sequence_trie 0.1.0

Trie-like data-structure for storing sequences of values.

Sequence Trie

Build Status

This is a generic Trie implementation that uses a hash map to store child nodes. The Trie is keyed by lists of type K, which can be anything implementing PartialEq, Eq, Hash and Clone. If your keys are explicit lists and you want to be able to store a different value for each fragment of a key, this might be the data structure for you!

I'm still undecided about what to call this data-structure, as it's kind of half-way between an unbounded tree and a trie... Suggestions welcome.

For more information, see the documentation.


Add sequence_trie to your Cargo.toml.

sequence_trie = "*"

See Also

Since writing this sequence trie I've created a radix trie which uses node compression. It has much better performance and has reached feature-parity.


MIT License. Copyright (c) Michael Sproul 2015.