sentry-tauri 0.1.0

An experimental Tauri Plugin for Sentry


An experimental Tauri Plugin for Sentry.

Captures and reports to Sentry:

  • JavaScript errors and breadcrumbs in Tauri windows using @sentry/browser
  • Panics and breadcrumbs in Rust via the Sentry Rust SDK
  • Native crashes as minidumps


Add the plugin as a dependency in Cargo.toml:

sentry = "0.27"
sentry-tauri = "0.1"
fn main() {
      |_| {
              sentry::ClientOptions {
                  release: sentry::release_name!(),
      |sentry_plugin| {
              .expect("error while running tauri application");

What is going on here? 🤔

  • Injects and initialises @sentry/browser in every web-view
  • Includes a TauriIntegration that intercepts events and breadcrumbs and passes them to Rust via the Tauri invoke API
  • Tauri + serde + existing Sentry Rust types = Deserialisation mostly Just Works™️
  • Uses sentry-rust-minidump which in turn uses the minidumper and crash-handler crates to capture minidumps in pure Rust and sends them as attachments using the Sentry Rust SDK

Points to Note 📝

  • There is currently no breadcrumb and scope synchronisation to the crash reporting process so these are missing from minidump events

Example App

Clone this repository and install dependencies:

> cd examples/basic-app
> yarn install

In examples/basic-app/src-tauri/src/ replace __YOUR_DSN__ with your DSN

Run in development mode:

> yarn tauri dev