serenity 0.11.5

A Rust library for the Discord API.
//! A cache containing data received from [`Shard`]s.
//! Using the cache allows to avoid REST API requests via the [`http`] module
//! where possible. Issuing too many requests will lead to ratelimits.
//! Following a policy to never hand out locks, the cache will clone all values
//! when calling its methods.
//! # Use by Models
//! Most models of Discord objects, such as the [`Message`], [`GuildChannel`],
//! or [`Emoji`], have methods for interacting with that single instance. This
//! feature is only compiled if the `methods` feature is enabled. An example of
//! this is [`Guild::edit`], which performs a check to ensure that the current
//! user is the owner of the guild, prior to actually performing the HTTP
//! request. The cache is involved due to the function's use of unlocking the
//! cache and retrieving the Id of the current user, and comparing it to the Id
//! of the user that owns the guild. This is an inexpensive method of being able
//! to access data required by these sugary methods.
//! # Do I need the Cache?
//! If you're asking this, the answer is likely "definitely yes" or
//! "definitely no"; any in-between tends to be "yes". If you are low on RAM,
//! and need to run on only a couple MB, then the answer is "definitely no". If
//! you do not care about RAM and want your bot to be able to access data
//! while needing to hit the REST API as little as possible, then the answer
//! is "yes".
//! [`Shard`]: crate::gateway::Shard
//! [`http`]: crate::http

use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::hash::BuildHasher;
use std::str::FromStr;
#[cfg(feature = "temp_cache")]
use std::time::Duration;

use dashmap::iter::Iter;
use dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry;
use dashmap::mapref::multiple::RefMulti;
use dashmap::{DashMap, DashSet};
#[cfg(feature = "temp_cache")]
use moka::dash::Cache as DashCache;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use tracing::instrument;

use crate::model::prelude::*;
mod cache_update;
mod event;
mod settings;

pub use self::cache_update::CacheUpdate;
pub use self::settings::Settings;

type MessageCache = DashMap<ChannelId, DashMap<MessageId, Message>>;

pub trait FromStrAndCache: Sized {
    type Err;

    fn from_str<CRL>(cache: CRL, s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>
        CRL: AsRef<Cache> + Send + Sync;

pub trait StrExt: Sized {
    fn parse_cached<CRL, F: FromStrAndCache>(&self, cache: CRL) -> Result<F, F::Err>
        CRL: AsRef<Cache> + Send + Sync;

impl StrExt for &str {
    fn parse_cached<CRL, F: FromStrAndCache>(&self, cache: CRL) -> Result<F, F::Err>
        CRL: AsRef<Cache> + Send + Sync,
        F::from_str(&cache, self)

impl<F: FromStr> FromStrAndCache for F {
    type Err = F::Err;

    fn from_str<CRL>(_cache: CRL, s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>
        CRL: AsRef<Cache> + Send + Sync,

/// Iterator given to the selector closure in [`Cache::channel_messages_field`].
// Wrapper around a specific iterator type to allow swapping out iterators on cache design changes
pub struct MessageIterator<'a, S: BuildHasher + Clone>(
    Iter<'a, MessageId, Message, S, DashMap<MessageId, Message, S>>,

impl<'a, S: 'a + BuildHasher + Clone> Iterator for MessageIterator<'a, S> {
    // type Item = &'a Message;
    type Item = RefMulti<'a, MessageId, Message, S>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

