sgp4 0.9.1

A pure Rust implementation of the SGP4 algorithm for satellite propagation
use crate::gp;
use crate::model;
use crate::propagator;
use crate::third_body;
use core::cmp::Ordering;

#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use num_traits::Float;

#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use num_traits::Euclid;

// θ̇ = 4.37526908801129966 × 10⁻³ rad.min⁻¹
const SIDEREAL_SPEED: f64 = 4.37526908801129966e-3;

// eₛ = 0.01675
const SOLAR_ECCENTRICITY: f64 = 0.01675;

// eₗ = 0.05490
const LUNAR_ECCENTRICITY: f64 = 0.05490;

// nₛ = 1.19459 × 10⁻⁵ rad.min⁻¹
const SOLAR_MEAN_MOTION: f64 = 1.19459e-5;

// nₗ = 1.5835218 × 10⁻⁴ rad.min⁻¹
const LUNAR_MEAN_MOTION: f64 = 1.5835218e-4;

// Cₛ = 2.9864797 × 10⁻⁶ rad.min⁻¹
const SOLAR_PERTURBATION_COEFFICIENT: f64 = 2.9864797e-6;

// Cₗ = 4.7968065 × 10⁻⁷ rad.min⁻¹
const LUNAR_PERTURBATION_COEFFICIENT: f64 = 4.7968065e-7;

// |Δt| = 720 min
const DELTA_T: f64 = 720.0;

// λ₃₁ = 0.13130908
const LAMBDA31: f64 = 0.13130908;

// λ₂₂ = 2.8843198
const LAMBDA22: f64 = 2.8843198;

// λ₃₃ = 0.37448087
const LAMBDA33: f64 = 0.37448087;

// G₂₂ = 5.7686396
const G22: f64 = 5.7686396;

// G₃₂ = 0.95240898
const G32: f64 = 0.95240898;

// G₄₄ = 1.8014998
const G44: f64 = 1.8014998;

// G₅₂ = 1.0508330
const G52: f64 = 1.0508330;

// G₅₄ = 4.4108898
const G54: f64 = 4.4108898;

/// Represents the state of the deep space resonnance integrator
/// Use [Constants::initial_state](struct.Constants.html#method.initial_state) to initialize a resonance state.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ResonanceState {
    t: f64,
    mean_motion: f64,
    lambda: f64,

impl ResonanceState {
    pub(crate) fn new(mean_motion_0: f64, lambda_0: f64) -> ResonanceState {
        ResonanceState {
            t: 0.0,
            mean_motion: mean_motion_0,
            lambda: lambda_0,

    /// Returns the integrator's time in minutes since epoch
    /// The integrator time changes monotonically in Δt = 720 min increments
    /// or Δt = -720 min decrements, depending on the propagation time sign.
    pub fn t(&self) -> f64 {

