serialqoi 0.1.7

Serial QOI de/encoder
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind, Result, Write};

use crate::common::{hash, Channel, Colorspace, Rgb, Rgba};

/// Encodes a qoi image
/// This encodes an image writing it to a [`Write`r](std::io::Write).
/// If you're writing to a [`File`](std::fs::File) or similar you
/// probably want to wrap it in a [`BufWriter`](std::io::BufWriter)
/// for performance reasons.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct QoiWriter<W: Write>
    writer: W,
    width: u32,
    height: u32,
    channels: Channel,
    colorspace: Colorspace,
    previous_color: Rgba,
    index: [Rgba; 64],
    pixels_seen: u64,
    current_run_length: u8,
    finished: bool,

impl<W: Write> Drop for QoiWriter<W>
    fn drop(&mut self)
        // Errors sadly cannot be handled here.

impl<W: Write> QoiWriter<W>
    /// Creates a new [`QoiWriter`]
    /// This function creates a new [`QoiWriter`] from a
    /// [`Write`r](std::io::Write).
    /// The width, height, number of channels and the colorspace has
    /// to be given so that the correct header can be written.  The
    /// last two of these don't change the encoding in any way (which
    /// also means that theoretically even if formally there is no
    /// alpha channel you could write alpha values.  It should be
    /// obvious that you *really* shouldn't do that since it's not
    /// standard conform).
    /// # Errors
    /// An error is returned if the header couldn't be written.
    pub fn new(
        mut writer: W,
        width: u32,
        height: u32,
        channels: Channel,
        colorspace: Colorspace,
    ) -> Result<Self>
        let mut header = Vec::with_capacity(14);
        header.extend([b'q', b'o', b'i', b'f']);

        match channels
            Channel::Rgb => header.push(3),
            Channel::Rgba => header.push(4),

        match colorspace
            Colorspace::Srgb => header.push(0),
            Colorspace::Linear => header.push(1),


        Ok(Self {
            previous_color: Rgba::new(0, 0, 0, 255),
            index: [Rgba::new(0, 0, 0, 0); 64],
            pixels_seen: 0,
            current_run_length: 0,
            finished: false,

    /// Writes a single pixel (with alpha)
    /// Writes a single pixel or buffers it if this is necessary for
    /// compression.  Due to this buffering you have to
    /// [`flush()`](Self::flush), [`close()`](Self::close) or
    /// [`drop()`](std::mem::drop) the image to have it written
    /// immediately.
    /// # Errors
    /// A error is returned if already all pixels were written or if
    /// the underlying writer returned one.
    pub fn write_rgba(&mut self, color: Rgba) -> Result<()>

        if self.width as u64 * self.height as u64 == self.pixels_seen

        self.previous_color = color;
        self.pixels_seen += 1;
        self.index[hash(color)] = color;


    /// Writes a single pixel (without alpha)
    /// Writes a single pixel or buffers it if this is necessary for
    /// compression.  Due to this buffering you have to
    /// [`flush()`](Self::flush), [`close()`](Self::close) or
    /// [`drop()`](std::mem::drop) the image to have it written
    /// immediately.
    /// The alpha value is taken from the previous pixel (in case one
    /// is needed).
    /// # Errors
    /// A error is returned if already all pixels were written or if
    /// the underlying writer returned one.
    pub fn write_rgb(&mut self, color: Rgb) -> Result<()>
        let Rgb { r, g, b } = color;
        let a = self.previous_color.a;

        self.write_rgba(Rgba { r, g, b, a })

    /// Flushes the image
    /// Flushes the image and the underlying writer.  This should
    /// never be necessary since it's done automatically when
    /// [`closed`](Self::close) or [`dropped`](std::mem::drop).
    /// # Errors
    /// A error is returned if the underlying writer returned an
    /// error.
    pub fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<()>

    /// Closes the image
    /// Closes the image and the underlying writer.  This
    /// automatically done on [`drop`](std::mem::drop) when it goes
    /// out of scope.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns an error if the underlying writer returned one.
    pub fn close(mut self) -> Result<()>

    /// Returns the dimensions of the image
    /// Returns the dimensions (`(width, height)`) of the image.
    pub const fn dimensions(&self) -> (u32, u32)
        (self.width, self.height)

    /// Returns the width of the image
    pub const fn width(&self) -> u32

    /// Returns the height of the image
    pub const fn height(&self) -> u32

    /// Returns the number of channels of the image
    /// Returns whether the alpha channel is used ([`Channel::Rgba`])
    /// or not ([`Channel::Rgb`]).
    /// Even if the alpha channel is disabled, a [`Rgba`] is decoded
    /// instead of an [`Rgb`](crate::common::Rgb) (the alpha channel
    /// is then always `255`).
    /// The result of this function changes nothing in the encoding.
    pub const fn channels(&self) -> Channel

    // The "sRGB" in the second paragraph shouldn't be in backticks.
    /// Returns the colorspace of the image
    /// Return whether all channels are linear
    /// ([`Colorspace::Linear`]) or if it's sRGB and only the alpha
    /// channel (if it exists) is linear ([`Colorspace::Srgb`]).
    /// The result of this function changes nothing in the encoding.
    pub const fn colorspace(&self) -> Colorspace

    fn finish(&mut self) -> Result<()>
        if self.finished
            self.finished = true;
            self.writer.write_all(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])

    // This is for allowing "dr_dg" and "db_dg".  This is done due to
    // them being the official names from the standard.
    fn write_inner(&mut self, color: Rgba) -> Result<()>
        if self.width as u64 * self.height as u64 <= self.pixels_seen
            // TODO: Change error code to StorageFull once #86442 gets stabilized.
            return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "all pixels already written"));

        if color.a == self.previous_color.a
            // QOI_OP_RUN
            if color == self.previous_color
                self.current_run_length += 1;

                if self.current_run_length == 62

                return Ok(());

            // QOI_OP_INDEX
            if let Some(index) = self.index.iter().position(|&x| x == color)
                return self.writer.write_all(&[index as u8]);

            // QOI_OP_DIFF
            let dg = color.g.wrapping_sub(self.previous_color.g).wrapping_add(2);
            let dr = color.r.wrapping_sub(self.previous_color.r).wrapping_add(2);
            let db = color.b.wrapping_sub(self.previous_color.b).wrapping_add(2);

            if dr < 4 && dg < 4 && db < 4
                return self.writer.write_all(&[64 + dr * 16 + dg * 4 + db]);

            // QOI_OP_LUMA
            let dr_dg = dr.wrapping_sub(dg).wrapping_add(8);
            let db_dg = db.wrapping_sub(dg).wrapping_add(8);
            let dg = dg.wrapping_add(30);

            if dg < 64 && dr_dg < 16 && db_dg < 16
                return self.writer.write_all(&[128 + dg, dr_dg * 16 + db_dg]);

            // QOI_OP_RGB
            self.writer.write_all(&[0xfe, color.r, color.g, color.b])
            // QOI_OP_RGBA
                .write_all(&[0xff, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a])

    fn write_run_length(&mut self) -> Result<()>
        if self.current_run_length == 0
            return Ok(());

        let val = 3 * 64 + self.current_run_length - 1;
