serde_any 0.2.1

Dynamic serialization and deserialization with the format chosen at runtime

Serde Any

Dynamic serialization and deserialization with the format chosen at runtime. This crate allows you to serialize and deserialize data using serde without having to choose the data format up-front. The format can be either chosen at runtime, inferred from the file name, or guessed by attemting each supported format until one succeeds.

Supported formats

By default, JSON, YAML, TOML, and RON formats are supported

serde_any = "0.2"

The list of supported formats can be controlled via feature flags

serde_any = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = ["yaml", "toml"] }


Structs that implement serde::de::Deserialize can be deserialized from a given file

let m: MyStruct = serde_any::from_file("my_data.json")?;

If support for multiple formats is desired, data can be deserialized from a fixed file stem. The following will look for my_data.json, my_data.yaml, my_data.yml, my_data.toml, my_data.ron.

let m: MyStruct = serde_any::from_file_stem("my_data")?;

Deserialization can also be done from a string, a byte array, or a reader, with any format

let m1: MyStruct = serde_any::from_str_any(r#"{"name": "value"}"#)?;
let m2: MyStruct = serde_any::from_slice_any(b"name: value")?;

The serde_any crate also provides similar deserialization function with a fixed format

let m1: MyStruct = serde_any::from_str(r#"{"name": "value"}"#, serde_any::Format::Json)?;
let m2: MyStruct = serde_any::from_slice(b"name: value", serde_any::Format::Yaml)?;
let m3: MyStruct = serde_any::from_reader(File::open("some_data_file.toml")?, serde_any::Format::Toml)?;


Structs that implement serde::ser::Serialize can be serialized into a file

    let m = MyStruct { ... };

or to a string, a byte array, or a writer, with a fixed format

let m = MyStruct { ... };
let json_string = serde_any::to_string(&m, Format::Json)?;
let yaml_byte_vec = serde_any::to_vec(&m, Format::Yaml)?;

let writer = File::create("some_data_file.toml")?;
serde_any::to_writer(writer, Format::Toml)?;