "plugin": "your_plugin",
        "plugin_args": [

  * increase_nonce function for AEAD ciphers is optimized if sodium feature is disabled.
  * Add arm-unknown-linux-musleabi target in releases
  * Optimized EncryptWriter by reusing decrypting buffers

 -- ty <>  Sun, 11 Oct 2020 16:34:58 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.18) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixed

  * [#294]( "") UDP relay server's associations shouldn't bind to local address, which will eventually cause EADDRINUSE

 -- ty <>  Tue, 15 Sep 2020 10:11:43 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.17) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixed

  * [#292]( Hold the TCP connection if it failed to decrypt the first packet for preventing active probing.
  * [#293]( Keep server running if it fails to create UDP associations.

 -- ty <>  Tue, 8 Sep 2020 23:31:20 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.16) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * [#290]( UDP's ServerClient support split() into ReadHalf and WriteHalf

  ## BUG Fixed

  * [#289]( Fixed UDP's ServerClient data decryption

 -- ty <>  Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:11:01 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.15) unstable; urgency=medium

  Code base are exactly the same as v1.8.14.

  ## Bug Fixed

  * `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` release should be built by cross with GLIBC_2.15
  * `x86_64-apple-darwin` release built with invalid format sslocal (still don't know why)

 -- ty <>  Mon, 10 Aug 2020 01:12:54 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.14) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Support customizing memory allocator by features: tcmalloc, mimalloc, jemalloc

  ## BUG Fixed

  * [#273]( Use AtomicUsize for maximum compatibility in flow statistics
  * [#285]( Fixed binaries command line options issue causing by conflicts_with

 -- ty <>  Sun, 9 Aug 2020 01:06:49 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.13) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Direct send data for none ciphers, prevent unnecessary data copies
  * Feature jemalloc for enabling jemalloc allocator (use system's default allocator by default)
  * [#272]( Support customizing manager created server's bind address

  ## BUG Fixed

  * Client flow reports tx and rx are swapped
  * AEAD TCP protocol must check the reserved higher 2 bits

 -- ty <>  Sun, 19 Jul 2020 12:17:48 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.12) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * [#260]( sslocal supports https protocol (HTTP Proxy over TLS)
  * [#263]( UDP Associations connect() to proxies' IP to avoid re-resolving domain names for every packets
  * [#233]( sslocal supports socks4 protocol (SOCKS4/4a)
  * Options for LRU cache in UDP relay:
      * udp_timeout: UDP Association will be kept up to this duration (in seconds)
      * udp_max_associations: Maximum number of UDP Associations will be kept simultaneously

  ## BUG Fixed

  * Removed unnecessary UDP socket wake ups
      * Expired Associations will be cleaned by a separated task

  ## BREAKING Changes

  * Manager's configurations are now wrapped into ManagerConfig
  * timeout field in Config is removed inflavored timeout in ServerConfig
      * DNS resolving timeout is using the default configuration (5 seconds for most cases)
      * Bypassing TCP streams won't timeout

 -- ty <>  Mon, 1 Jun 2020 23:48:55 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.11) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * [#232]( Send data along with handshake (LOCAL -> REMOTE)
  * HTTP server supports https target with both native-tls and rustls
      * For rustls, https connections will try to negotiate h2 with ALPN
  * shadowsocks/shadowsocks-org#161 Support none as dummy cipher's name
  * Adding local-tunnel feature for controlling tunnel protocol
  * [#252]( Support udp_max_associations configuration option
  * Various updates for local-dns-relay for Android integration

  ## Fixed BUGs

  * [#234]( Ensure plugin subprocesses are killed when server is exited
      * On *NIX platform, SIGTERM is sent to plugins for graceful exit
  * [#237]( Increase regex memory limit for ACL host rules
  * [#240]( Wait for 10 seconds for plugins to start
  * ssserver should start plugins with PluginMode::Server

  ## BREAKING Changes

  * Removed Runtime's Handle for all run entry functions

 -- ty <>  Sat, 16 May 2020 00:20:45 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.10) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Support ACL configuration
      * Examples could be found in [shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev](
  * sslocal supports transparent proxy protocol (experimental)
      * TCP
          * Linux: iptables with REDIRECT or TPROXY rules
          * macOS: pf
          * FreeBSD: pf or ipfw, not tested
          * OpenBSD: pf, not tested
      * UDP
          * Linux: iptables with TPROXY rules
          * FreeBSD/OpenBSD: pf, not tested
      * Usage: Run sslocal with --protocol redir
  * Better command line option verifications