    fn integrate(
        &mut self,
        geopotential: &model::Geopotential,
        argument_of_perigee_0: f64,
        lambda_dot_0: f64,
        resonance: &propagator::Resonance,
        sidereal_time_0: f64,
        t: f64,
        p22: f64,
        p23: f64,
    ) -> (f64, f64) {
        if (self.t != 0.0 && self.t.is_sign_positive() != t.is_sign_positive())
            || t.abs() < self.t.abs()
            panic!("the resonance integration state must be manually reset if the target times are non-monotonic");
        // θ = θ₀ + 4.37526908801129966 × 10⁻³ t rem 2π
        let sidereal_time =
            (sidereal_time_0 + t * 4.37526908801129966e-3) % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI);
        let (delta_t, ordering) = if t > 0.0 {
            (DELTA_T, Ordering::Less)
        } else {
            (-DELTA_T, Ordering::Greater)
        loop {
            // λ̇ᵢ = nᵢ + λ̇₀
            let lambda_dot = self.mean_motion + lambda_dot_0;
            let (ni_dot, ni_ddot) = match resonance {
                propagator::Resonance::OneDay { dr1, dr2, dr3 } => (
                    // ṅᵢ = 𝛿ᵣ₁ sin(λᵢ - λ₃₁) + 𝛿ᵣ₂ sin(2 (λᵢ - λ₂₂)) + 𝛿ᵣ₃ sin(3 (λᵢ - λ₃₃))
                    dr1 * (self.lambda - LAMBDA31).sin()
                        + dr2 * (2.0 * (self.lambda - LAMBDA22)).sin()
                        + dr3 * (3.0 * (self.lambda - LAMBDA33)).sin(),
                    // n̈ᵢ = (𝛿ᵣ₁ cos(λᵢ - λ₃₁) + 𝛿ᵣ₂ cos(2 (λᵢ - λ₂₂)) + 𝛿ᵣ₃ cos(3 (λᵢ - λ₃₃))) λ̇ᵢ
                    (dr1 * (self.lambda - LAMBDA31).cos()
                        + 2.0 * dr2 * (2.0 * (self.lambda - LAMBDA22)).cos()
                        + 3.0 * dr3 * (3.0 * (self.lambda - LAMBDA33)).cos())
                        * lambda_dot,
                propagator::Resonance::HalfDay {
                } => {
                    // ωᵢ = ω₀ + ω̇ tᵢ
                    let argument_of_perigee_i = argument_of_perigee_0 + k14 * self.t;
                        // ṅᵢ = Σ₍ₗₘₚₖ₎ Dₗₘₚₖ sin((l - 2 p) ωᵢ + m / 2 λᵢ - Gₗₘ)
                        // (l, m, p, k) ∈ {(2, 2, 0, -1), (2, 2, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1, 0),
                        //     (3, 2, 2, 2), (4, 4, 1, 0), (4, 4, 2, 2), (5, 2, 2, 0),
                        //     (5, 2, 3, 2), (5, 4, 2, 1), (5, 4, 3, 3)}
                        d2201 * (2.0 * argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G22).sin()
                            + d2211 * (self.lambda - G22).sin()
                            + d3210 * (argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G32).sin()
                            + d3222 * (-argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G32).sin()
                            + d4410 * (2.0 * argument_of_perigee_i + 2.0 * self.lambda - G44).sin()
                            + d4422 * (2.0 * self.lambda - G44).sin()
                            + d5220 * (argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G52).sin()
                            + d5232 * (-argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G52).sin()
                            + d5421 * (argument_of_perigee_i + 2.0 * self.lambda - G54).sin()
                            + d5433 * (-argument_of_perigee_i + 2.0 * self.lambda - G54).sin(),
                        // n̈ᵢ = (Σ₍ₗₘₚₖ₎ m / 2 Dₗₘₚₖ cos((l - 2 p) ωᵢ + m / 2 λᵢ - Gₗₘ)) λ̇ᵢ
                        // (l, m, p, k) ∈ {(2, 2, 0, -1), (2, 2, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1, 0),
                        //     (3, 2, 2, 2), (4, 4, 1, 0), (4, 4, 2, 2), (5, 2, 2, 0),
                        //     (5, 2, 3, 2), (5, 4, 2, 1), (5, 4, 3, 3)}
                        (d2201 * (2.0 * argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G22).cos()
                            + d2211 * (self.lambda - G22).cos()
                            + d3210 * (argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G32).cos()
                            + d3222 * (-argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G32).cos()
                            + d5220 * (argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G52).cos()
                            + d5232 * (-argument_of_perigee_i + self.lambda - G52).cos()
                            + 2.0
                                * (d4410
                                    * (2.0 * argument_of_perigee_i + 2.0 * self.lambda - G44)
                                    + d4422 * (2.0 * self.lambda - G44).cos()
                                    + d5421
                                        * (argument_of_perigee_i + 2.0 * self.lambda - G54).cos()
                                    + d5433
                                        * (-argument_of_perigee_i + 2.0 * self.lambda - G54)
                            * lambda_dot,
            if (t - delta_t)
                == ordering
                return (
                    // p₂₈ = (kₑ / (nᵢ + ṅᵢ (t - tᵢ) + ¹/₂ n̈ᵢ (t - tᵢ)²))²ᐟ³
                        / (self.mean_motion
                            + ni_dot * (t - self.t)
                            + ni_ddot * (t - self.t).powi(2) * 0.5))
                        .powf(2.0 / 3.0),
                    match resonance {
                        propagator::Resonance::OneDay { .. } => {
                            // p₂₉ = λᵢ + λ̇ᵢ (t - tᵢ) + ¹/₂ ṅᵢ (t - tᵢ)² - p₂₂ - p₂₃ + θ
                                + lambda_dot * (t - self.t)
                                + ni_dot * (t - self.t).powi(2) * 0.5
                                - p22
                                - p23
                                + sidereal_time
                        propagator::Resonance::HalfDay { .. } => {
                            // p₂₉ = λᵢ + λ̇ᵢ (t - tᵢ) + ¹/₂ ṅᵢ (t - tᵢ)² - 2 p₂₂ + 2 θ
                                + lambda_dot * (t - self.t)
                                + ni_dot * (t - self.t).powi(2) * 0.5
                                - 2.0 * p22
                                + 2.0 * sidereal_time

