sfsm 0.2.6

Generate static state machines

Static finite state machine

Sfsm tries to achieve these objectives, by providing a state machine generator in sfsm-proc and a transition as well as state trait in sfsm-proc. With this, the user can specify the whole state machine on a few lines that are easy to review. From this definition, the whole state machine can be generated without relying on dynamic mechanisms and thus allows to be fully static. All that is left to do, is to implement the states and transition necessary to fulfill the Transition and State traits.

State machines are an essential part of many software architectures and are particularly common on low level systems such as embedded systems. They allow a complicated system to be broken down into many small states with clearly defined transitions between each other. But while they help to break down complexity, they must also be well documented to be understandable.

Rust is well suited to implementing state machines thanks the way its enums are designed. Unfortunately this still comes with a large amount of boilerplate.

Sfsm aims to let the user implement simple, efficient and easy to review state machines that are usable on embedded systems. The main objectives therefore are:

The main objectives therefore are:

  • no_std compatibility
  • Self documenting
  • Easy to use
  • Low cost

Sfsm tries to achieve these objectives by providing a state machine generator in sfsm-proc and a transition as well as state trait in sfsm-proc. With this, the user can specify the whole state machine on a few lines that are easy to review. From this definition, the whole state machine can be generated without relying on dynamic mechanisms and thus allows to be fully static. All that is left to do is to implement the states and transition necessary to fulfill the Transition and State traits.

Example usage

A state machine can be defined with the following macro call.

     Rocket,                                   // Name of the state machine. Accepts a visibility modifier.
     Grounded,                                 // The initial state the state machine will start in
     [Grounded, MoveUp],                       // All possible states
         Grounded => MoveUp,                   // All transitions

This will define a state machine called Rocket with an initial state in Grounded. There are two possible states the state machine will be in. Grounded and MoveUp. Grounded is the initial state and can transit to MoveUp due to the Grounded => MoveUp transition defined. A state machine can have as many states and transitions as desired but all of they must implement the State and the according Transition traits. Additionally, messages to be passed into, or polled from the states can be defined.

         StartLiftoff -> Grounded,               // Command the CountDownToLiftoff state to liftoff
         Status <- Liftoff,                      // Poll the status of the lift

This creates the code to pass StartLiftoff into the Grounded state and allows to poll Status from the Liftoff state. Each state can have multiple receive and return messages, but it must implement the according ReturnMessage and ReceiveMessage traits. For more information, take a look at the examples or at the doc.