shadow-drive-py 0.6.2

The Python SDK for GenesysGo's Shadow Drive

The Python SDK for Shadow Drive

By: GenesysGo

Getting Started

Check out the examples/ directory for a demonstration of the functionality.

from shadow_drive import ShadowDriveClient

# Initialize client
client = ShadowDriveClient("test.json")

# Create account
size = 2 ** 20
account, tx = client.create_account("test", size, use_account=True)

# Upload files
files = ["./files/alpha.txt", "./files/not_alpha.txt"]
urls = client.upload_files(files)

# Delete files

# Delete account

About this Repo

This package uses PyO3 to build a wrapper around the official Shadow Drive Rust SDK. For more information, see the Rust SDK documentation.