            // tᵢ₊₁ = tᵢ + Δt
            self.t += delta_t;

            // nᵢ₊₁ = nᵢ + ṅᵢ Δt + n̈ᵢ (Δt² / 2)
            self.mean_motion += ni_dot * delta_t + ni_ddot * (DELTA_T.powi(2) / 2.0);

            // λᵢ₊₁ = λᵢ + λ̇ᵢ Δt + ṅᵢ (Δt² / 2)
            self.lambda += lambda_dot * delta_t + ni_dot * (DELTA_T.powi(2) / 2.0);

pub(crate) fn constants(
    geopotential: model::Geopotential,
    epoch_to_sidereal_time: impl Fn(f64) -> f64,
    epoch: f64,
    orbit_0: propagator::Orbit,
    p1: f64,
    a0: f64,
    c1: f64,
    b0: f64,
    c4: f64,
    k0: f64,
    k1: f64,
    k14: f64,
    p2: f64,
    p14: f64,
    p15: f64,
) -> propagator::Constants {
    // d₁₉₀₀ = 365.25 (y₂₀₀₀ + 100)
    let d1900 = (epoch + 100.0) * 365.25;
    let (solar_perturbations, solar_dots) = third_body::perturbations_and_dots(
        // sin Iₛ = 0.39785416
        // cos Iₛ = 0.91744867
        // sin(Ω₀ - Ωₛ) = sin Ω₀
        // cos(Ω₀ - Ωₛ) = cos Ω₀
        // sin ωₛ = -0.98088458
        // cos ωₛ = 0.1945905
        // Mₛ₀ = (6.2565837 + 0.017201977 d₁₉₀₀) rem 2π
        (6.2565837 + 0.017201977 * d1900) % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI),

    // Ωₗₑ = 4.523602 - 9.2422029 × 10⁻⁴ d₁₉₀₀ rem 2π
    let lunar_right_ascension_epsilon =
        (4.5236020 - 9.2422029e-4 * d1900) % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI);

    // cos Iₗ = 0.91375164 - 0.03568096 Ωₗₑ
    let lunar_inclination_cosine = 0.91375164 - 0.03568096 * lunar_right_ascension_epsilon.cos();

    // sin Iₗ = (1 - cos²Iₗ)¹ᐟ²
    let lunar_inclination_sine = (1.0 - lunar_inclination_cosine.powi(2)).sqrt();

    // sin Ωₗ = 0.089683511 sin Ωₗₑ / sin Iₗ
    let lunar_right_ascension_sine =
        0.089683511 * lunar_right_ascension_epsilon.sin() / lunar_inclination_sine;

    // cos Ωₗ = (1 - sin²Ωₗ)¹ᐟ²
    let lunar_right_ascension_cosine = (1.0 - lunar_right_ascension_sine.powi(2)).sqrt();

    // ωₗ = 5.8351514 + 0.001944368 d₁₉₀₀
    //                     0.39785416 sin Ωₗₑ / sin Iₗ
    //      + tan⁻¹ ------------------------------------------ - Ωₗₑ
    //              cos Ωₗ cos Ωₗₑ + 0.91744867 sin Ωₗ sin Ωₗₑ
    let lunar_argument_of_perigee = 5.8351514
        + 0.001944368 * d1900
        + (0.39785416 * lunar_right_ascension_epsilon.sin() / lunar_inclination_sine).atan2(
            lunar_right_ascension_cosine * lunar_right_ascension_epsilon.cos()
                + 0.91744867 * lunar_right_ascension_sine * lunar_right_ascension_epsilon.sin(),
        - lunar_right_ascension_epsilon;
    let (lunar_perturbations, lunar_dots) = third_body::perturbations_and_dots(
        // sin(Ω₀ - Ωₗ) = sin Ω₀ cos Ωₗ - cos Ω₀ sin Ωₗ
        orbit_0.right_ascension.sin() * lunar_right_ascension_cosine
            - orbit_0.right_ascension.cos() * lunar_right_ascension_sine,
        // cos(Ω₀ - Ωₗ) = cos Ωₗ cos Ω₀ + sin Ωₗ sin Ω₀
        lunar_right_ascension_cosine * orbit_0.right_ascension.cos()
            + lunar_right_ascension_sine * orbit_0.right_ascension.sin(),
        // Mₗ₀ = (-1.1151842 + 0.228027132 d₁₉₀₀) rem 2π
        (-1.1151842 + 0.228027132 * d1900) % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI),
    propagator::Constants {

