Expand description


Test Status API

This crate is an unofficial segment analytics client for Rust used by Meilisearch

Example usage(s)

use segment::{HttpClient, Client, AutoBatcher, Batcher};
use segment::message::{Track, User};
use serde_json::json;

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() {
    let write_key = "YOUR_WRITE_KEY";

    let client = HttpClient::default();
    let batcher = Batcher::new(None);
    let mut batcher = AutoBatcher::new(client, batcher, write_key.to_string());

    // Pretend this is reading off of a queue, a file, or some other data
    // source.
    for i in 0..100 {
        let msg = Track {
            user: User::UserId { user_id: format!("user-{}", i) },
            event: "Example Event".to_owned(),
            properties: json!({
                "foo": format!("bar-{}", i),

        // An error here indicates a message is too large. In real life, you
        // would probably want to put this message in a deadletter queue or some
        // equivalent.


or when you want to do struct to struct transformations

use segment::{HttpClient, Client};
use segment::message::{Track, Message, User};
use serde_json::json;

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() {
    let write_key = "YOUR_WRITE_KEY";

    let client = HttpClient::default();
    client.send(write_key.to_string(), Message::from(Track {
        user: User::UserId { user_id: "some_user_id".to_owned() },
        event: "Example Event".to_owned(),
        properties: json!({
            "some property": "some value",
            "some other property": "some other value",
    })).await.expect("could not send to Segment");


Licensed under MIT license.


pub use message::Message;


Representations of the messages which may be sent to Segment’s tracking API.


A batcher can accept messages into an internal buffer, and report when messages must be flushed.

A batcher can accept messages into an internal buffer, and report when messages must be flushed.

A client which synchronously sends single messages to the Segment tracking API.


An enum of errors this crate may produce. These are compatible with failure errors.


Client is a trait representing the HTTP transport layer of the analytics library.

Type Definitions