seed 0.9.2

A Rust framework for creating web apps, using WebAssembly
#[cfg(any(feature = "serde-json", feature = "serde-wasm-bindgen"))]
use super::subs;
use super::{App, CmdHandle, RenderInfo, StreamHandle, SubHandle};
#[cfg(any(feature = "serde-json", feature = "serde-wasm-bindgen"))]
use crate::browser::Url;
use crate::virtual_dom::IntoNodes;
use futures::stream::Stream;
use std::{any::Any, future::Future, rc::Rc};

// @TODO: Add links to doc comment once is resolved
// or use nightly rustdoc. Applicable to the entire code base.

pub mod container;
pub mod proxy;

pub use container::OrdersContainer;
pub use proxy::OrdersProxy;

pub trait Orders<Ms: 'static> {
    type AppMs: 'static;
    type Mdl: 'static;
    type INodes: IntoNodes<Self::AppMs> + 'static;

    /// Automatically map message type. It allows you to pass `Orders` into child module.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    ///Msg::Child(child_msg) => {
    ///    child::update(child_msg, &mut model.child, &mut orders.proxy(Msg::Child));
    /// ```
    fn proxy<ChildMs: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        f: impl FnOnce(ChildMs) -> Ms + 'static + Clone,
    ) -> OrdersProxy<ChildMs, Self::AppMs, Self::Mdl, Self::INodes>;

    /// Schedule web page rerender after model update. It's the default behaviour.
    fn render(&mut self) -> &mut Self;

    /// Force web page to rerender immediately after model update.
    fn force_render_now(&mut self) -> &mut Self;

    /// Don't rerender web page after model update.
    fn skip(&mut self) -> &mut Self;

    /// Notify all subscription handlers that listen for messages with the `message`'s type.
    /// _Note:_ Seed's native subscriptions / `messages` can be also sent - e.g.
    /// `orders.notify(subs::UrlRequested::new(url))`.
    /// The most is ignored by the Seed's runtime, but some of them are processed and
    /// trigger side-effects - e.g. simulate `<a>` link click by sending `subs::UrlRequested`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// ...
    ///orders.subscribe(Msg::Reset);  // `Msg::Reset(counter::DoReset)`
    ///orders.subscribe(|greeting: &'static str| log!(greeting));
    /// ```
    /// _Note:_: All notifications are pushed to the queue - i.e. `update` function is NOT called immediately.
    fn notify(&mut self, message: impl Any + Clone) -> &mut Self;

    /// Invoke function `update` with the given `msg`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// ```
    /// _Note:_: All `msg`s are pushed to the queue - i.e. `update` function is NOT called immediately.
    fn send_msg(&mut self, msg: Ms) -> &mut Self;

    /// Execute `cmd` and send its output (if it's `Msg`) to `update` function.
    /// Output has to be `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    ///orders.perform_cmd(cmds::timeout(2000, || Msg::OnTimeout));
    ///orders.perform_cmd(async { log!("Hello!") });
    /// ```
    /// _Note:_: Use the alternative `perform_cmd_with_handle` to control `cmd`'s lifetime.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the output isn't `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// Stabilisation of issue [391]( makes this a compile-time error.
    // @TODO remove `'static`s once `optin_builtin_traits`, `negative_impls`
    // @TODO or is stable
    fn perform_cmd<MsU: 'static>(&mut self, cmd: impl Future<Output = MsU> + 'static) -> &mut Self;

    /// Execute given `cmd` and send its output (if it's `Msg`) to `update` function.
    /// - Returns `CmdHandle` that you should save to your `Model`.
    ///   The `cmd` is aborted on the handle drop.
    /// Output has to be `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    ///let timeout_handle = orders.perform_cmd_with_handle(cmds::timeout(2000, || Msg::OnTimeout));
    ///let cmd_handle = orders.perform_cmd_with_handle(async { log!("Hello!") });
    /// ```
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the output isn't `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// Stabilisation of issue [391]( makes this a compile-time error.
    #[must_use = "cmd is aborted on its handle drop"]
    // @TODO remove `'static`s once `optin_builtin_traits`, `negative_impls`
    // @TODO or is stable
    fn perform_cmd_with_handle<MsU: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        cmd: impl Future<Output = MsU> + 'static,
    ) -> CmdHandle;

    /// Get app instance. Cloning is cheap because `App` contains only `Rc` fields.
    fn clone_app(&self) -> App<Self::AppMs, Self::Mdl, Self::INodes>;

    /// Get the function that maps module's `Msg` to app's (root's) one.
    /// _Note:_ You want to use `Orders::msg_sender` instead in most cases.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    ///let (app, msg_mapper) = (orders.clone_app(), orders.msg_mapper());
    /// ```
    fn msg_mapper(&self) -> Rc<dyn Fn(Ms) -> Self::AppMs>;