        // Ω̇ = p₁₄ + (Ω̇ₛ + Ω̇ₗ)
        right_ascension_dot: p14 + (solar_dots.right_ascension + lunar_dots.right_ascension),

        // ω̇ = k₁₄ + (ω̇ₛ + ω̇ₗ)
        argument_of_perigee_dot: k14
            + (solar_dots.argument_of_perigee + lunar_dots.argument_of_perigee),

        // Ṁ = p₁₅ + (Ṁₛ + Ṁₗ)
        mean_anomaly_dot: p15 + (solar_dots.mean_anomaly + lunar_dots.mean_anomaly),
        method: propagator::Method::DeepSpace {
            eccentricity_dot: solar_dots.eccentricity + lunar_dots.eccentricity,
            inclination_dot: solar_dots.inclination + lunar_dots.inclination,
            resonant: if (orbit_0.mean_motion < 0.0052359877 && orbit_0.mean_motion > 0.0034906585)
                || (orbit_0.mean_motion >= 8.26e-3
                    && orbit_0.mean_motion <= 9.24e-3
                    && orbit_0.eccentricity >= 0.5)
                let sidereal_time_0 = epoch_to_sidereal_time(epoch);
                if orbit_0.mean_motion < 0.0052359877 && orbit_0.mean_motion > 0.0034906585 {
                    propagator::Resonant::Yes {
                        // λ₀ = M₀ + Ω₀ + ω₀ − θ₀ rem 2π
                        lambda_0: (orbit_0.mean_anomaly
                            + orbit_0.right_ascension
                            + orbit_0.argument_of_perigee
                            - sidereal_time_0)
                            % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI),

                        // λ̇₀ = p₁₅ + (k₁₄ + p₁₄) − θ̇ + (Ṁₛ + Ṁₗ) + (ω̇ₛ + ω̇ₗ) + (Ω̇ₛ + Ω̇ₗ) - n₀"
                        lambda_dot_0: p15 + (k14 + p14) - SIDEREAL_SPEED
                            + (solar_dots.mean_anomaly + lunar_dots.mean_anomaly)
                            + (solar_dots.argument_of_perigee + lunar_dots.argument_of_perigee)
                            + (solar_dots.right_ascension + lunar_dots.right_ascension)
                            - orbit_0.mean_motion,
                        resonance: {
                            // p₁₇ = 3 (n / a₀")²
                            let p17 = 3.0 * (orbit_0.mean_motion / a0).powi(2);
                            propagator::Resonance::OneDay {
                                // 𝛿ᵣ₁ = p₁₇ (¹⁵/₁₆ sin²I₀ (1 + 3 p₁) - ³/₄ (1 + p₁))
                                //           (1 + 2 e₀²) 2.1460748 × 10⁻⁶ / a₀"²
                                dr1: p17
                                    * (0.9375
                                        * orbit_0.inclination.sin().powi(2)
                                        * (1.0 + 3.0 * p1)
                                        - 0.75 * (1.0 + p1))
                                    * (1.0 + 2.0 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2))
                                    * 2.1460748e-6
                                    / a0,

                                // 𝛿ᵣ₂ = 2 p₁₇ (³/₄ (1 + p₁)²)
                                //      (1 + e₀² (- ⁵/₂ + ¹³/₁₆ e₀²)) 1.7891679 × 10⁻⁶
                                dr2: 2.0
                                    * p17
                                    * (0.75 * (1.0 + p1).powi(2))
                                    * (1.0
                                        + orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                            * (-2.5 + 0.8125 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)))
                                    * 1.7891679e-6,

                                // 𝛿ᵣ₃ = 3 p₁₇ (¹⁵/₈ (1 + p₁)³) (1 + e₀² (- 6 + 6.60937 e₀²))
                                //       2.2123015 × 10⁻⁷ / a₀"²
                                dr3: 3.0
                                    * p17
                                    * (1.875 * (1.0 + p1).powi(3))
                                    * (1.0
                                        + orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                            * (-6.0 + 6.60937 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)))
                                    * 2.2123015e-7
                                    / a0,
                } else {
                    propagator::Resonant::Yes {
                        // λ₀ = M₀ + 2 Ω₀ − 2 θ₀ rem 2π
                        lambda_0: (orbit_0.mean_anomaly
                            + orbit_0.right_ascension
                            + orbit_0.right_ascension
                            - sidereal_time_0
                            - sidereal_time_0)
                            % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI),

