pub trait CacheUpdate {
    type Output;

    fn update(&mut self, _: &Cache) -> Option<Self::Output>;
Available on crate feature cache only.
Expand description

Trait used for updating the cache with a type.

This may be implemented on a type and used to update the cache via Cache::update.

Info: You may not access the fields of the cache, as they are public for the crate only.


Creating a custom struct implementation to update the cache with:

use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;

use serenity::json::json;
use serenity::cache::{Cache, CacheUpdate};
use serenity::model::id::UserId;
use serenity::model::user::User;

// For example, an update to the user's record in the database was
// published to a pubsub channel.
struct DatabaseUserUpdate {
    user_avatar: Option<String>,
    user_discriminator: u16,
    user_id: UserId,
    user_is_bot: bool,
    user_name: String,

impl CacheUpdate for DatabaseUserUpdate {
    // A copy of the old user's data, if it existed in the cache.
    type Output = User;

    async fn update(&mut self, cache: &Cache) -> Option<Self::Output> {
        // If an entry for the user already exists, update its fields.
        match cache.users.entry(self.user_id) {
            Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
                let user = entry.get();
                let old_user = user.clone();

       = self.user_is_bot;
                user.discriminator = self.user_discriminator;
       = self.user_id;

                if user.avatar != self.user_avatar {
                    user.avatar = self.user_avatar.clone();

                if != self.user_name {
           = self.user_name.clone();

                // Return the old copy for the user's sake.
            Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
                // We can convert a [`serde_json::Value`] to a User for test
                // purposes.
                let user = from_value::<User>(json!({
                    "id": self.user_id,
                    "avatar": self.user_avatar.clone(),
                    "bot": self.user_is_bot,
                    "discriminator": self.user_discriminator,
                    "username": self.user_name.clone(),
                })).expect("Error making user");


                // There was no old copy, so return None.

// Create an instance of the cache.
let mut cache = Cache::new();

// This is a sample pubsub message that you might receive from your
// database.
let mut update_message = DatabaseUserUpdate {
    user_avatar: None,
    user_discriminator: 6082,
    user_id: UserId(379740138303127564),
    user_is_bot: true,
    user_name: "TofuBot".to_owned(),

// Update the cache with the message.
cache.update(&mut update_message).await;

Required Associated Types

The return type of an update.

If there is nothing to return, specify this type as an unit (()).

Required Methods

Updates the cache with the implementation.
