Expand description

Adds support for the failure crate.

Feature: with_failure (enabled by default)

Failure errors and Fail objects can be logged with the failure integration. This works really well if you use the failure::Error type or if you have failure::Fail objects that use the failure context internally to gain a backtrace.


use sentry::integrations::failure::capture_error;
let result = match function_that_might_fail() {
    Ok(result) => result,
    Err(err) => {
        return Err(err);

To capture fails and not errors use capture_fail.


Hub extension methods for working with failure.


Captures a boxed failure (failure::Error).
Captures a failure::Fail.
Helper function to create an event from a failure::Error.
Helper function to create an event from a failure::Fail.
This converts a single fail instance into an exception.