pub trait Orders<Ms: 'static> {
    type AppMs: 'static;
    type Mdl: 'static;
    type INodes: IntoNodes<Self::AppMs> + 'static;
Show 18 methods fn proxy<ChildMs: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        f: impl FnOnce(ChildMs) -> Ms + 'static + Clone
    ) -> OrdersProxy<'_, ChildMs, Self::AppMs, Self::Mdl, Self::INodes>; fn render(&mut self) -> &mut Self; fn force_render_now(&mut self) -> &mut Self; fn skip(&mut self) -> &mut Self; fn notify(&mut self, message: impl Any + Clone) -> &mut Self; fn send_msg(&mut self, msg: Ms) -> &mut Self; fn perform_cmd<MsU: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        cmd: impl Future<Output = MsU> + 'static
    ) -> &mut Self; fn perform_cmd_with_handle<MsU: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        cmd: impl Future<Output = MsU> + 'static
    ) -> CmdHandle; fn clone_app(&self) -> App<Self::AppMs, Self::Mdl, Self::INodes>; fn msg_mapper(&self) -> Rc<dyn Fn(Ms) -> Self::AppMs>; fn after_next_render<MsU: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        callback: impl FnOnce(RenderInfo) -> MsU + 'static
    ) -> &mut Self; fn subscribe<MsU: 'static, SubMs: 'static + Clone>(
        &mut self,
        handler: impl FnOnce(SubMs) -> MsU + Clone + 'static
    ) -> &mut Self; fn subscribe_with_handle<MsU: 'static, SubMs: 'static + Clone>(
        &mut self,
        handler: impl FnOnce(SubMs) -> MsU + Clone + 'static
    ) -> SubHandle; fn stream<MsU: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        stream: impl Stream<Item = MsU> + 'static
    ) -> &mut Self; fn stream_with_handle<MsU: 'static>(
        &mut self,
        stream: impl Stream<Item = MsU> + 'static
    ) -> StreamHandle; fn msg_sender(&self) -> Rc<dyn Fn(Option<Ms>)> { ... } fn clone_base_path(&self) -> Rc<[String]> { ... } fn request_url(&mut self, url: Url) -> &mut Self { ... }

Associated Types

Required methods

Automatically map message type. It allows you to pass Orders into child module.

Msg::Child(child_msg) => {
   child::update(child_msg, &mut model.child, &mut orders.proxy(Msg::Child));

Schedule web page rerender after model update. It’s the default behaviour.

Force web page to rerender immediately after model update.

Don’t rerender web page after model update.

Notify all subscription handlers that listen for messages with the message’s type.

Note: Seed’s native subscriptions / messages can be also sent - e.g. orders.notify(subs::UrlRequested::new(url)). The most is ignored by the Seed’s runtime, but some of them are processed and trigger side-effects - e.g. simulate <a> link click by sending subs::UrlRequested.

orders.subscribe(Msg::Reset);  // `Msg::Reset(counter::DoReset)`
orders.subscribe(|greeting: &'static str| log!(greeting));

Note:: All notifications are pushed to the queue - i.e. update function is NOT called immediately.

Invoke function update with the given msg.


Note:: All msgs are pushed to the queue - i.e. update function is NOT called immediately.

Execute cmd and send its output (if it’s Msg) to update function.

Output has to be Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

orders.perform_cmd(cmds::timeout(2000, || Msg::OnTimeout));
orders.perform_cmd(async { log!("Hello!") });

Note:: Use the alternative perform_cmd_with_handle to control cmd’s lifetime.


Panics when the output isn’t Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Stabilisation of issue 391 makes this a compile-time error.

Execute given cmd and send its output (if it’s Msg) to update function.

  • Returns CmdHandle that you should save to your Model. The cmd is aborted on the handle drop.

Output has to be Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

let timeout_handle = orders.perform_cmd_with_handle(cmds::timeout(2000, || Msg::OnTimeout));
let cmd_handle = orders.perform_cmd_with_handle(async { log!("Hello!") });

Panics when the output isn’t Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Stabilisation of issue 391 makes this a compile-time error.

Get app instance. Cloning is cheap because App contains only Rc fields.

Get the function that maps module’s Msg to app’s (root’s) one.

Note: You want to use Orders::msg_sender instead in most cases.

let (app, msg_mapper) = (orders.clone_app(), orders.msg_mapper());

Register the callback that will be executed after the next render.

Callback’s only parameter is RenderInfo - it has fields timestamp and timestamp_delta. timestamp_delta is the difference between the old render timestamp and the new one and it has value None if it’s the first rendering.

  • It’s useful when you want to use DOM API or make animations.
  • You can call this function multiple times - callbacks will be executed in the same order.
  • Callback has to return Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Note: is used under the hood to get timestamps.


Panics when the handler doesn’t return Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Stabilisation of issue 391 makes this a compile-time error.

Subscribe for messages with the handlers input type.

Handler has to return Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

orders.subscribe(Msg::Reset);  // `Msg::Reset(counter::DoReset)`
orders.subscribe(|greeting: &'static str| log!(greeting));
orders.subscribe(Msg::UrlChanged)  // `update(... Msg::UrlChanged(subs::UrlChanged(url)) =>`

Note:: Use the alternative subscribe_with_handle to control sub’s lifetime.


Panics when the handler doesn’t return Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Stabilisation of issue 391 makes this a compile-time error.

Subscribe for messages with the handlers input type.

  • Returns SubHandle that you should save to your Model. The sub is cancelled on the handle drop.

Handler has to return Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

let sub_handle = orders.subscribe_with_handle(Msg::Reset);  // `Msg::Reset(counter::DoReset)`
orders.subscribe_with_handle(|greeting: &'static str| log!(greeting));
let url_changed_handle = orders.subscribe_with_handle(Msg::UrlChanged)  // `update(... Msg::UrlChanged(subs::UrlChanged(url)) =>`

Panics when the handler doesn’t return Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Stabilisation of issue 391 makes this a compile-time error.

Stream Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Example, || Msg::OnTick));, |_| Msg::OnResize));

Note:: Use the alternative stream_with_handle to control stream’s lifetime.


Panics when the handler doesn’t return Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Stabilisation of issue 391 makes this a compile-time error.

Stream Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

  • Returns StreamHandle that you should save to your Model. The stream is cancelled on the handle drop.
let timer_handler = orders.stream_with_handle(streams::interval(1000, || Msg::OnTick));
let stream_handler = orders.stream_with_handle(streams::window_event(Ev::Resize, |_| Msg::OnResize));

Panics when the handler doesn’t return Msg, Option<Msg> or ().

Stabilisation of issue 391 makes this a compile-time error.

Provided methods

Get the function that invokes your update function. The most common use-case is passing the function into callbacks.

fn create_websocket(orders: &impl Orders<Msg>) -> WebSocket {
    let msg_sender = orders.msg_sender();

    WebSocket::builder(WS_URL, orders)
        .on_message(move |msg| decode_message(msg, msg_sender))

fn decode_message(message: WebSocketMessage, msg_sender: Rc<dyn Fn(Option<Msg>)>) {
        spawn_local(async move {
            let bytes = message
                .expect("WebsocketError on binary data");

            let msg: shared::ServerMessage = rmp_serde::from_slice(&bytes).unwrap();

Cheap clone base path loaded from element <base href="/base/path/">.

Returns empty slice if there is no base element in your HTML or there were problems with parsing.

Simulate <a href="[url]"> element click.

A thin wrapper for orders.notify(subs::UrlRequested::new(url))
