sentry-actix 0.27.0

Sentry client extension for actix-web 3.
//! This crate adds a middleware for [`actix-web`]( that captures errors and
//! report them to `Sentry`.
//! To use this middleware just configure Sentry and then add it to your actix web app as a
//! middleware.  Because actix is generally working with non sendable objects and highly concurrent
//! this middleware creates a new hub per request.  As a result many of the sentry integrations
//! such as breadcrumbs do not work unless you bind the actix hub.
//! # Example
//! ```no_run
//! use std::io;
//! use actix_web::{get, App, Error, HttpRequest, HttpServer};
//! #[get("/")]
//! async fn failing(_req: HttpRequest) -> Result<String, Error> {
//!     Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "An error happens here").into())
//! }
//! fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
//!     let _guard = sentry::init(sentry::ClientOptions {
//!         release: sentry::release_name!(),
//!         ..Default::default()
//!     });
//!     std::env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1");
//!     let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
//!         .enable_all()
//!         .build()?;
//!     runtime.block_on(async move {
//!         HttpServer::new(|| {
//!             App::new()
//!                 .wrap(sentry_actix::Sentry::new())
//!                 .service(failing)
//!         })
//!         .bind("")?
//!         .run()
//!         .await
//!     })
//! }
//! ```
//! # Using Release Health
//! The actix middleware will automatically start a new session for each request
//! when `auto_session_tracking` is enabled and the client is configured to
//! use `SessionMode::Request`.
//! ```
//! let _sentry = sentry::init(sentry::ClientOptions {
//!     release: sentry::release_name!(),
//!     session_mode: sentry::SessionMode::Request,
//!     auto_session_tracking: true,
//!     ..Default::default()
//! });
//! ```
//! # Reusing the Hub
//! This integration will automatically create a new per-request Hub from the main Hub, and update the
//! current Hub instance. For example, the following will capture a message in the current request's Hub:
//! ```
//! sentry::capture_message("Something is not well", sentry::Level::Warning);
//! ```

#![doc(html_favicon_url = "")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;

use actix_web::dev::{Service, ServiceRequest, ServiceResponse, Transform};
use actix_web::http::StatusCode;
use actix_web::Error;
use futures_util::future::{ok, Future, Ready};
use futures_util::FutureExt;

use sentry_core::protocol::{self, ClientSdkPackage, Event, Request};
use sentry_core::{Hub, SentryFutureExt};

/// A helper construct that can be used to reconfigure and build the middleware.
pub struct SentryBuilder {
    middleware: Sentry,

impl SentryBuilder {
    /// Finishes the building and returns a middleware
    pub fn finish(self) -> Sentry {

    /// Tells the middleware to start a new performance monitoring transaction for each request.
    pub fn start_transaction(mut self, start_transaction: bool) -> Self {
        self.middleware.start_transaction = start_transaction;

    /// Reconfigures the middleware so that it uses a specific hub instead of the default one.
    pub fn with_hub(mut self, hub: Arc<Hub>) -> Self {
        self.middleware.hub = Some(hub);

    /// Reconfigures the middleware so that it uses a specific hub instead of the default one.
    pub fn with_default_hub(mut self) -> Self {
        self.middleware.hub = None;

    /// If configured the sentry id is attached to a X-Sentry-Event header.
    pub fn emit_header(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
        self.middleware.emit_header = val;

    /// Enables or disables error reporting.
    /// The default is to report all errors.
    pub fn capture_server_errors(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
        self.middleware.capture_server_errors = val;

/// Reports certain failures to Sentry.
pub struct Sentry {
    hub: Option<Arc<Hub>>,
    emit_header: bool,
    capture_server_errors: bool,
    start_transaction: bool,

impl Sentry {
    /// Creates a new sentry middleware.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Sentry {
            hub: None,
            emit_header: false,
            capture_server_errors: true,
            start_transaction: false,

    /// Creates a new sentry middleware which starts a new performance monitoring transaction for each request.
    pub fn with_transaction() -> Sentry {
        Sentry {
            start_transaction: true,

    /// Creates a new middleware builder.
    pub fn builder() -> SentryBuilder {

    /// Converts the middleware into a builder.
    pub fn into_builder(self) -> SentryBuilder {
        SentryBuilder { middleware: self }

impl Default for Sentry {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<S, B> Transform<S, ServiceRequest> for Sentry
    S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error>,
    S::Future: 'static,
    type Response = ServiceResponse<B>;
    type Error = Error;
    type Transform = SentryMiddleware<S>;
    type InitError = ();
    type Future = Ready<Result<Self::Transform, Self::InitError>>;

    fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> Self::Future {
        ok(SentryMiddleware {
            inner: self.clone(),

