serenity 0.1.2

Ergonomic and high-level Rust library for the Discord API.

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Serenity is an ergonomic and high-level Rust library for the Discord API.

View the examples on how to make and structure a bot.

Serenity supports both bot and user login via the use of Client::login_bot and Client::login_user.

You may also check your tokens prior to login via the use of validate_token.

Once logged in, you may add handlers to your client to dispatch Events, such as Client::on_message. This will cause your handler to be called when a Event::MessageCreate is received. Each handler is given a Context, giving information about the event. See the client's module-level documentation.

The Shard is transparently handled by the library, removing unnecessary complexity. Sharded connections are automatically handled for you. See the gateway's documentation for more information.

A Cache is also provided for you. This will be updated automatically for you as data is received from the Discord API via events. When calling a method on a Context, the cache will first be searched for relevant data to avoid unnecessary HTTP requests to the Discord API. For more information, see the cache's module-level documentation.

Note that - although this documentation will try to be as up-to-date and accurate as possible - Discord hosts official documentation. If you need to be sure that some information piece is accurate, refer to their docs.

Example Bot

A basic ping-pong bot looks like:

extern crate serenity;

use serenity::client::{Client, Context};
use serenity::model::Message;
use std::env;

fn main() {
    // Login with a bot token from the environment
    let mut client = Client::login_bot(&env::var("DISCORD_TOKEN").expect("token"));
    client.with_framework(|f| f
        .configure(|c| c.prefix("~")) // set the bot's prefix to "~"
        .on("ping", ping));

    // start listening for events by starting a single shard
    let _ = client.start();

command!(ping(_context, message) {
    let _ = message.reply("Pong!");

Full Examples

Full examples, detailing and explaining usage of the basic functionality of the library, can be found in the examples directory.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

serenity = "0.1"

and to the top of your

#[macro_use] extern crate serenity;

Serenity only supports the latest Stable, Beta, and Nightly.


Features can be enabled or disabled by configuring the library through Cargo.toml:

git = ""
default-features = false
features = ["pick", "your", "feature", "names", "here"]

The following is a full list of features:

  • cache: The cache will store information about guilds, channels, users, and other data, to avoid performing REST requests. If you are low on RAM, do not enable this;
  • framework: Enables the framework, which is a utility to allow simple command parsing, before/after command execution, prefix setting, and more;
  • methods: Enables compilation of extra methods on struct implementations, such as Message::delete(), Message::reply(), Guild::edit(), and more. Without this enabled, requests will need to go through the Context or rest module, which are slightly less efficient from a development standpoint, and do not automatically perform permission checking;
  • voice: Enables compilation of voice support, so that voice channels can be connected to and audio can be sent/received.


Serenity requires the following dependencies:

  • openssl


The following dependencies all require the voice feature to be enabled in your Cargo.toml:

  • libsodium (Arch: community/libsodium)
  • opus (Arch: extra/opus)


  • ffmpeg (Arch: extra/ffmpeg)


  • youtube-dl (Arch: community/youtube-dl)

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