Crate shaderc

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Rust binding for the shaderc library.

The shaderc library provides an API for compiling GLSL/HLSL source code to SPIRV modules. It has been shipping in the Android NDK since version r12b.

This library uses to automatically check out and compile a copy of native C++ shaderc and link to the generated artifacts, which requires git, cmake, and python existing in the PATH. To turn off this feature, specify --no-default-features when building. But then you will need to place a copy of the shaderc_combined library (libshaderc_combined.a on Unix like systems and shaderc_combined.lib on Windows) to a location that is scanned by the linker (e.g., the deps directory within the target directory).


Compile a shader into SPIR-V binary module and assembly text:

use shaderc;

let source = "#version 310 es\n void EP() {}";

let mut compiler = shaderc::Compiler::new().unwrap();
let mut options = shaderc::CompileOptions::new().unwrap();
options.add_macro_definition("EP", Some("main"));
let binary_result = compiler.compile_into_spirv(
    source, shaderc::ShaderKind::Vertex,
    "shader.glsl", "main", Some(&options)).unwrap();

assert_eq!(Some(&0x07230203), binary_result.as_binary().first());

let text_result = compiler.compile_into_spirv_assembly(
    source, shaderc::ShaderKind::Vertex,
    "shader.glsl", "main", Some(&options)).unwrap();

assert!(text_result.as_text().starts_with("; SPIR-V\n"));


An opaque object containing the results of compilation.
An opaque object managing options to compilation.
An opaque object managing all compiler states.
A representation of a successfully resolved include directive, containing the name of the include and its contents.


GLSL profile.
Identifies the type of include directive. Relative is for include directives of the form #include "...", and Standard is for include directives of the form #include <...>.
Resource limit.
Optimization level.
Resource kinds.
Shader kind.
Source language.
Target environment.


Returns the version and revision of the SPIR-V generated by this library.
Parses the version and profile from the given string.

Type Definitions

Compilation status.