/// The middleware for individual services.
pub struct SentryMiddleware<S> {
    service: S,
    inner: Sentry,

impl<S, B> Service<ServiceRequest> for SentryMiddleware<S>
    S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error>,
    S::Future: 'static,
    type Response = ServiceResponse<B>;
    type Error = Error;
    type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>>>;

    fn poll_ready(
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&self, req: ServiceRequest) -> Self::Future {
        let inner = self.inner.clone();
        let hub = Arc::new(Hub::new_from_top(
        let client = hub.client();
        let track_sessions = client.as_ref().map_or(false, |client| {
            let options = client.options();
                && options.session_mode == sentry_core::SessionMode::Request
        if track_sessions {
        let with_pii = client
            .map_or(false, |client| client.options().send_default_pii);

        let (mut tx, sentry_req) = sentry_request_from_http(&req, with_pii);

        let transaction = if inner.start_transaction {
            let name = std::mem::take(&mut tx)
                .unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{} {}", req.method(), req.uri()));

            let headers = req.headers().iter().flat_map(|(header, value)| {
                value.to_str().ok().map(|value| (header.as_str(), value))

            let ctx = sentry_core::TransactionContext::continue_from_headers(
        } else {

        let parent_span = hub.configure_scope(|scope| {
            let parent_span = scope.get_span();
            if let Some(transaction) = transaction.as_ref() {
            } else {
            scope.add_event_processor(move |event| Some(process_event(event, &sentry_req)));

        let fut =;

        async move {
            // Service errors
            let mut res: Self::Response = match fut.await {
                Ok(res) => res,
                Err(e) => {
                    if inner.capture_server_errors {

                    if let Some(transaction) = transaction {
                        if transaction.get_status().is_none() {
                            let status = protocol::SpanStatus::UnknownError;
                        hub.configure_scope(|scope| scope.set_span(parent_span));
                    return Err(e);

            // Response errors
            if inner.capture_server_errors && res.response().status().is_server_error() {
                if let Some(e) = res.response().error() {
                    let event_id = hub.capture_error(e);

                    if inner.emit_header {

            if let Some(transaction) = transaction {
                if transaction.get_status().is_none() {
                    let status = map_status(res.status());
                hub.configure_scope(|scope| scope.set_span(parent_span));


fn map_status(status: StatusCode) -> protocol::SpanStatus {
    match status {
        StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED => protocol::SpanStatus::Unauthenticated,
        StatusCode::FORBIDDEN => protocol::SpanStatus::PermissionDenied,
        StatusCode::NOT_FOUND => protocol::SpanStatus::NotFound,
        StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS => protocol::SpanStatus::ResourceExhausted,
        status if status.is_client_error() => protocol::SpanStatus::InvalidArgument,
        StatusCode::NOT_IMPLEMENTED => protocol::SpanStatus::Unimplemented,
        StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE => protocol::SpanStatus::Unavailable,
        status if status.is_server_error() => protocol::SpanStatus::InternalError,
        StatusCode::CONFLICT => protocol::SpanStatus::AlreadyExists,
        status if status.is_success() => protocol::SpanStatus::Ok,
        _ => protocol::SpanStatus::UnknownError,

/// Build a Sentry request struct from the HTTP request
fn sentry_request_from_http(request: &ServiceRequest, with_pii: bool) -> (Option<String>, Request) {
    let transaction = if let Some(name) = request.match_name() {
    } else {

    let mut sentry_req = Request {
        url: format!(
        method: Some(request.method().to_string()),
        headers: request
            .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v.to_str().unwrap_or_default().to_string()))

    // If PII is enabled, include the remote address
    if with_pii {
        if let Some(remote) = request.connection_info().remote_addr() {
            sentry_req.env.insert("REMOTE_ADDR".into(), remote.into());

    (transaction, sentry_req)

/// Add request data to a Sentry event
fn process_event(mut event: Event<'static>, request: &Request) -> Event<'static> {
    // Request
    if event.request.is_none() {
        event.request = Some(request.clone());