/// A cache containing data received from [`Shard`]s.
/// Using the cache allows to avoid REST API requests via the [`http`] module
/// where possible. Issuing too many requests will lead to ratelimits.
/// The cache will clone all values when calling its methods.
/// [`Shard`]: crate::gateway::Shard
/// [`http`]: crate::http
pub struct Cache {
    /// A map of channels in [`Guild`]s that the current user has received data
    /// for.
    /// When a [`Event::GuildDelete`] or [`Event::GuildUnavailable`] is
    /// received and processed by the cache, the relevant channels are also
    /// removed from this map.
    pub(crate) channels: DashMap<ChannelId, GuildChannel>,
    /// Cache of channels that have been fetched via to_channel.
    /// Each value has a maximum TTL of 1 hour.
    #[cfg(feature = "temp_cache")]
    pub(crate) temp_channels: DashCache<ChannelId, GuildChannel>,
    /// A map of channel categories.
    pub(crate) categories: DashMap<ChannelId, ChannelCategory>,
    /// A map of guilds with full data available. This includes data like
    /// [`Role`]s and [`Emoji`]s that are not available through the REST API.
    pub(crate) guilds: DashMap<GuildId, Guild>,
    pub(crate) messages: MessageCache,
    /// A map of users' presences. This is updated in real-time. Note that
    /// status updates are often "eaten" by the gateway, and this should not
    /// be treated as being entirely 100% accurate.
    pub(crate) presences: DashMap<UserId, Presence>,
    /// A map of direct message channels that the current user has open with
    /// other users.
    pub(crate) private_channels: DashMap<ChannelId, PrivateChannel>,
    /// The total number of shards being used by the bot.
    pub(crate) shard_count: RwLock<u64>,
    /// A list of guilds which are "unavailable". Refer to the documentation for
    /// [`Event::GuildUnavailable`] for more information on when this can occur.
    /// Additionally, guilds are always unavailable for bot users when a Ready
    /// is received. Guilds are "sent in" over time through the receiving of
    /// [`Event::GuildCreate`]s.
    pub(crate) unavailable_guilds: DashSet<GuildId>,
    /// The current user "logged in" and for which events are being received
    /// for.
    /// The current user contains information that a regular [`User`] does not,
    /// such as whether it is a bot, whether the user is verified, etc.
    /// Refer to the documentation for [`CurrentUser`] for more information.
    pub(crate) user: RwLock<CurrentUser>,
    /// A map of users that the current user sees.
    /// Users are added to - and updated from - this map via the following
    /// received events:
    /// - [`GuildMemberAdd`][`GuildMemberAddEvent`]
    /// - [`GuildMemberRemove`][`GuildMemberRemoveEvent`]
    /// - [`GuildMembersChunk`][`GuildMembersChunkEvent`]
    /// - [`PresenceUpdate`][`PresenceUpdateEvent`]
    /// - [`Ready`][`ReadyEvent`]
    /// Note, however, that users are _not_ removed from the map on removal
    /// events such as [`GuildMemberRemove`][`GuildMemberRemoveEvent`], as other
    /// structs such as members or recipients may still exist.
    pub(crate) users: DashMap<UserId, User>,
    /// Queue of message IDs for each channel.
    /// This is simply a vecdeque so we can keep track of the order of messages
    /// inserted into the cache. When a maximum number of messages are in a
    /// channel's cache, we can pop the front and remove that ID from the cache.
    pub(crate) message_queue: DashMap<ChannelId, VecDeque<MessageId>>,
    /// Cache of users who have been fetched from `to_user`.
    /// Each value has a max TTL of 1 hour.
    #[cfg(feature = "temp_cache")]
    pub(crate) temp_users: DashCache<UserId, User>,
    /// The settings for the cache.
    settings: RwLock<Settings>,

impl Cache {
    /// Creates a new cache.
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Creates a new cache instance with settings applied.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use serenity::cache::{Cache, Settings};
    /// let mut settings = Settings::new();
    /// settings.max_messages(10);
    /// let cache = Cache::new_with_settings(settings);
    /// ```
    pub fn new_with_settings(settings: Settings) -> Self {
        Self {
            settings: RwLock::new(settings),

    /// Fetches the number of [`Member`]s that have not had data received.
    /// The important detail to note here is that this is the number of
    /// _member_s that have not had data received. A single [`User`] may have
    /// multiple associated member objects that have not been received.
    /// This can be used in combination with [`Shard::chunk_guild`], and can be
    /// used to determine how many members have not yet been received.
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::model::prelude::*;
    /// # use serenity::prelude::*;
    /// #
    /// # #[cfg(feature = "client")]
    /// # async fn run() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// use std::thread;
    /// use std::time::Duration;
    /// struct Handler;
    /// #[serenity::async_trait]
    /// impl EventHandler for Handler {
    ///     async fn ready(&self, ctx: Context, _: Ready) {
    ///         // Wait some time for guilds to be received.
    ///         //
    ///         // You should keep track of this in a better fashion by tracking how
    ///         // many guilds each `ready` has, and incrementing a counter on
    ///         // GUILD_CREATEs. Once the number is equal, print the number of
    ///         // unknown members.
    ///         //
    ///         // For demonstrative purposes we're just sleeping the thread for 5
    ///         // seconds.
    ///         tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)).await;
    ///         println!("{} unknown members", ctx.cache.unknown_members());
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// let mut client =
    ///     Client::builder("token", GatewayIntents::default()).event_handler(Handler).await?;
    /// client.start().await?;
    /// #     Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    /// [`Shard::chunk_guild`]: crate::gateway::Shard::chunk_guild
    pub fn unknown_members(&self) -> u64 {
        let mut total = 0;

