sentry 0.3.2

Sentry ( client for rust ;)
.. sentry:edition:: self

    Sentry Rust

.. sentry:edition:: hosted, on-premise

    .. class:: platform-rust


Sentry-Rust is the official Rust SDK for Sentry.  It maps the entire
Sentry protocol for Rust and provides convenient helpers for sending
common types of events to Sentry.


Sentry-Rust is distributed as a normal crate from  You can add
it to your project as a dependency in your `Cargo.toml` file::

    sentry = "###SENTRY_VERSION###"

Additionally you can configure a bunch of features to enable or disable
functionality in the crate.  By default the most common features are
compiled into the crate.  For a list of features that are available refer
to the `API Documentation <>`__.

Configuring the Client

The client is configured by calling ``sentry::init`` with a value that can
be converted into a configuration object.  These are the most common

*   *an empty tuple*: in that case the client is configured from the
    :envvar:`SENTRY_DSN` environment variable.
*   *a string holding a DSN*: if you pass a string then a DSN is parsed
    and the client is initialized with that DSN.
*   *a tuple in the form (dsn, options)*: This is a form where the client
    is configured with a DSN plus an options object that allows you to
    configure additional features.

This is the most common case for client configuration:

.. sourcecode:: rust

    extern crate sentry;

    fn main() {
        // code using sentry goes here.

To configure releases automatically you can use the
``sentry_crate_release!`` macro in combination with the tuple config

.. sourcecode:: rust

    #[macro_use] extern crate sentry;

    fn main() {
        sentry::init(("___PUBLIC_DSN___", sentry::ClientOptions {
            release: sentry_crate_release!(),
        // code using sentry goes here.

Reporting Errors

Once Sentry is configured errors and other events can be emitted.  Since
Rust has different mechanisms by which errors can be issued different
functionality is provided for them.  By default support for the new
`failure <>`__ error system is provided.

For instance to report a ``failure::Error`` this code can be used:

.. sourcecode:: rust

    use sentry::integrations::failure::capture_error;

    let result = match a_function_that_might_fail() {
        Ok(val) => val,
        Err(err) => {
            return Err(err);

For this particular case a shortcut is also provided:

.. sourcecode:: rust

    use sentry::integrations::failure::tap_error;

    let result = tap_error(a_function_that_might_fail())?;

Similarly the functions ``capture_fail`` and ``tap_fail`` can be used to
work with `Fail` trait objects instead.

Catching Panics

To automatically catch panics the panic integration can be used:

.. sourcecode:: rust

    use sentry::integrations::panic::register_panic_handler;

    fn main() {

Flushing Errors on Shutdown

Since Sentry Rust uses a thread to offload event sending it's possible
that pending events are not sent on shutdown.  There are two ways to
prevent this from happening.  The first one is to retain the guard
returned from ``sentry::init`` which will flush out in the `Drop`
implementation (it will wait up to 2 seconds for this):

.. sourcecode:: rust

    fn main() {
        let _guard = sentry::init(...);

Alternatively you can call ``sentry::drain_events`` which takes an
explicit timeout:

.. sourcecode:: rust

    use std::time::Duration;

    fn main() {
        // ...

More Information

For more information (in particular about how to set contextual data)
refer to the `full API documentation <>`__ which
has all that information and more.


* `API Docs <>`_
* ` page <>`_
* `Bug Tracker <>`_
* `Github Project <>`_