    // SDK
    if let Some(sdk) = event.sdk.take() {
        let mut sdk = sdk.into_owned();
        sdk.packages.push(ClientSdkPackage {
            name: "sentry-actix".into(),
            version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").into(),
        event.sdk = Some(Cow::Owned(sdk));

mod tests {
    use std::io;

    use actix_web::test::{call_service, init_service, TestRequest};
    use actix_web::{get, web, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
    use futures::executor::block_on;

    use sentry::Level;

    use super::*;

    fn _assert_hub_no_events() {
        if Hub::current().last_event_id().is_some() {
            panic!("Current hub should not have had any events.");

    fn _assert_hub_has_events() {
            .expect("Current hub should have had events.");

    /// Test explicit events sent to the current Hub inside an Actix service.
    async fn test_explicit_events() {
        let events = sentry::test::with_captured_events(|| {
            block_on(async {
                let service = || {
                    // Current Hub should have no events

                    sentry::capture_message("Message", Level::Warning);

                    // Current Hub should have the event


                let app = init_service(

                // Call the service twice (sequentially) to ensure the middleware isn't sticky
                for _ in 0..2 {
                    let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/test").to_request();
                    let res = call_service(&app, req).await;

        assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);
        for event in events {
            let request = event.request.expect("Request should be set.");
            assert_eq!(event.transaction, Some("/test".into()));
            assert_eq!(event.message, Some("Message".into()));
            assert_eq!(event.level, Level::Warning);
            assert_eq!(request.method, Some("GET".into()));

    /// Ensures errors returned in the Actix service trigger an event.
    async fn test_response_errors() {
        let events = sentry::test::with_captured_events(|| {
            block_on(async {
                async fn failing(_req: HttpRequest) -> Result<String, Error> {
                    // Current hub should have no events

                    Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Test Error").into())

                let app = init_service(

                // Call the service twice (sequentially) to ensure the middleware isn't sticky
                for _ in 0..2 {
                    let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/test").to_request();
                    let res = call_service(&app, req).await;

        assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);
        for event in events {
            let request = event.request.expect("Request should be set.");
            assert_eq!(event.transaction, Some("failing".into())); // Transaction name is the name of the function
            assert_eq!(event.message, None);
            assert_eq!(event.exception.values[0].ty, String::from("Custom"));
            assert_eq!(event.exception.values[0].value, Some("Test Error".into()));
            assert_eq!(event.level, Level::Error);
            assert_eq!(request.method, Some("GET".into()));

    /// Ensures client errors (4xx) are not captured.
    async fn test_client_errors_discarded() {
        let events = sentry::test::with_captured_events(|| {
            block_on(async {
                let service = HttpResponse::NotFound;

                let app = init_service(

                let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/test").to_request();
                let res = call_service(&app, req).await;


    /// Ensures transaction name can be overridden in handler scope.
    async fn test_override_transaction_name() {
        let events = sentry::test::with_captured_events(|| {
            block_on(async {
                async fn original_transaction(_req: HttpRequest) -> Result<String, Error> {
                    // Override transaction name
                    sentry::configure_scope(|scope| scope.set_transaction(Some("new_transaction")));
                    Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Test Error").into())

                let app = init_service(

                let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/test").to_request();
                let res = call_service(&app, req).await;

        assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
        let event = events[0].clone();
        let request = event.request.expect("Request should be set.");
        assert_eq!(event.transaction, Some("new_transaction".into())); // Transaction name is overridden by handler
        assert_eq!(event.message, None);
        assert_eq!(event.exception.values[0].ty, String::from("Custom"));
        assert_eq!(event.exception.values[0].value, Some("Test Error".into()));
        assert_eq!(event.level, Level::Error);
        assert_eq!(request.method, Some("GET".into()));

    async fn test_track_session() {
        let envelopes = sentry::test::with_captured_envelopes_options(
            || {
                block_on(async {
                    async fn hello() -> impl actix_web::Responder {
                        String::from("Hello there!")

                    let middleware = Sentry::builder().with_hub(Hub::current()).finish();

                    let app = init_service(App::new().wrap(middleware).service(hello)).await;

                    for _ in 0..5 {
                        let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/").to_request();
                        call_service(&app, req).await;
            sentry::ClientOptions {
                release: Some("some-release".into()),
                session_mode: sentry::SessionMode::Request,
                auto_session_tracking: true,
        assert_eq!(envelopes.len(), 1);

        let mut items = envelopes[0].items();
        if let Some(sentry::protocol::EnvelopeItem::SessionAggregates(aggregate)) = {
            let aggregates = &aggregate.aggregates;

            assert_eq!(aggregates[0].distinct_id, None);
            assert_eq!(aggregates[0].exited, 5);
        } else {
            panic!("expected session");
        assert_eq!(, None);