        for guild_entry in self.guilds.iter() {
            let guild = guild_entry.value();

            let members = guild.members.len() as u64;

            if guild.member_count > members {
                total += guild.member_count - members;


    /// Fetches a vector of all [`PrivateChannel`] Ids that are
    /// stored in the cache.
    /// # Examples
    /// If there are 6 private channels and 2 groups in the cache, then `8` Ids
    /// will be returned.
    /// Printing the count of all private channels and groups:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// #
    /// # let cache = Cache::default();
    /// let amount = cache.private_channels().len();
    /// println!("There are {} private channels", amount);
    /// ```
    pub fn private_channels(&self) -> DashMap<ChannelId, PrivateChannel> {

    /// Fetches a vector of all [`Guild`]s' Ids that are stored in the cache.
    /// Note that if you are utilizing multiple [`Shard`]s, then the guilds
    /// retrieved over all shards are included in this count -- not just the
    /// current [`Context`]'s shard, if accessing from one.
    /// # Examples
    /// Print all of the Ids of guilds in the Cache:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::model::prelude::*;
    /// # use serenity::prelude::*;
    /// #
    /// struct Handler;
    /// #[serenity::async_trait]
    /// impl EventHandler for Handler {
    ///     async fn ready(&self, context: Context, _: Ready) {
    ///         let guilds = context.cache.guilds().len();
    ///         println!("Guilds in the Cache: {}", guilds);
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// [`Context`]: crate::client::Context
    /// [`Shard`]: crate::gateway::Shard
    pub fn guilds(&self) -> Vec<GuildId> {
        let chain = self.unavailable_guilds.clone().into_iter();
        self.guilds.iter().map(|i| *i.key()).chain(chain).collect()

    /// Retrieves a [`Channel`] from the cache based on the given Id.
    /// This will search the `channels` map, then the [`Self::private_channels`] map.
    /// If you know what type of channel you're looking for, you should instead
    /// manually retrieve from one of the respective methods:
    /// - [`GuildChannel`]: [`Self::guild_channel`] or [`Self::guild_channels`]
    /// - [`PrivateChannel`]: [`Self::private_channel`] or [`Self::private_channels`]
    pub fn channel<C: Into<ChannelId>>(&self, id: C) -> Option<Channel> {

    fn _channel(&self, id: ChannelId) -> Option<Channel> {
        if let Some(channel) = self.channels.get(&id) {
            let channel = channel.clone();
            return Some(Channel::Guild(channel));

        #[cfg(feature = "temp_cache")]
            if let Some(channel) = self.temp_channels.get(&id) {
                return Some(Channel::Guild(channel));

        if let Some(private_channel) = self.private_channels.get(&id) {
            return Some(Channel::Private(private_channel.clone()));


    /// This method allows to extract specific data from the cached messages of a channel by
    /// providing a `selector` closure picking what you want to extract from the messages
    /// iterator of a given channel.
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # let cache: serenity::cache::Cache = todo!();
    /// // Find all messages by user ID 8 in channel ID 7
    /// let messages_by_user = cache.channel_messages_field(7, |msgs| {
    ///     msgs.filter_map(|m| if == 8 { Some(m.clone()) } else { None })
    ///         .collect::<Vec<_>>()
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn channel_messages_field<T>(
        channel_id: impl Into<ChannelId>,
        selector: impl FnOnce(MessageIterator<'_, RandomState>) -> T,
    ) -> Option<T> {
        let msg = self.messages.get(&channel_id.into())?;
        let message_iter = MessageIterator(msg.iter());


