Module serde_v2::de[][src]

Serde deserializer for stratum v2 implemented following serde tutorial

Possible implementation of an Sv2 deserializer from and io stream are:

  1. io stream -> read -> 'de buffer -> borrow -> 'de deserialized
  2. io stream -> read -> 'de buffer -> take ownership -> 'a deserialized
  3. io stream -> read -> take ownership -> 'a deserialized

The chosen implementation is (2) becasue:

  • Implementing a pareser for a byte slice is easyer than implementing a parser for a reader and number of copyes are the same.
  • Let the deserialized struct live longer than the initial buffer give more freedom for the same number of copyes.

Deserializer impl from_reader where Sv2 frames are read and copied in Deserializer. Each Deserializer contains a single Sv2 frame. Parsing a deserializer it never copy so we can define deserializer in Sv2 messaged rapresented by struct of borrowed data that had the same lifetime of Deserializer without copying any data.



