sequoia-openpgp 0.5.0

OpenPGP data types and associated machinery
This directory contains test vectors for the armor module.

# literal-$n.*

These files are generated using:

  (cd ../../../.. && cargo build -p openpgp --example wrap-literal)
  for n in 0 1 2 3 47 48 49 50 51
    dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=$n \
      | ../../../../target/debug/examples/wrap-literal > literal-$n.asc
    sq dearmor -o literal-$n.bin literal-$n.asc
    grep -v - literal-$n.asc > literal-$n-no-header-with-chksum.asc
    grep -v - literal-$n.asc | head -n -1 > literal-$n-no-header.asc
    tr "\n" " " <literal-$n.asc > literal-$n-no-newlines.asc