serde-reflection 0.3.6

Extract representations of Serde data formats
// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0


//! This crate provides a way to extract format descriptions for Rust containers that
//! implement the Serialize and/or Deserialize trait(s) of Serde.
//! Format descriptions are useful in several ways:
//! * Stored under version control, formats can be tested to prevent unintended modifications
//! of binary serialization formats (e.g. by changing variant order).
//! * Formats can be passed to [`serde-generate`](
//! in order to generate class definitions and provide Serde-compatible binary
//! serialization in other languages (C++, python, Java, etc).
//! # Quick Start
//! Very often, Serde traits are simply implemented using Serde derive macros. In this case,
//! you may obtain format descriptions as follows:
//! * call `trace_simple_type` on the desired top-level container definition(s), then
//! * add a call to `trace_simple_type` for each `enum` type. (This will fix any `MissingVariants` error.)
//! ```rust
//! # use serde::Deserialize;
//! # use serde_reflection::{Error, Samples, Tracer, TracerConfig};
//! #[derive(Deserialize)]
//! struct Foo {
//!   bar: Bar,
//!   choice: Choice,
//! }
//! #[derive(Deserialize)]
//! struct Bar(u64);
//! #[derive(Deserialize)]
//! enum Choice { A, B, C }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
//! // Start the tracing session.
//! let mut tracer = Tracer::new(TracerConfig::default());
//! // Trace the desired top-level type(s).
//! tracer.trace_simple_type::<Foo>()?;
//! // Also trace each enum type separately to fix any `MissingVariants` error.
//! tracer.trace_simple_type::<Choice>()?;
//! // Obtain the registry of Serde formats and serialize it in YAML (for instance).
//! let registry = tracer.registry()?;
//! let data = serde_yaml::to_string(&registry).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(&data, r#"---
//! Bar:
//! Choice:
//!   ENUM:
//!     0:
//!       A: UNIT
//!     1:
//!       B: UNIT
//!     2:
//!       C: UNIT
//! Foo:
//!   STRUCT:
//!     - bar:
//!         TYPENAME: Bar
//!     - choice:
//!         TYPENAME: Choice
//! "#);
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Features and Limitations
//! `serde_reflection` is meant to extract formats for Rust containers (i.e. structs and
//! enums) with "reasonable" implementations of the Serde traits `Serialize` and
//! `Deserialize`.
//! ## Supported features
//! * Plain derived implementations obtained with `#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]` for
//! Rust containers in the Serde [data model](
//! * Customized derived implementations using Serde attributes that are compatible with
//! binary serialization formats, such as `#[serde(rename = "Name")]`.
//! * Hand-written implementations of `Deserialize` that are more restrictive than the
//! derived ones, provided that `trace_value` is used during tracing to provide sample
//! values for all such constrained types (see the detailed example below).
//! * Mutually recursive types provided that the first variant of each enum is
//! recursion-free. (For instance, `enum List { None, Some(Box<List>)}`.) Note that each
//! enum must be traced separately with `trace_type` to discover all the variants.
//! ## Unsupported idioms
//! * Containers sharing the same base name (e.g. `Foo`) but from different modules. (Work
//! around: use `#[serde(rename = ..)]`)
//! * Generic types instantiated multiple times in the same tracing session. (Work around:
//! use the crate [`serde-name`]( and its adapters `SerializeNameAdapter` and `DeserializeNameAdapter`.)
//! * Attributes that are not compatible with binary formats (e.g. `#[serde(flatten)]`, `#[serde(tag = ..)]`)
//! * Tracing type aliases. (E.g. `type Pair = (u32, u64)` will not create an entry "Pair".)
//! * Mutually recursive types for which picking the first variant of each enum does not
//! terminate. (Work around: re-order the variants. For instance `enum List {
//! Some(Box<List>), None}` must be rewritten `enum List { None, Some(Box<List>)}`.)
//! ## Security CAVEAT
//! At this time, `HashSet<T>` and `BTreeSet<T>` are treated as sequences (i.e. vectors)
//! by Serde.
//! Cryptographic applications using [BCS](https:/ **must** use
//! `HashMap<T, ()>` and `BTreeMap<T, ()>` instead. Using `HashSet<T>` or `BTreeSet<T>`
//! will compile but BCS-deserialization will not enforce canonicity (meaning unique,
//! well-ordered serialized elements in this case). In the case of `HashSet<T>`,
//! serialization will additionally be non-deterministic.
