send-cell 0.1.4

Immutable memory region with runtime Send checking
# send-cell [![]] [![Build Status]] [![]]

**DEPRECATED: This crate is now deprecated in favour of
[fragile]( The `fragile::Fragile` type
has essentially the same guarantees and works the same**

An immutable memory location that implements `Send` for types that do not
implement it.

Enforcing safety with regard to the `Send` trait happens at runtime instead of
compile time. Accessing the contained value will call `panic!` if happening
from any thread but the thread on which the value was created on. The
`SendCell` can be safely transferred to other threads.


send-cell is licensed under the MIT license ([LICENSE](LICENSE) or

## Contribution

Any kinds of contributions are welcome as a pull request.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in send-cell by you shall be licensed under the MIT license as above,
without any additional terms or conditions.