  ## Fixed BUGs

  * sslocal with HTTP protocol clears [Hop-by-Hop headers](
  * CryptoStream is now thread safe
  * [#222]( rc4 cipher is now working

  ## Miscellaneous

  * Integrate into the Android's client implementation, [shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android#2452](
      * Not finished yet, you shouldn't use them in production environment
  * Abort on `panic!` for release builds
  * [#223]( `--log-without-time` command line option is added back
  * [#205]( `-6` command line option to resolve host names to IPv6 addresses first

  ## BREAKING Changes

  * Merged sstunnel and ssredir into sslocal
  * DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS are disabled by default, could be enabled by features dns-over-https and dns-over-tls
  * [#217]( Logging output uses local datetime instead of UTC
      * Logging output is now in customized format

 -- ty <>  Fri, 10 Apr 2020 19:39:14 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.9) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * ssmanager - Supports Manage Multiple Users APIs
      * Create / Remove servers in the same tokio runtime dynamically
  * Fallback to tokio's builtin DNS resolver (currently it is libstd's builtin) if trust-dns's resolver initialize failed

  ## Fixed BUGs

  * Ping tasks will panic if remote servers fail to connect for the first time

 -- ty <>  Thu, 13 Feb 2020 01:13:07 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.8) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * ssredir - (Experimental) Transparent Proxy. Currently only supports the following platforms:
      * FreeBSD - TCP, UDP: ipfw

  ## BUG Fixed

  * Enable TCP_NODELAY for better handshaking performance, for
      * sslocal's socks5 protocol handshaking
      * Local and Remote server shadowsocks' IV/nonce exchanging
  * Ensure plugins starts before listening for sslocal
      * Eliminated those connection failures while sslocal server just started
  * [#191]( Skip IV/nonce duplication check for plain cipher

  ## Miscellaneous

  * Nightly builds on CircleCI:
      * Obtain release binaries in #Artifacts, for example:

 -- ty <>  Thu, 6 Feb 2020 20:14:57 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.7) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Set RLIMIT_NOFILE on *nix systems by
      * -r, --nofile command line argument
      * nofile key in configuration file

  ## BUG Fixed

  * ssserver shouldn't use local_port in configuration to bind() before connect() or sendto()
      * Command line argument --bind-addr or -b should only accept IP or Domain

 -- ty <>  Mon, 13 Jan 2020 10:45:54 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.6) unstable; urgency=medium

  Basically the same as v1.8.5, but prints the actual error while handshaking with clients. Useful if server received a repeated IV and salt (probably replay attacks).

 -- ty <>  Sun, 12 Jan 2020 09:44:18 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.5) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * Add feature trust-dns to allow disable depending on [trust-dns-resolver](
      * Disabling trust-dns would significantly shrink the size of binaries
  * [#26]( UDP servers will also bind() to local_address and local_port
  * Check repeated IV / Salt for defending against replay attacks
      * [Defend against replay attack](

 -- ty <>  Sun, 12 Jan 2020 00:09:18 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.4) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * ssserver supports bind before connect to remote addresses. Can be configured by
      * local_address and local_port in config.json
      * -b or --bind-address in command line parameter
      * Suggestion: Port should be set to 0 otherwise you will get EADDRINUSE

  ## Breaking Changes

  * ssserver won't ignore local_address and local_port in config.json

 -- ty <>  Thu, 9 Jan 2020 23:35:59 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.3) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Enhancements

  * Refactored PingBalancer for supporting customized Server Configuration structure
      * For Example: HTTP sslocal can stores HttpClients into the ServerScore structure instead of putting them into a HashMap.
  * Removed trust-dns feature gate, set as default.

 -- ty <>  Wed, 8 Jan 2020 13:42:45 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.2) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Enhancements

  * Refactored PingBalancer for supporting customized Server Configuration structure
      * For Example: HTTP sslocal can stores HttpClients into the ServerScore structure instead of putting them into a HashMap.
  * Removed trust-dns feature gate, set as default.