    /// Clones an entire guild from the cache based on the given `id`.
    /// In order to clone only a field of the guild, use [`Self::guild_field`].
    /// # Examples
    /// Retrieve a guild from the cache and print its name:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// #
    /// # let cache = Cache::default();
    /// // assuming the cache is in scope, e.g. via `Context`
    /// if let Some(guild) = cache.guild(7) {
    ///     println!("Guild name: {}",;
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn guild<G: Into<GuildId>>(&self, id: G) -> Option<Guild> {

    fn _guild(&self, id: GuildId) -> Option<Guild> {
        self.guilds.get(&id).map(|i| i.clone())

    /// This method allows to select a field of the guild instead of
    /// the entire guild by providing a `field_selector`-closure picking what
    /// you want to clone.
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// #
    /// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # let cache = Cache::default();
    /// // We clone only the `len()` returned `usize` instead of the entire guild or the channels.
    /// if let Some(channel_len) = cache.guild_field(7, |guild| guild.channels.len()) {
    ///     println!("Guild channels count: {}", channel_len);
    /// }
    /// #   Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn guild_field<Ret, Fun>(&self, id: impl Into<GuildId>, field_selector: Fun) -> Option<Ret>
        Fun: FnOnce(&Guild) -> Ret,
        self._guild_field(id.into(), field_selector)

    fn _guild_field<Ret, Fun>(&self, id: GuildId, field_accessor: Fun) -> Option<Ret>
        Fun: FnOnce(&Guild) -> Ret,
        let guild = self.guilds.get(&id)?;


    /// Returns the number of cached guilds.
    pub fn guild_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// Retrieves a reference to a [`Guild`]'s channel. Unlike [`Self::channel`],
    /// this will only search guilds for the given channel.
    /// The only advantage of this method is that you can pass in anything that
    /// is indirectly a [`ChannelId`].
    /// # Examples
    /// Getting a guild's channel via the Id of the message received through a
    /// [`EventHandler::message`] event dispatch:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::model::prelude::*;
    /// # use serenity::prelude::*;
    /// #
    /// struct Handler;
    /// #[serenity::async_trait]
    /// impl EventHandler for Handler {
    ///     async fn message(&self, context: Context, message: Message) {
    ///         let channel = match context.cache.guild_channel(message.channel_id) {
    ///             Some(channel) => channel,
    ///             None => {
    ///                 let result = message
    ///                     .channel_id
    ///                     .say(&context, "Could not find guild's channel data")
    ///                     .await;
    ///                 if let Err(why) = result {
    ///                     println!("Error sending message: {:?}", why);
    ///                 }
    ///                 return;
    ///             },
    ///         };
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// # #[cfg(feature = "client")]
    /// # async fn run() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let mut client =
    ///     Client::builder("token", GatewayIntents::default()).event_handler(Handler).await?;
    /// client.start().await?;
    /// #     Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    /// [`EventHandler::message`]: crate::client::EventHandler::message
    pub fn guild_channel<C: Into<ChannelId>>(&self, id: C) -> Option<GuildChannel> {

    fn _guild_channel(&self, id: ChannelId) -> Option<GuildChannel> {
        self.channels.get(&id).map(|i| i.clone())

    /// This method allows to only clone a field of the guild channel instead of
    /// the entire guild by providing a `field_selector`-closure picking what
    /// you want to clone.
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// #
    /// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # let cache = Cache::default();
    /// // We clone only the `name` instead of the entire channel.
    /// if let Some(channel_name) = cache.guild_channel_field(7, |channel| {
    ///     println!("Guild channel name: {}", channel_name);
    /// }
    /// #   Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn guild_channel_field<Ret, Fun>(
        id: impl Into<ChannelId>,
        field_selector: Fun,
    ) -> Option<Ret>
        Fun: FnOnce(&GuildChannel) -> Ret,
        self._guild_channel_field(id.into(), field_selector)

    fn _guild_channel_field<Ret, Fun>(&self, id: ChannelId, field_selector: Fun) -> Option<Ret>
        Fun: FnOnce(&GuildChannel) -> Ret,
        let channel = self.channels.get(&id)?;