                        // λ̇₀ = p₁₅ + (Ṁₛ + Ṁₗ) + 2 (p₁₄ + (Ω̇ₛ + Ω̇ₗ) - θ̇) - n₀"
                        lambda_dot_0: p15
                            + (solar_dots.mean_anomaly + lunar_dots.mean_anomaly)
                            + 2.0
                                * (p14 + (solar_dots.right_ascension + lunar_dots.right_ascension)
                                    - SIDEREAL_SPEED)
                            - orbit_0.mean_motion,
                        resonance: {
                            // p₁₈ = 3 n₀"² / a₀"²
                            let p18 = 3.0 * orbit_0.mean_motion.powi(2) * (1.0 / a0).powi(2);

                            // p₁₉ = p₁₈ / a₀"
                            let p19 = p18 * (1.0 / a0);

                            // p₂₀ = p₁₉ / a₀"
                            let p20 = p19 * (1.0 / a0);

                            // p₂₁ = p₂₀ / a₀"
                            let p21 = p20 * (1.0 / a0);

                            // F₂₂₀ = ³/₄ (1 + 2 p₁ + p₁²)
                            let f220 = 0.75 * (1.0 + 2.0 * p1 + p1.powi(2));

                            // G₂₁₁ = │ 3.616 - 13.247 e₀ + 16.29 e₀²                          if e₀ ≤ 0.65
                            //        │ - 72.099 + 331.819 e₀ - 508.738 e₀² + 266.724 e₀³      otherwise
                            // G₃₁₀ = │ - 19.302 + 117.39 e₀ - 228.419 e₀² + 156.591 e₀³       if e₀ ≤ 0.65
                            //        │ - 346.844 + 1582.851 e₀ - 2415.925 e₀² + 1246.113 e₀³  otherwise
                            // G₃₂₂ = │ - 18.9068 + 109.7927 e₀ - 214.6334 e₀² + 146.5816 e₀³  if e₀ ≤ 0.65
                            //        │ - 342.585 + 1554.908 e₀ - 2366.899 e₀² + 1215.972 e₀³  otherwise
                            // G₄₁₀ = │ - 41.122 + 242.694 e₀ - 471.094 e₀² + 313.953 e₀³      if e₀ ≤ 0.65
                            //        │ - 1052.797 + 4758.686 e₀ - 7193.992 e₀² + 3651.957 e₀³ otherwise
                            // G₄₂₂ = │ - 146.407 + 841.88 e₀ - 1629.014 e₀² + 1083.435 e₀³    if e₀ ≤ 0.65
                            //        │ - 3581.69 + 16178.11 e₀ - 24462.77 e₀² + 12422.52 e₀³  otherwise
                            let (g211, g310, g322, g410, g422) = if orbit_0.eccentricity <= 0.65 {
                                    3.616 - 13.247 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        + 16.29 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2),
                                    -19.302 + 117.39 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 228.419 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 156.591 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -18.9068 + 109.7927 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 214.6334 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 146.5816 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -41.122 + 242.694 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 471.094 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 313.953 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -146.407 + 841.88 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 1629.014 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 1083.435 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                            } else {
                                    -72.099 + 331.819 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 508.738 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 266.724 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -346.844 + 1582.851 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 2415.925 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 1246.113 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -342.585 + 1554.908 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 2366.899 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 1215.972 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -1052.797 + 4758.686 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 7193.992 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 3651.957 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -3581.69 + 16178.11 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 24462.77 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 12422.52 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),

                            // G₅₂₀ = │ - 532.114 + 3017.977 e₀ - 5740.032 e₀² + 3708.276 e₀³ if e₀ ≤ 0.65
                            //        │ 1464.74 - 4664.75 e₀ + 3763.64 e₀²                    if 0.65 < e₀ < 0.715
                            //        │ - 5149.66 + 29936.92 e₀ - 54087.36 e₀² + 31324.56 e₀³ otherwise
                            let g520 = if orbit_0.eccentricity <= 0.65 {
                                -532.114 + 3017.977 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                    - 5740.032 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                    + 3708.276 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3)
                            } else if orbit_0.eccentricity < 0.715 {
                                1464.74 - 4664.75 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                    + 3763.64 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                            } else {
                                -5149.66 + 29936.92 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                    - 54087.36 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                    + 31324.56 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3)