 -- ty <>  Tue, 7 Jan 2020 09:16:50 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## BUG Fixed

  * Send crypto IV (Stream Ciphers) / Nonce (AEAD Ciphers) with the first payload in one packet.
      * Reduced 1 RTT while handshaking with servers
  * HTTP Proxy client Handles IPv6 URI host properly
      * RFC 2732

 -- ty <>  Sun, 5 Jan 2020 16:40:19 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.8.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Features

  * A new binary `sstunnel`. Establish TCP and UDP tunnels to remote. Discussion: #177
      # Establish an UDP tunnel to (just like what ssdns did in the past)
      sstunnel -c config.json -f '' -u
  * Uses `async/await` syntax (requires `rustc` version >= `v1.40.0`)
  * Dependencies
      * `tokio` - `v0.2`
      * `trust-dns-resolver` - `v0.18`
      * `libsodium-sys` (switched from `libsodium-ffi` for better build process)
  * Ping balancer
      * Calculate scores not only with servers' latency, but also availability
      * Supports UDP relay
  * Retry 3 times if it connects failed to remote proxy server automatically

  ## Bug Resolved

  * Refactored UDP relay. Now it works just like NAT. Discussion: #168
  * Temporary workaround for UdpSocket `WSAECONNRESET`. Discussion: #179
      * Ref:

  ## Breaking Changes

  * Removed `ssdns`. `sstunnel` can fulfill its job.

  ## Releases

  * `shadowsocks-v1.8.0-stable.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz`
      * SHA256 `5ec41d5a306715e455b1012de0ddaa33273970689b6df48ffbb0da5fb6083531`
  * ``
      * SHA256 `f7e23a145ca42a0ce73349263650256c9cc3e05caf637c2396699d72801d6966`

 -- ty <>  Sat, 28 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.7.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  ## Refactors

  * #141 Build with Rust 2018.
  * #100 Migrated to Tokio Runtime.
  * #139 Refactor for using as a library. Move signal monitor outside of shadowsocks library.

  ## Dependencies

  * Replaced `ToSocketAddrs` with `trust-dns`
  * #111 Upgrade rand to v0.5 and use `ThreadRng`
  * #132 Feature gate RC4 cipher
  * `--feature miscreant` is now can be built with stable.

  ## Configurations

  * Support timeout key in the outer object in configuration ( `{ "timeout": 30 }` )
  * UDP relay sets timeout with separated key `udp_timeout`
  * #123 `set_nodelay` and `set_keepalive`, `no_delay` is configurable in configuration
  * [Breaking] Replace `enable_udp` with `mode`, possible values are: `tcp_and_udp`, `tcp_only`, `udp_only`.

  ## Bugfix

  * [BUG-FIXED] #105 Fixed "Too many open files" in UDP relay.
  * [BUG-FIXED] Fixed bug while starting UDP relay. While starting server with plugins, it should not change the listening addresses for UDP relay, which are only for TCP relay.
  * [BUG-FIXED] #106 Server should not panic if accepted socket closed right after `accept()`.
  * Implemented a new `ssdns` server, which can serve as a DNS server and proxy DNS queries via ShadowSocks' UDP relay.
  * [FIXED-BUG] #118 #122 Fixed DNS resolving issue. It may failed to resolve remote server's address if you haven't configured any IP addresses in forbidden_ip section.

  ## New features

  * Uses `impl Trait` for functions
  * #113 Supported `xchacha20-ietf-poly1305` encrypt method
  * Removed all global states in client and servers, which will allow starting multiple ShadowSocks instances in one process.
  * Uses `json5` to parse config file.
  * #85 Support `ss-manager` report protocol. (Can co-operate with `ss-manager`)

 -- ty <>  Wed, 20 Jan 2019 01:14:55 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.6.11) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Updated dependencies

 -- ty <>  Sat, 20 Jan 2018 20:45:59 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.6.10) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Check AEAD packet length before actually reading it.

 -- ty <>  Sat, 2 Dec 2017 11:56:00 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.6.9) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Fixed increase_nonce without libsodium

 -- ty <>  Sun, 26 Nov 2017 10:28:13 UTC

shadowsocks-rust (1.6.8) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Upstream bump version.

 -- Simon Shi <>  Wed, 08 Nov 2017 14:27:18 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.6.6+deb1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Add debian files.
  * Add systemd files and default config.

 -- Simon Shi <>  Tue, 10 Oct 2017 10:01:14 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.6.6) stable; urgency=medium

  * Removed aes-128-ctr cipher

 -- ty <>  Wed, 4 Oct 2017 04:11:55 +0800

shadowsocks-rust (1.6.5) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Initial Release.

 -- Shigure Moe <>  Sat, 30 Sep 2017 16:21:42 +0800