    /// Retrieves a [`Guild`]'s member from the cache based on the guild's and
    /// user's given Ids.
    /// **Note**: This will clone the entire member. Instead, retrieve the guild
    /// and retrieve from the guild's [`members`] map to avoid this.
    /// # Examples
    /// Retrieving the member object of the user that posted a message, in a
    /// [`EventHandler::message`] context:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// # use serenity::http::Http;
    /// # use serenity::model::channel::Message;
    /// #
    /// # async fn run(http: Http, cache: Cache, message: Message) {
    /// #
    /// let member = {
    ///     let channel = match cache.guild_channel(message.channel_id) {
    ///         Some(channel) => channel,
    ///         None => {
    ///             if let Err(why) = message.channel_id.say(http, "Error finding channel data").await {
    ///                 println!("Error sending message: {:?}", why);
    ///             }
    ///             return;
    ///         },
    ///     };
    ///     match cache.member(channel.guild_id, {
    ///         Some(member) => member,
    ///         None => {
    ///             if let Err(why) = message.channel_id.say(&http, "Error finding member data").await {
    ///                 println!("Error sending message: {:?}", why);
    ///             }
    ///             return;
    ///         },
    ///     }
    /// };
    /// let msg = format!("You have {} roles", member.roles.len());
    /// if let Err(why) = message.channel_id.say(&http, &msg).await {
    ///     println!("Error sending message: {:?}", why);
    /// }
    /// # }
    /// ```
    /// [`EventHandler::message`]: crate::client::EventHandler::message
    /// [`members`]: crate::model::guild::Guild::members
    pub fn member<G, U>(&self, guild_id: G, user_id: U) -> Option<Member>
        G: Into<GuildId>,
        U: Into<UserId>,
        self._member(guild_id.into(), user_id.into())

    fn _member(&self, guild_id: GuildId, user_id: UserId) -> Option<Member> {
        match self.guilds.get(&guild_id) {
            Some(guild) => guild.members.get(&user_id).cloned(),
            None => None,

    /// This method allows to only clone a field of a member instead of
    /// the entire member by providing a `field_selector`-closure picking what
    /// you want to clone.
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// #
    /// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # let cache = Cache::default();
    /// // We clone only the `name` instead of the entire channel.
    /// if let Some(Some(nick)) = cache.member_field(7, 8, |member| member.nick.clone()) {
    ///     println!("Member's nick: {}", nick);
    /// }
    /// #   Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn member_field<Ret, Fun>(
        guild_id: impl Into<GuildId>,
        user_id: impl Into<UserId>,
        field_selector: Fun,
    ) -> Option<Ret>
        Fun: FnOnce(&Member) -> Ret,
        self._member_field(guild_id.into(), user_id.into(), field_selector)

    fn _member_field<Ret, Fun>(
        guild_id: GuildId,
        user_id: UserId,
        field_selector: Fun,
    ) -> Option<Ret>
        Fun: FnOnce(&Member) -> Ret,
        let guild = self.guilds.get(&guild_id)?;
        let member = guild.members.get(&user_id)?;


    pub fn guild_roles(&self, guild_id: impl Into<GuildId>) -> Option<HashMap<RoleId, Role>> {

    fn _guild_roles(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> Option<HashMap<RoleId, Role>> {
        self.guilds.get(&guild_id).map(|g| g.roles.clone())

    /// This method clones and returns all unavailable guilds.
    pub fn unavailable_guilds(&self) -> DashSet<GuildId> {

    /// This method returns all channels from a guild of with the given `guild_id`.
    pub fn guild_channels(
        guild_id: impl Into<GuildId>,
    ) -> Option<DashMap<ChannelId, GuildChannel>> {

    fn _guild_channels(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> Option<DashMap<ChannelId, GuildChannel>> {
        self.guilds.get(&guild_id).map(|g| {
                .filter_map(|c| match c.1 {
                    Channel::Guild(channel) => Some((, channel.clone())),
                    _ => None,

    /// Returns the number of guild channels in the cache.
    pub fn guild_channel_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// This method returns all categories from a guild of with the given `guild_id`.
    pub fn guild_categories(
        guild_id: impl Into<GuildId>,
    ) -> Option<DashMap<ChannelId, ChannelCategory>> {

    fn _guild_categories(&self, guild_id: GuildId) -> Option<DashMap<ChannelId, ChannelCategory>> {
        self.guilds.get(&guild_id).map(|g| {
                .filter_map(|c| match c.1 {
                    Channel::Category(category) => Some((, category.clone())),
                    _ => None,

