serde_tokenstream 0.1.1

A serde deserializer for proc-macro TokenStreams


This Rust crate is intended for use with macros that need bespoke configuration. It's implemented as a serde::Deserializer that operates on a proc_macro2::TokenSteam (easily converted from the standard proc_macro::TokenStream).


Say we're building a custom proc macro that you want consumers to use like this:

#[MyMacro {
    name = "SNPP",
    owner = "Canary M Burns",
    details = {
        kind = Fission,
        year_of_opening = 1968,
fn some_func() {

The function that implements the proc macro must have two parameters (both of type proc_macro::TokenStream): attributes (the tokens with the braces that follow the name of the macro), and the item (the function, type, etc. to which the macro is applied):

pub fn MyMacro(
    attr: proc_macro::TokenStream,
    item: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {

We'll first define the struct type that represents the configuration and derive a serde::Deserialize:

struct Config {
    name: String,
    owner: String,
    details: ConfigDetails,

struct ConfigDetails {
    kind: ConfigDetailsType,
    year_of_opening: usize,

enum ConfigDetailsType {

Now we can parse attr into the Config struct with serde_tokenstream::from_tokenstream:

use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use serde_tokenstream::from_tokenstream;

pub fn MyMacro(
    attr: proc_macro::TokenStream,
    item: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let config = match from_tokenstream::<Config>(&TokenStream::from(attr)) {
        Ok(c) => c,
        Err(err) => return err.to_compile_error().into(),


See the serde documentation for the full range of controls that can be applied to types and their members.

Error Handling

Note that errors will highlight the problematic portion of consuming code:

    name = "Rocinante",
    owner = "Rocicorp",
    details = {
        kind = Fusion,
        year_of_opening = 2347
fn deploy() {
error: unknown variant `Fusion`, expected one of `Coal`, `Fission`, `Hydroelectric`
 --> tests/
7 |         kind = Fusion,
  |                ^^^^^^