serenity 0.11.5

A Rust library for the Discord API.
use std::collections::HashMap;

use crate::model::id::MessageId;

/// Builds a request to the API to retrieve messages.
/// This can have 2 different sets of parameters. The first set is around where
/// to get the messages:
/// - [`Self::after`]
/// - [`Self::around`]
/// - [`Self::before`]
/// These can not be mixed, and the first in the list alphabetically will be
/// used. If one is not specified, `most_recent` will be used.
/// The fourth parameter is to specify the number of messages to retrieve. This
/// does not _need_ to be called and defaults to a value of 50.
/// This should be used only for retrieving messages; see
/// [`GuildChannel::messages`] for examples.
/// # Examples
/// Creating a [`GetMessages`] builder to retrieve the first 25 messages after the
/// message with an Id of `158339864557912064`:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use serenity::http::Http;
/// #
/// # async fn run() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// # let http = Http::new("token");
/// use serenity::model::id::{ChannelId, MessageId};
/// // you can then pass it into a function which retrieves messages:
/// let channel_id = ChannelId(81384788765712384);
/// let _messages = channel_id
///     .messages(&http, |retriever| retriever.after(MessageId(158339864557912064)).limit(25))
///     .await?;
/// #     Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`GuildChannel::messages`]: crate::model::channel::GuildChannel::messages
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct GetMessages(pub HashMap<&'static str, u64>);

impl GetMessages {
    /// Indicates to retrieve the messages after a specific message, given by
    /// its Id.
    pub fn after<M: Into<MessageId>>(&mut self, message_id: M) -> &mut Self {

    fn _after(&mut self, message_id: MessageId) {
        self.0.insert("after", message_id.0);

    /// Indicates to retrieve the messages _around_ a specific message in either
    /// direction (before+after) the given message.
    pub fn around<M: Into<MessageId>>(&mut self, message_id: M) -> &mut Self {

    fn _around(&mut self, message_id: MessageId) {
        self.0.insert("around", message_id.0);

    /// Indicates to retrieve the messages before a specific message, given by
    /// its Id.
    pub fn before<M: Into<MessageId>>(&mut self, message_id: M) -> &mut Self {

    fn _before(&mut self, message_id: MessageId) {
        self.0.insert("before", message_id.0);

    /// The maximum number of messages to retrieve for the query.
    /// If this is not specified, a default value of 50 is used.
    /// **Note**: This field is capped to 100 messages due to a Discord
    /// limitation. If an amount larger than 100 is supplied, it will be
    /// reduced.
    pub fn limit(&mut self, limit: u64) -> &mut Self {
        self.0.insert("limit", if limit > 100 { 100 } else { limit });