    /// Returns the number of shards.
    pub fn shard_count(&self) -> u64 {

    /// Retrieves a [`Channel`]'s message from the cache based on the channel's and
    /// message's given Ids.
    /// **Note**: This will clone the entire message.
    /// # Examples
    /// Retrieving the message object from a channel, in a
    /// [`EventHandler::message`] context:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// # use serenity::model::channel::Message;
    /// #
    /// # fn run(cache: Cache, message: Message) {
    /// #
    /// match cache.message(message.channel_id, {
    ///     Some(m) => assert_eq!(message.content, m.content),
    ///     None => println!("No message found in cache."),
    /// };
    /// # }
    /// ```
    /// [`EventHandler::message`]: crate::client::EventHandler::message
    pub fn message<C, M>(&self, channel_id: C, message_id: M) -> Option<Message>
        C: Into<ChannelId>,
        M: Into<MessageId>,
        self._message(channel_id.into(), message_id.into())

    fn _message(&self, channel_id: ChannelId, message_id: MessageId) -> Option<Message> {
            .and_then(|messages| messages.get(&message_id).map(|i| i.clone()))

    /// Retrieves a [`PrivateChannel`] from the cache's [`Self::private_channels`]
    /// map, if it exists.
    /// The only advantage of this method is that you can pass in anything that
    /// is indirectly a [`ChannelId`].
    /// # Examples
    /// Retrieve a private channel from the cache and print its recipient's
    /// name:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// #
    /// # let cache = Cache::default();
    /// // assuming the cache has been unlocked
    /// if let Some(channel) = cache.private_channel(7) {
    ///     println!("The recipient is {}", channel.recipient);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn private_channel(&self, channel_id: impl Into<ChannelId>) -> Option<PrivateChannel> {

    fn _private_channel(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Option<PrivateChannel> {
        self.private_channels.get(&channel_id).map(|i| i.clone())

    /// Retrieves a [`Guild`]'s role by their Ids.
    /// **Note**: This will clone the entire role. Instead, retrieve the guild
    /// and retrieve from the guild's [`roles`] map to avoid this.
    /// [`Guild`]: crate::model::guild::Guild
    /// [`roles`]: crate::model::guild::Guild::roles
    /// # Examples
    /// Retrieve a role from the cache and print its name:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// #
    /// # let cache = Cache::default();
    /// // assuming the cache is in scope, e.g. via `Context`
    /// if let Some(role) = cache.role(7, 77) {
    ///     println!("Role with Id 77 is called {}",;
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn role<G, R>(&self, guild_id: G, role_id: R) -> Option<Role>
        G: Into<GuildId>,
        R: Into<RoleId>,
        self._role(guild_id.into(), role_id.into())

    fn _role(&self, guild_id: GuildId, role_id: RoleId) -> Option<Role> {
        self.guilds.get(&guild_id).and_then(|g| g.roles.get(&role_id).cloned())

    /// Returns the settings.
    /// # Examples
    /// Printing the maximum number of messages in a channel to be cached:
    /// ```rust
    /// use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// # fn test() {
    /// let mut cache = Cache::new();
    /// println!("Max settings: {}", cache.settings().max_messages);
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn settings(&self) -> Settings {

    /// Sets the maximum amount of messages per channel to cache.
    /// By default, no messages will be cached.
    pub fn set_max_messages(&self, max: usize) {
        self.settings.write().max_messages = max;

    /// Retrieves a [`User`] from the cache's [`Self::users`] map, if it exists.
    /// The only advantage of this method is that you can pass in anything that
    /// is indirectly a [`UserId`].
    /// # Examples
    /// Retrieve a user from the cache and print their name:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::client::Context;
    /// # use serenity::framework::standard::{CommandResult, macros::command};
    /// #
    /// # #[command]
    /// # async fn test(context: &Context) -> CommandResult {
    /// if let Some(user) = context.cache.user(7) {
    ///     println!("User with Id 7 is currently named {}",;
    /// }
    /// #     Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn user<U: Into<UserId>>(&self, user_id: U) -> Option<User> {