//! # Troubleshooting
//! The error type used in this crate provides a method `error.explanation()` to help with
//! troubleshooting during format tracing.
//! # Detailed Example
//! In the following, more complete example, we extract the Serde formats of two containers
//! `Name` and `Person` and demonstrate how to handle a custom implementation of `serde::Deserialize`
//! for `Name`.
//! ```rust
//! # use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
//! use serde_reflection::{ContainerFormat, Error, Format, Samples, Tracer, TracerConfig};
//! #[derive(Serialize, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)]
//! struct Name(String);
//! // impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Name { ... }
//! # impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Name {
//! #     fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> std::result::Result<Self, D::Error>
//! #     where
//! #         D: ::serde::Deserializer<'de>,
//! #     {
//! #         // Make sure to wrap our value in a container with the same name
//! #         // as the original type.
//! #         #[derive(Deserialize)]
//! #         #[serde(rename = "Name")]
//! #         struct InternalValue(String);
//! #         let value = InternalValue::deserialize(deserializer)?.0;
//! #         // Enforce some custom invariant
//! #         if value.len() >= 2 && value.chars().all(char::is_alphabetic) {
//! #             Ok(Name(value))
//! #         } else {
//! #             Err(<D::Error as ::serde::de::Error>::custom(format!(
//! #                 "Invalid name {}",
//! #                 value
//! #             )))
//! #         }
//! #     }
//! # }
//! #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)]
//! enum Person {
//!     NickName(Name),
//!     FullName { first: Name, last: Name },
//! }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
//! // Start a session to trace formats.
//! let mut tracer = Tracer::new(TracerConfig::default());
//! // Create a store to hold samples of Rust values.
//! let mut samples = Samples::new();
//! // For every type (here `Name`), if a user-defined implementation of `Deserialize` exists and
//! // is known to perform custom validation checks, use `trace_value` first so that `samples`
//! // contains a valid Rust value of this type.
//! let bob = Name("Bob".into());
//! tracer.trace_value(&mut samples, &bob)?;
//! assert!(samples.value("Name").is_some());
//! // Now, let's trace deserialization for the top-level type `Person`.
//! // We pass a reference to `samples` so that sampled values are used for custom types.
//! let (format, values) = tracer.trace_type::<Person>(&samples)?;
//! assert_eq!(format, Format::TypeName("Person".into()));
//! // As a byproduct, we have also obtained sample values of type `Person`.
//! // We can see that the user-provided value `bob` was used consistently to pass
//! // validation checks for `Name`.
//! assert_eq!(values[0], Person::NickName(bob.clone()));
//! assert_eq!(values[1], Person::FullName { first: bob.clone(), last: bob.clone() });
//! // We have no more top-level types to trace, so let's stop the tracing session and obtain
//! // a final registry of containers.
//! let registry = tracer.registry()?;
//! // We have successfully extracted a format description of all Serde containers under `Person`.
//! assert_eq!(
//!     registry.get("Name").unwrap(),
//!     &ContainerFormat::NewTypeStruct(Box::new(Format::Str)),
//! );
//! match registry.get("Person").unwrap() {
//!     ContainerFormat::Enum(variants) => assert_eq!(variants.len(), 2),
//!      _ => panic!(),
//! };
//! // Export the registry in YAML.
//! let data = serde_yaml::to_string(&registry).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(&data, r#"---
//! Name:
//! Person:
//!   ENUM:
//!     0:
//!       NickName:
//!         NEWTYPE:
//!           TYPENAME: Name
//!     1:
//!       FullName:
//!         STRUCT:
//!           - first:
//!               TYPENAME: Name
//!           - last:
//!               TYPENAME: Name
//! "#);
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Tracing Serialization with `trace_value`
//! Tracing the serialization of a Rust value `v` consists of visiting the structural
//! components of `v` in depth and recording Serde formats for all the visited types.
//! ```rust
//! # use serde_reflection::*;
//! # use serde::Serialize;
//! #[derive(Serialize)]
//! struct FullName<'a> {
//!   first: &'a str,
//!   middle: Option<&'a str>,
//!   last: &'a str,
//! }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
//! let mut tracer = Tracer::new(TracerConfig::default());
//! let mut samples = Samples::new();
//! tracer.trace_value(&mut samples, &FullName { first: "", middle: Some(""), last: "" })?;
//! let registry = tracer.registry()?;
//! match registry.get("FullName").unwrap() {
//!     ContainerFormat::Struct(fields) => assert_eq!(fields.len(), 3),
//!     _ => panic!(),
//! };
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! This approach works well but it can only recover the formats of datatypes for which
//! nontrivial samples have been provided:
//! * In enums, only the variants explicitly covered by user samples will be recorded.
