serde_with 0.2.5

Custom de/serialization functions for Rust's serde
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

## [0.2.5]

### Added

* Helper which deserializes an empty string as `None` and otherwise uses `FromStr` and `AsRef<str>`.

## [0.2.4]

### Added

* De/Serialize sequences by using `Display` and `FromStr` implementations on each element. Contributed by @katyo

## [0.2.3]

### Added

* Add missing docs and enable deny missing_docs
* Add badges to Cargo.toml and

### Changed

* Improve Travis configuration
* Various clippy improvements

## [0.2.2]

### Added

* `unwrap_or_skip` allows to transparently serialize the inner part of a `Some(T)`
* Add deserialization helpser for sets and maps, inspired by [comment]
    * Create an error if duplicate values for a set are detected
    * Create an error if duplicate keys for a map are detected
    * Implement a first-value wins strategy for sets/maps. This is different to serde's default
        which implements a last value wins strategy.

## [0.2.1]

### Added

* Double Option pattern to differentiate between missing, unset, or existing value
* `with_prefix!` macro, which puts a prefix on every struct field

## [0.2.0]

### Added

* Add chrono support: Deserialize timestamps from int, float, and string
* Serialization of embedded JSON strings
* De/Serialization using `Display` and `FromStr` implementations
* String-based collections using `Display` and `FromStr`, allows to deserialize "#foo,#bar"

## [0.1.0]

### Added

* Reserve name on