    #[cfg(feature = "temp_cache")]
    fn _user(&self, user_id: UserId) -> Option<User> {
        if let Some(user) = self.users.get(&user_id) {
        } else {

    #[cfg(not(feature = "temp_cache"))]
    fn _user(&self, user_id: UserId) -> Option<User> {
        self.users.get(&user_id).map(|u| u.clone())

    /// Clones all users and returns them.
    pub fn users(&self) -> DashMap<UserId, User> {

    /// Returns the amount of cached users.
    pub fn user_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// Clones a category matching the `channel_id` and returns it.
    pub fn category<C: Into<ChannelId>>(&self, channel_id: C) -> Option<ChannelCategory> {

    fn _category(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Option<ChannelCategory> {
        self.categories.get(&channel_id).map(|i| i.clone())

    /// Clones all categories and returns them.
    pub fn categories(&self) -> DashMap<ChannelId, ChannelCategory> {

    /// Returns the amount of cached categories.
    pub fn category_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the optional category ID of a channel.
    pub fn channel_category_id(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Option<ChannelId> {

    /// This method clones and returns the user used by the bot.
    pub fn current_user(&self) -> CurrentUser {

    /// This method returns the bot's ID.
    pub fn current_user_id(&self) -> UserId {

    /// This method allows to only clone a field of the current user instead of
    /// the entire user by providing a `field_selector`-closure picking what
    /// you want to clone.
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use serenity::cache::Cache;
    /// #
    /// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # let cache = Cache::default();
    /// // We clone only the `name` instead of the entire channel.
    /// let id = cache.current_user_field(|user|;
    /// println!("Current user's ID: {}", id);
    /// #   Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn current_user_field<Ret: Clone, Fun>(&self, field_selector: Fun) -> Ret
        Fun: FnOnce(&CurrentUser) -> Ret,
        let user =;


    /// Updates the cache with the update implementation for an event or other
    /// custom update implementation.
    /// Refer to the documentation for [`CacheUpdate`] for more information.
    /// # Examples
    /// Refer to the [`CacheUpdate` examples].
    /// [`CacheUpdate` examples]: CacheUpdate#examples
    #[instrument(skip(self, e))]
    pub fn update<E: CacheUpdate>(&self, e: &mut E) -> Option<E::Output> {

    pub(crate) fn update_user_entry(&self, user: &User) {
        match self.users.entry( {
            Entry::Vacant(e) => {
            Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {

impl Default for Cache {
    fn default() -> Cache {
        Cache {
            channels: DashMap::default(),
            #[cfg(feature = "temp_cache")]
            temp_channels: DashCache::builder().time_to_live(Duration::from_secs(60 * 60)).build(),
            categories: DashMap::default(),
            guilds: DashMap::default(),
            messages: DashMap::default(),
            presences: DashMap::default(),
            private_channels: DashMap::with_capacity(128),
            settings: RwLock::new(Settings::default()),
            shard_count: RwLock::new(1),
            unavailable_guilds: DashSet::default(),
            user: RwLock::new(CurrentUser::default()),
            users: DashMap::default(),
            #[cfg(feature = "temp_cache")]
            temp_users: DashCache::builder().time_to_live(Duration::from_secs(60 * 60)).build(),
            message_queue: DashMap::default(),

mod test {
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    use crate::cache::{Cache, CacheUpdate, Settings};
    use crate::json::from_number;
    use crate::model::prelude::*;

    fn test_cache_messages() {
        let mut settings = Settings::new();
        let cache = Cache::new_with_settings(settings);

        // Test inserting one message into a channel's message cache.
        let datetime = Timestamp::now();
        let mut event = MessageCreateEvent {
            message: Message {
                id: MessageId(3),
                attachments: vec![],
                author: User {
                    id: UserId(2),
                    avatar: None,
                    bot: false,
                    discriminator: 1,
                    name: "user 1".to_owned(),
                    public_flags: None,
                    banner: None,
                    accent_colour: None,
                channel_id: ChannelId(2),
                guild_id: Some(GuildId(1)),
                content: String::new(),
                edited_timestamp: None,
                embeds: vec![],
                kind: MessageType::Regular,
                member: None,
                mention_everyone: false,
                mention_roles: vec![],
                mention_channels: vec![],
                mentions: vec![],
                nonce: from_number(1),
                pinned: false,
                reactions: vec![],
                timestamp: datetime,
                tts: false,
                webhook_id: None,
                activity: None,
                application: None,
                message_reference: None,
                flags: None,
                sticker_items: vec![],
                referenced_message: None,
                interaction: None,
                components: vec![],

