segment_analytics 0.1.2

Segment Analytics ( client for rust ;)
segment_analytics-0.1.2 doesn't have any documentation.

Rust Segment Analytics Client

Build Status Coverage Status

Segment Analytics Client now available for rust ;)


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

segment_analytics = "0.1.2"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate segment_analytics;


Usage with shared instance across thread.

extern crate segment_analytics;
use segment_analytics::Segment;

let segment = Arc::new(Segment::new(Some(SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY.to_string())));

let segment1 = segment.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {

  let mut properties = HashMap::new();
  properties.insert("firstname", "Jimmy");
  properties.insert("lastname", "Page");

  let mut context = HashMap::new();
  context.insert("ip", "");


  segment1.alias("anonymous_id", "user_id");

  let mut traits = HashMap::new();
  traits.insert("email", "");
  let mut context = HashMap::new();
  context.insert("ip", "");
  segment1.identify(None,Some("user_id"), None, Some(traits), Some(context));

Under the hood, one thread worker is in charge of sending the messages to segment endpoint. If the thread drops, a new one is created.

Traits, Properties and Context must implement ToJsonString (I'm not a fan of current json solutions in rust).

pub trait ToJsonString {
    fn to_json_string(&self) -> String;

For convenience ToJsonString is (basically) implemented for HashMap.


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