service-logging 0.2.6

Asynchronous structured logging in tiny library (6KB) with clients for Coralogix and console.log. WASM compatible
Asynchronous structured logging in tiny library (6KB) with clients for Coralogix and console.log. WASM compatible.

## Usage

Use the `log!` macro to log key-value pairs, which are json-encoded
before sending to logging service

use service_logging::{log, LogQueue, Severity::{Info,Error}};
let logger =  CoralogixLogger::init(CoralogixConfig{
    api_key: "0000",
    application_name: "MyApp",
    endpoint: ""});
let mut lq = LogQueue::default();

log!(lq, Info, 
  method: "GET",
  url: url,
  status: 200

log!(lq, Error,
  user: user,
  message: "Too many failed login attempts",
  attempts: count

send_logs(lq.take(), &logger)?;