        // Check that the channel cache doesn't exist.
        // Add first message, none because message ID 2 doesn't already exist.
        // None, it only returns the oldest message if the cache was already full.
        // Assert there's only 1 message in the channel's message cache.
        assert_eq!(cache.messages.get(&event.message.channel_id).unwrap().len(), 1);

        // Add a second message, assert that channel message cache length is 2. = MessageId(4);
        assert_eq!(cache.messages.get(&event.message.channel_id).unwrap().len(), 2);

        // Add a third message, the first should now be removed. = MessageId(5);

            let channel = cache.messages.get(&event.message.channel_id).unwrap();

            assert_eq!(channel.len(), 2);
            // Check that the first message is now removed.

        let channel = Channel::Guild(GuildChannel {
            id: event.message.channel_id,
            bitrate: None,
            parent_id: None,
            guild_id: event.message.guild_id.unwrap(),
            kind: ChannelType::Text,
            last_message_id: None,
            last_pin_timestamp: None,
            name: String::new(),
            permission_overwrites: vec![],
            position: 0,
            topic: None,
            user_limit: None,
            nsfw: false,
            rate_limit_per_user: Some(0),
            rtc_region: None,
            video_quality_mode: None,
            message_count: None,
            member_count: None,
            thread_metadata: None,
            member: None,
            default_auto_archive_duration: None,

        // Add a channel delete event to the cache, the cached messages for that
        // channel should now be gone.
        let mut delete = ChannelDeleteEvent {
            channel: channel.clone(),
        assert!(cache.update(&mut delete).is_none());

        // Test deletion of a guild channel's message cache when a GuildDeleteEvent
        // is received.
        let mut guild_create = {
            let mut channels = HashMap::new();
            channels.insert(ChannelId(2), channel);

            GuildCreateEvent {
                guild: Guild {
                    id: GuildId(1),
                    afk_channel_id: None,
                    afk_timeout: 0,
                    application_id: None,
                    default_message_notifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevel::All,
                    emojis: HashMap::new(),
                    explicit_content_filter: ExplicitContentFilter::None,
                    features: vec![],
                    icon: None,
                    joined_at: datetime,
                    large: false,
                    member_count: 0,
                    members: HashMap::new(),
                    mfa_level: MfaLevel::None,
                    name: String::new(),
                    owner_id: UserId(3),
                    presences: HashMap::new(),
                    roles: HashMap::new(),
                    splash: None,
                    discovery_splash: None,
                    system_channel_id: None,
                    system_channel_flags: SystemChannelFlags::default(),
                    rules_channel_id: None,
                    public_updates_channel_id: None,
                    verification_level: VerificationLevel::Low,
                    voice_states: HashMap::new(),
                    description: None,
                    premium_tier: PremiumTier::Tier0,
                    premium_subscription_count: 0,
                    banner: None,
                    vanity_url_code: Some("bruhmoment".to_string()),
                    preferred_locale: "en-US".to_string(),
                    welcome_screen: None,
                    approximate_member_count: None,
                    approximate_presence_count: None,
                    nsfw_level: NsfwLevel::Default,
                    max_video_channel_users: None,
                    max_presences: None,
                    max_members: None,
                    widget_enabled: Some(false),
                    widget_channel_id: None,
                    stage_instances: vec![],
                    threads: vec![],
                    stickers: HashMap::new(),
        assert!(cache.update(&mut guild_create).is_none());
        assert!(cache.update(&mut event).is_none());

        let mut guild_delete = GuildDeleteEvent {
            guild: UnavailableGuild {
                id: GuildId(1),
                unavailable: false,

        // The guild existed in the cache, so the cache's guild is returned by the
        // update.
        assert!(cache.update(&mut guild_delete).is_some());

        // Assert that the channel's message cache no longer exists.