                            // G₅₃₂ = │ - 853.666 + 4690.25 e₀ - 8624.77 e₀² + 5341.4 e₀³          if e₀ < 0.7
                            //        │ - 40023.88 + 170470.89 e₀ - 242699.48 e₀² + 115605.82 e₀³  otherwise
                            // G₅₂₁ = │ - 822.71072 + 4568.6173 e₀ - 8491.4146 e₀² + 5337.524 e₀³  if e₀ < 0.7
                            //        │ - 51752.104 + 218913.95 e₀ - 309468.16 e₀² + 146349.42 e₀³ otherwise
                            // G₅₃₃ = │ - 919.2277 + 4988.61 e₀ - 9064.77 e₀² + 5542.21 e₀³        if e₀ < 0.7
                            //        │ - 37995.78 + 161616.52 e₀ - 229838.2 e₀² + 109377.94 e₀³   otherwise
                            let (g532, g521, g533) = if orbit_0.eccentricity < 0.7 {
                                    -853.666 + 4690.25 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 8624.77 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 5341.4 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -822.71072 + 4568.6173 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 8491.4146 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 5337.524 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -919.2277 + 4988.61 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 9064.77 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 5542.21 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                            } else {
                                    -40023.88 + 170470.89 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 242699.48 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 115605.82 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -51752.104 + 218913.95 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 309468.16 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 146349.42 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),
                                    -37995.78 + 161616.52 * orbit_0.eccentricity
                                        - 229838.2 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(2)
                                        + 109377.94 * orbit_0.eccentricity.powi(3),

                            propagator::Resonance::HalfDay {
                                // D₂₂₀₋₁ = p₁₈ 1.7891679 × 10⁻⁶ F₂₂₀ (- 0.306 - 0.44 (e₀ - 0.64))
                                d2201: p18
                                    * 1.7891679e-6
                                    * f220
                                    * (-0.306 - (orbit_0.eccentricity - 0.64) * 0.44),

                                // D₂₂₁₁ = p₁₈ 1.7891679 × 10⁻⁶ (³/₂ sin²I₀) G₂₁₁
                                d2211: p18
                                    * 1.7891679e-6
                                    * (1.5 * orbit_0.inclination.sin().powi(2))
                                    * g211,

                                // D₃₂₁₀ = p₁₉ 3.7393792 × 10⁻⁷ (¹⁵/₈ sin I₀ (1 - 2 p₁ - 3 p₁²)) G₃₁₀
                                d3210: p19
                                    * 3.7393792e-7
                                    * (1.875
                                        * orbit_0.inclination.sin()
                                        * (1.0 - 2.0 * p1 - 3.0 * p1.powi(2)))
                                    * g310,

                                // D₃₂₂₂ = p₁₉ 3.7393792 × 10⁻⁷ (- ¹⁵/₈ sin I₀ (1 + 2 p₁ - 3 p₁²)) G₃₂₂
                                d3222: p19
                                    * 3.7393792e-7
                                    * (-1.875
                                        * orbit_0.inclination.sin()
                                        * (1.0 + 2.0 * p1 - 3.0 * p1.powi(2)))
                                    * g322,

                                // D₄₄₁₀ = 2 p₂₀ 7.3636953 × 10⁻⁹ (35 sin²I₀ F₂₂₀) G₄₁₀
                                d4410: 2.0
                                    * p20
                                    * 7.3636953e-9
                                    * (35.0 * orbit_0.inclination.sin().powi(2) * f220)
                                    * g410,

                                // D₄₄₂₂ = 2 p₂₀ 7.3636953 × 10⁻⁹ (³¹⁵/₈ sin⁴I₀) G₄₂₂
                                d4422: 2.0
                                    * p20
                                    * 7.3636953e-9
                                    * (39.375 * orbit_0.inclination.sin().powi(4))
                                    * g422,

                                // D₅₂₂₀ = p₂₁ 1.1428639 × 10⁻⁷ (³¹⁵/₃₂ sin I₀
                                //         (sin²I₀ (1 - 2 p₁ - 5 p₁²)
                                //         + 0.33333333 (- 2 + 4 p₁ + 6 p₁²))) G₅₂₀
                                d5220: p21
                                    * 1.1428639e-7
                                    * (9.84375
                                        * orbit_0.inclination.sin()
                                        * (orbit_0.inclination.sin().powi(2)
                                            * (1.0 - 2.0 * p1 - 5.0 * p1.powi(2))
                                            + 0.33333333 * (-2.0 + 4.0 * p1 + 6.0 * p1.powi(2))))
                                    * g520,