    /// Get the function that invokes your `update` function.
    /// The most common use-case is passing the function into callbacks.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// fn create_websocket(orders: &impl Orders<Msg>) -> WebSocket {
    ///     let msg_sender = orders.msg_sender();
    ///     WebSocket::builder(WS_URL, orders)
    ///         .on_message(move |msg| decode_message(msg, msg_sender))
    ///         ...
    /// }
    /// fn decode_message(message: WebSocketMessage, msg_sender: Rc<dyn Fn(Option<Msg>)>) {
    ///     ...
    ///         spawn_local(async move {
    ///             let bytes = message
    ///                 .bytes()
    ///                 .await
    ///                 .expect("WebsocketError on binary data");
    ///             let msg: shared::ServerMessage = rmp_serde::from_slice(&bytes).unwrap();
    ///             msg_sender(Some(Msg::BinaryMessageReceived(msg)));
    ///         });
    ///     ...
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn msg_sender(&self) -> Rc<dyn Fn(Option<Ms>)> {
        let (app, msg_mapper) = (self.clone_app(), self.msg_mapper());
        let msg_sender =
            move |msg: Option<Ms>| app.update_with_option(|msg| msg_mapper(msg)));

    /// Register the callback that will be executed after the next render.
    /// Callback's only parameter is `RenderInfo` - it has fields `timestamp`
    /// and `timestamp_delta`.
    /// `timestamp_delta` is the difference between the old render timestamp and the new one
    /// and it has value `None` if it's the first rendering.
    /// - It's useful when you want to use DOM API or make animations.
    /// - You can call this function multiple times - callbacks will be executed in the same order.
    /// - Callback has to return `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// _Note:_ [](
    ///  is used under the hood to get timestamps.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the handler doesn't return `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// Stabilisation of issue [391]( makes this a compile-time error.
    // @TODO remove `'static`s once `optin_builtin_traits`, `negative_impls`
    // @TODO or is stable
    fn after_next_render<MsU: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        callback: impl FnOnce(RenderInfo) -> MsU + 'static,
    ) -> &mut Self;

    /// Subscribe for messages with the `handler`s input type.
    /// Handler has to return `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    ///orders.subscribe(Msg::Reset);  // `Msg::Reset(counter::DoReset)`
    ///orders.subscribe(|greeting: &'static str| log!(greeting));
    ///orders.subscribe(Msg::UrlChanged)  // `update(... Msg::UrlChanged(subs::UrlChanged(url)) =>`
    /// ...
    /// ```
    /// _Note:_: Use the alternative `subscribe_with_handle` to control `sub`'s lifetime.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the handler doesn't return `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// Stabilisation of issue [391]( makes this a compile-time error.
    // @TODO remove `'static`s once `optin_builtin_traits`, `negative_impls`
    // @TODO or is stable
    fn subscribe<MsU: 'static, SubMs: 'static + Clone>(
        &mut self,
        handler: impl FnOnce(SubMs) -> MsU + Clone + 'static,
    ) -> &mut Self;

    /// Subscribe for messages with the `handler`s input type.
    /// - Returns `SubHandle` that you should save to your `Model`.
    ///   The `sub` is cancelled on the handle drop.
    /// Handler has to return `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    ///let sub_handle = orders.subscribe_with_handle(Msg::Reset);  // `Msg::Reset(counter::DoReset)`
    ///orders.subscribe_with_handle(|greeting: &'static str| log!(greeting));
    ///let url_changed_handle = orders.subscribe_with_handle(Msg::UrlChanged)  // `update(... Msg::UrlChanged(subs::UrlChanged(url)) =>`
    /// ...
    /// ```
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the handler doesn't return `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// Stabilisation of issue [391]( makes this a compile-time error.
    #[must_use = "subscription is cancelled on its handle drop"]
    // @TODO remove `'static`s once `optin_builtin_traits`, `negative_impls`
    // @TODO or is stable
    fn subscribe_with_handle<MsU: 'static, SubMs: 'static + Clone>(
        &mut self,
        handler: impl FnOnce(SubMs) -> MsU + Clone + 'static,
    ) -> SubHandle;

    /// Stream `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    ///, || Msg::OnTick));
    ///, |_| Msg::OnResize));
    /// ```
    /// _Note:_: Use the alternative `stream_with_handle` to control `stream`'s lifetime.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the handler doesn't return `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// Stabilisation of issue [391]( makes this a compile-time error.
    // @TODO remove `'static`s once `optin_builtin_traits`, `negative_impls`
    // @TODO or is stable
    fn stream<MsU: 'static>(&mut self, stream: impl Stream<Item = MsU> + 'static) -> &mut Self;

    /// Stream `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// - Returns `StreamHandle` that you should save to your `Model`.
    ///   The `stream` is cancelled on the handle drop.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    ///let timer_handler = orders.stream_with_handle(streams::interval(1000, || Msg::OnTick));
    ///let stream_handler = orders.stream_with_handle(streams::window_event(Ev::Resize, |_| Msg::OnResize));
    /// ```
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the handler doesn't return `Msg`, `Option<Msg>` or `()`.
    /// Stabilisation of issue [391]( makes this a compile-time error.
    #[must_use = "stream is stopped on its handle drop"]
    // @TODO remove `'static`s once `optin_builtin_traits`, `negative_impls`
    // @TODO or is stable
    fn stream_with_handle<MsU: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        stream: impl Stream<Item = MsU> + 'static,
    ) -> StreamHandle;

    /// Cheap clone base path loaded from element `<base href="/base/path/">`.
    /// Returns empty slice if there is no `base` element in your HTML
    /// or there were problems with parsing.
    fn clone_base_path(&self) -> Rc<[String]> {

    /// Simulate `<a href="[url]">` element click.
    /// A thin wrapper for `orders.notify(subs::UrlRequested::new(url))`
    #[cfg(any(feature = "serde-json", feature = "serde-wasm-bindgen"))]
    fn request_url(&mut self, url: Url) -> &mut Self {