serde_canonical_json 1.0.0

Implements a CanonicalFormatter for serde_json


This crate provides a Canonical JSON formatter for serde_json.


use serde::Serialize;
use serde_json::Serializer;
use serde_canonical_json::CanonicalFormatter;

struct Data
    c: isize,
    b: bool,
    a: String,

fn main()
    let data = Data { c: 120, b: false, a: "Hello!".to_owned() };

    let mut ser = Serializer::with_formatter(Vec::new(), CanonicalFormatter::new());

    data.serialize(&mut ser).expect("Failed to serialize");
    let json = String::from_utf8(ser.into_inner()).expect("Failed to convert buffer to string");

    assert_eq!(json, r#"{"a":"Hello!","b":false,"c":120}"#);