                                // D₅₂₃₂ = p₂₁ 1.1428639 × 10⁻⁷ (sin I₀
                                //         (4.92187512 sin²I₀ (- 2 - 4 p₁ + 10 p₁²)
                                //         + 6.56250012 (1 + p₁ - 3 p₁²))) G₅₃₂
                                d5232: p21
                                    * 1.1428639e-7
                                    * (orbit_0.inclination.sin()
                                        * (4.92187512
                                            * orbit_0.inclination.sin().powi(2)
                                            * (-2.0 - 4.0 * p1 + 10.0 * p1.powi(2))
                                            + 6.56250012 * (1.0 + 2.0 * p1 - 3.0 * p1.powi(2))))
                                    * g532,

                                // D₅₄₂₁ = 2 p₂₁ 2.1765803 × 10⁻⁹ (⁹⁴⁵/₃₂ sin I₀
                                //         (2 - 8 p₁ + p₁² (- 12 + 8 p₁ + 10 p₁²))) G₅₂₁
                                d5421: 2.0
                                    * p21
                                    * 2.1765803e-9
                                    * (29.53125
                                        * orbit_0.inclination.sin()
                                        * (2.0 - 8.0 * p1
                                            + p1.powi(2) * (-12.0 + 8.0 * p1 + 10.0 * p1.powi(2))))
                                    * g521,

                                // D₅₄₃₃ = 2 p₂₁ 2.1765803 × 10⁻⁹ (⁹⁴⁵/₃₂ sin I₀
                                //         (- 2 - 8 p₁ + p₁² (12 + 8 p₁ - 10 p₁²))) G₅₃₃
                                d5433: 2.0
                                    * p21
                                    * 2.1765803e-9
                                    * (29.53125
                                        * orbit_0.inclination.sin()
                                        * (-2.0 - 8.0 * p1
                                            + p1.powi(2) * (12.0 + 8.0 * p1 - 10.0 * p1.powi(2))))
                                    * g533,
            } else {
                propagator::Resonant::No { a0 }

impl propagator::Constants {
    pub(crate) fn deep_space_orbital_elements(
        eccentricity_dot: f64,
        inclination_dot: f64,
        solar_perturbations: &third_body::Perturbations,
        lunar_perturbations: &third_body::Perturbations,
        resonant: &propagator::Resonant,
        state: Option<&mut ResonanceState>,
        t: f64,
        p22: f64,
        p23: f64,
        afspc_compatibility_mode: bool,
    ) -> gp::Result<(propagator::Orbit, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64)> {
        let (p28, p29) = match resonant {
            propagator::Resonant::No { a0 } => {
                    "state must be None with a non-resonant deep-space propagator",
                    // p₂₈ = a₀"
                    // p₂₉ = M₀ + Ṁ t
                    self.orbit_0.mean_anomaly + self.mean_anomaly_dot * t,
            propagator::Resonant::Yes {
            } => match state {
                Some(state) => state.integrate(
                _ => panic!("state cannot be None with a deep space propagator"),
        let (solar_delta_eccentricity, solar_delta_inclination, solar_delta_mean_motion, ps4, ps5) =
        let (lunar_delta_eccentricity, lunar_delta_inclination, lunar_delta_mean_motion, pl4, pl5) =

        // I = I₀ + İ t + (δIₛ + δIₗ)
        let inclination = self.orbit_0.inclination
            + inclination_dot * t
            + (solar_delta_inclination + lunar_delta_inclination);
        let (right_ascension, argument_of_perigee) = if inclination >= 0.2 {
                // Ω = p₂₂ + (pₛ₅ + pₗ₅) / sin I
                p22 + (ps5 + pl5) / inclination.sin(),
                // ω = p₂₃ + (pₛ₄ + pₗ₄) - cos I (pₛ₅ + pₗ₅) / sin I
                p23 + (ps4 + pl4) - inclination.cos() * ((ps5 + pl5) / inclination.sin()),
        } else {
            //             sin I sin p₂₂ + (pₛ₅ + pₗ₅) cos p₂₂ + (δIₛ + δIₗ) cos I sin p₂₂
            // p₃₀ = tan⁻¹ -------------------------------------------------------------
            //             sin I cos p₂₂ - (pₛ₅ + pₗ₅) sin p₂₂ + (δIₛ + δIₗ) cos I cos p₂₂
            let p30 = (inclination.sin() * p22.sin()
                + ((ps5 + pl5) * p22.cos()
                    + (solar_delta_inclination + lunar_delta_inclination)
                        * inclination.cos()
                        * p22.sin()))
                inclination.sin() * p22.cos()
                    + (-(ps5 + pl5) * p22.sin()
                        + (solar_delta_inclination + lunar_delta_inclination)
                            * inclination.cos()
                            * p22.cos()),

