sfn-paw 1.0.2

Step Functions CLI Tool
sfn-paw-1.0.2 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: sfn-paw-1.0.5


Current Crates.io Version Release workflow

Step Functions CLI Tool


In order to install this cli, run the following command:

cargo install sfn-paw


Invoke the cli using the sfn-paw command.

AWS Configuration

paw fetches the aws configuration from the ~/.aws/credentials file, which should contain the following data:

  • region
  • aws_access_key_id
  • aws_secret_access_key

for instructions see AWS Configuration and credential file settings

Retry Failed Executions

1 - Select Retry Failed Executions Action

Retry Failed Executions

2 - Select the desired Step Functions Machine

Retry Failed Executions

3 - Input the Start Date (or leave it blank)

Retry Failed Executions

4 - Input the End Date (or leave it blank)

Retry Failed Executions

5 - Unmark any execution that you don't want to retry

Retry Failed Executions

6 - Press enter to retry selected executions

Retry Failed Executions