serp-traits 0.5.3

Shared traits including `BasicCurrency`, `SettCurrency`, `Auction` and more.
pub use num_traits::{
	Bounded, CheckedAdd, CheckedDiv, CheckedMul, CheckedShl, CheckedShr, CheckedSub, One, Signed, Zero,
use sp_std::{
	convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
	ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, DivAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Rem, RemAssign, Shl, Shr, Sub, SubAssign},

/// A meta trait for arithmetic.
/// Arithmetic types do all the usual stuff you'd expect numbers to do. They are
/// guaranteed to be able to represent at least `u32` values without loss, hence
/// the trait implies `From<u32>` and smaller ints. All other conversions are
/// fallible.
pub trait SimpleArithmetic:
	+ One
	+ From<u8>
	+ From<u16>
	+ From<u32>
	+ TryInto<u8>
	+ TryInto<u16>
	+ TryInto<u32>
	+ TryFrom<u64>
	+ TryInto<u64>
	+ TryFrom<u128>
	+ TryInto<u128>
	+ Add<Self, Output = Self>
	+ AddAssign<Self>
	+ Sub<Self, Output = Self>
	+ SubAssign<Self>
	+ Mul<Self, Output = Self>
	+ MulAssign<Self>
	+ Div<Self, Output = Self>
	+ DivAssign<Self>
	+ Rem<Self, Output = Self>
	+ RemAssign<Self>
	+ Shl<u32, Output = Self>
	+ Shr<u32, Output = Self>
	+ CheckedShl
	+ CheckedShr
	+ CheckedAdd
	+ CheckedSub
	+ CheckedMul
	+ CheckedDiv
	+ PartialOrd<Self>
	+ Ord
	+ Bounded
	+ Sized

		T: Zero
			+ One
			+ From<u8>
			+ From<u16>
			+ From<u32>
			+ TryInto<u8>
			+ TryInto<u16>
			+ TryInto<u32>
			+ TryFrom<u64>
			+ TryInto<u64>
			+ TryFrom<u128>
			+ TryInto<u128>
			+ Add<Self, Output = Self>
			+ AddAssign<Self>
			+ Sub<Self, Output = Self>
			+ SubAssign<Self>
			+ Mul<Self, Output = Self>
			+ MulAssign<Self>
			+ Div<Self, Output = Self>
			+ DivAssign<Self>
			+ Rem<Self, Output = Self>
			+ RemAssign<Self>
			+ Shl<u32, Output = Self>
			+ Shr<u32, Output = Self>
			+ CheckedShl
			+ CheckedShr
			+ CheckedAdd
			+ CheckedSub
			+ CheckedMul
			+ CheckedDiv
			+ PartialOrd<Self>
			+ Ord
			+ Bounded
			+ Sized,
	> SimpleArithmetic for T