            // Ω = │ p₃₀ + 2π if p₃₀ + π < p₂₂ rem 2π
            //     │ p₃₀ - 2π if p₃₀ - π > p₂₂ rem 2π
            //     │ p₃₀      otherwise
            let right_ascension =
                if p30 < p22 % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI) - core::f64::consts::PI {
                    p30 + (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI)
                } else if p30 > p22 % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI) + core::f64::consts::PI {
                    p30 - (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI)
                } else {
                // ω = │ p₂₃ + (pₛ₄ + pₗ₄) + cos I ((p₂₂ rem 2π) - Ω)
                //     │ - (δIₛ + δIₗ) (p₂₂ mod 2π) sin I             if AFSPC compatibility mode
                // ω = │ p₂₃ + (pₛ₄ + pₗ₄) + cos I ((p₂₂ rem 2π) - Ω)
                //     │ - (δIₛ + δIₗ) (p₂₂ rem 2π) sin I             otherwise
                p23 + (ps4 + pl4)
                    + inclination.cos() * (p22 % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI) - right_ascension)
                    - (solar_delta_inclination + lunar_delta_inclination)
                        * if afspc_compatibility_mode {
                                #[cfg(feature = "std")]
                                    2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI
                                #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
                                    &(2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI)
                        } else {
                            p22 % (2.0 * core::f64::consts::PI)
                        * inclination.sin(),

        // p₃₁ = e₀ + ė t - C₄ t
        let p31 = self.orbit_0.eccentricity + eccentricity_dot * t - self.c4 * t;
        if !(-0.001..1.0).contains(&p31) {
            Err(gp::Error::OutOfRangeEccentricity {
                eccentricity: p31,
        } else {
            // e = │ 10⁻⁶ + (δeₛ + δeₗ) if p₃₁ < 10⁻⁶
            //     │ p₃₁ + (δeₛ + δeₗ)  otherwise
            let eccentricity =
                (p31).max(1.0e-6) + (solar_delta_eccentricity + lunar_delta_eccentricity);
            if !(0.0..=1.0).contains(&eccentricity) {
                Err(gp::Error::OutOfRangePerturbedEccentricity { eccentricity, t })
            } else {
                // a = p₂₈ (1 - C₁ t)²
                let a = p28 * (1.0 - self.c1 * t).powi(2);
                    propagator::Orbit {

                        // M = p₂₉ + (δMₛ + δMₗ) + n₀" k₁ t²
                        mean_anomaly: p29
                            + (solar_delta_mean_motion + lunar_delta_mean_motion)
                            + self.orbit_0.mean_motion * self.k1 * t.powi(2),

                        // n = kₑ / a³ᐟ²
                        mean_motion: / a.powf(1.5),
                    //         1 J₃
                    // p₃₂ = - - -- sin I
                    //         2 J₂
                    -0.5 * (self.geopotential.j3 / self.geopotential.j2) * inclination.sin(),
                    // p₃₃ = 1 - cos²I
                    1.0 - inclination.cos().powi(2),
                    // p₃₄ = 7 cos²I - 1
                    7.0 * inclination.cos().powi(2) - 1.0,
                    //       │   1 J₃       3 + 5 cos I
                    // p₃₅ = │ - - -- sin I ----------- if |1 + cos I| > 1.5 × 10⁻¹²
                    //       │   4 J₂        1 + cos I
                    //       │   1 J₃       3 + 5 cos I
                    //       │ - - -- sin I ----------- otherwise
                    //       │   4 J₂       1.5 × 10⁻¹²
                    if (1.0 + inclination.cos()).abs() > 1.5e-12 {
                            * (self.geopotential.j3 / self.geopotential.j2)
                            * inclination.sin()
                            * (3.0 + 5.0 * inclination.cos())
                            / (1.0 + inclination.cos())
                    } else {
                            * (self.geopotential.j3 / self.geopotential.j2)
                            * inclination.sin()
                            * (3.0 + 5.0 * inclination.cos())
                            / 1.5e-12
                    // p₃₆ = 3 cos²I - 1
                    3.0 * inclination.cos().powi(2) - 1.0,