//! * Providing a `None` value or an empty vector `[]` within a sample may result in
//! formats that are partially unknown.
//! ```rust
//! # use serde_reflection::*;
//! # use serde::Serialize;
//! # #[derive(Serialize)]
//! # struct FullName<'a> {
//! #   first: &'a str,
//! #   middle: Option<&'a str>,
//! #   last: &'a str,
//! # }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
//! let mut tracer = Tracer::new(TracerConfig::default());
//! let mut samples = Samples::new();
//! tracer.trace_value(&mut samples, &FullName { first: "", middle: None, last: "" })?;
//! assert_eq!(tracer.registry().unwrap_err(), Error::UnknownFormatInContainer("FullName".to_string()));
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! For this reason, we introduce a complementary set of APIs to trace deserialization of types.
//! # Tracing Deserialization with `trace_type<T>`
//! Deserialization-tracing APIs take a type `T`, the current tracing state, and a
//! reference to previously recorded samples as input.
//! ## Core Algorithm and High-Level API
//! The core algorithm `trace_type_once<T>`
//! attempts to reconstruct a witness value of type `T` by exploring the graph of all the types
//! occurring in the definition of `T`. At the same time, the algorithm records the
//! formats of all the visited structs and enum variants.
//! For the exploration to be able to terminate, the core algorithm `trace_type_once<T>` explores
//! each possible recursion point only once (see paragraph below).
//! In particular, if `T` is an enum, `trace_type_once<T>` discovers only one variant of `T` at a time.
//! For this reason, the high-level API `trace_type<T>`
//! will repeat calls to `trace_type_once<T>` until all the variants of `T` are known.
//! Variant cases of `T` are explored in sequential order, starting with index `0`.
//! ## Coverage Guarantees
//! Under the assumptions listed below, a single call to `trace_type<T>` is guaranteed to
//! record formats for all the types that `T` depends on. Besides, if `T` is an enum, it
//! will record all the variants of `T`.
//! (0) Container names must not collide. If this happens, consider using `#[serde(rename = "name")]`,
//! or implementing serde traits manually.
//! (1) The first variants of mutually recursive enums must be a "base case". That is,
//! defaulting to the first variant for every enum type (along with `None` for option values
//! and `[]` for sequences) must guarantee termination of depth-first traversals of the graph of type
//! declarations.
//! (2) If a type runs custom validation checks during deserialization, sample values must have been provided
//! previously by calling `trace_value`. Besides, the corresponding registered formats
//! must not contain unknown parts.
//! ## Design Considerations
//! Whenever we traverse the graph of type declarations using deserialization callbacks, the type
//! system requires us to return valid Rust values of type `V::Value`, where `V` is the type of
//! a given `visitor`. This contraint limits the way we can stop graph traversal to only a few cases.
//! The first 4 cases are what we have called *possible recursion points* above:
//! * while visiting an `Option<T>` for the second time, we choose to return the value `None` to stop;
//! * while visiting an `Seq<T>` for the second time, we choose to return the empty sequence `[]`;
//! * while visiting an `Map<K, V>` for the second time, we choose to return the empty map `{}`;
//! * while visiting an `enum T` for the second time, we choose to return the first variant, i.e.
//! a "base case" by assumption (1) above.
//! In addition to the cases above,
//! * while visiting a container, if the container's name is mapped to a recorded value,
//! we MAY decide to use it.
//! The default configuration `TracerConfig:default()` always picks the recorded value for a
//! `NewTypeStruct` and never does in the other cases.
//! For efficiency reasons, the current algorithm does not attempt to scan the variants of enums
//! other than the parameter `T` of the main call `trace_type<T>`. As a consequence, each enum type must be
//! traced separately.

mod de;
mod error;
mod format;
mod ser;
mod trace;
mod value;

pub use error::{Error, Result};
pub use format::{ContainerFormat, Format, FormatHolder, Named, Variable, VariantFormat};
pub use trace::{Registry, Samples, Tracer, TracerConfig};
pub use value::Value;