sfml 0.20.0

Rust binding for sfml
//! Give access to the system clipboard.
//! `Clipboard` provides an interface for getting and setting the contents of the
//! system clipboard.
//! It is important to note that due to limitations on some operating systems,
//! setting the clipboard contents is only guaranteed to work if there is currently an
//! open window for which events are being handled.
//! Usage example:
//! ```no_run
//! # use sfml::window::*;
//! // get the clipboard content as a string
//! let mut string = clipboard::get_string();
//! # let mut window: Window = unimplemented!();
//! // or use it in the event loop
//! while let Some(event) = window.poll_event()
//! {
//!     match event {
//!         Event::Closed => window.close(),
//!         Event::KeyPressed{ctrl, code, ..} => {
//!             // Using Ctrl + V to paste a string into SFML
//!             if ctrl && code == Key::V {
//!                 string = clipboard::get_string();
//!             }
//!             // Using Ctrl + C to copy a string out of SFML
//!             if(ctrl && code == Key::C) {
//!                 clipboard::set_string("Hello World!");
//!             }
//!         }
//!         _ => {}
//!     }
//! }
//! ```

use crate::{
    ffi::system as ffi,
    system::{SfStr, SfStrConv},

/// Get the content of the clipboard as string data.
/// If the clipboard does not contain a string, it returns an empty string.
pub fn get_string() -> String {
    unsafe {
        let sf_string = crate::ffi::window::sfClipboard_getUnicodeString();
        let data = ffi::sfString_getData(sf_string);
        let string = SfStr::from_ptr_str(data).to_rust_string();

/// Set the content of the clipboard as string data.
/// This function sets the content of the clipboard as a string.
/// # Warning
/// Due to limitations on some operating systems,
/// setting the clipboard contents is only guaranteed to work if there is currently an
/// open window for which events are being handled.
pub fn set_string<S: SfStrConv>(string: S) {
    string.with_as_sfstr(|sfstr| unsafe {

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "ci-headless"), test)]
fn identity_test() {
    set_string("Hello world");
    assert_eq!(&get_string(), "Hello world");