sequoia-sop 0.22.2

An implementation of the Stateless OpenPGP Command Line Interface using Sequoia
name = "sequoia-sop"
description = "An implementation of the Stateless OpenPGP Command Line Interface using Sequoia"
version = "0.22.2"
authors = [
    "Justus Winter <>",
documentation = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["cryptography", "openpgp", "pgp", "sop", "stateless-openpgp"]
categories = ["cryptography", "command-line-utilities"]
license = "GPL-2.0-or-later"
edition = "2018"

gitlab = { repository = "sequoia-pgp/sequoia-sop" }
maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }

sequoia-openpgp = { version = "1", default-features = false }
anyhow = "1.0.18"
chrono = "0.4.10"
structopt = { version = "0.3.11", default-features = false }
thiserror = "1.0.2"
lazy_static = "1"

sequoia-openpgp = { version = "1", default-features = false }
anyhow = "1"
chrono = "0.4.10"
clap = "2"
structopt = { version = "0.3.11", default-features = false }
lazy_static = "1"

name = "sqop"
path = "src/"

default = ["sequoia-openpgp/default"]
crypto-nettle = ["sequoia-openpgp/crypto-nettle"]
crypto-cng = ["sequoia-openpgp/crypto-cng"]
compression = ["sequoia-openpgp/compression"]
compression-deflate = ["sequoia-openpgp/compression-deflate"]
compression-bzip2 = ["sequoia-openpgp/compression-bzip2"]