seed 0.5.1

A Rust framework for creating web apps, using WebAssembly
# Changelog


- (placeholder)

## v0.5.1

- [BREAKING] `MessageMapper::map_message` changed to `MessageMapper::map_msg`.
- [BREAKING] `fetch` and `storage` moved to `seed::browser::service::{fetch, storage}`,
but reimported at the lib level. Ie: `seed::fetch`, and `seed::storage`.
- Added support for `Vec<Attr>` and `Vec<Style>` in view macros.
- `App` included in `prelude`.
- [BREAKING] Seed refactored to use `async/.await`. `` docs updated.
- Export `Attrs`, `Style`, `Listener`. ie, can import with `seed::Style` etc.
- Fixed a bug causing the docs not to build.

## v0.5.0

- Added helper `seed::canvas()`, and `seed::canvas_context()` helper functions.
- Fixed `Url` parsing (resolves issue with hash routing).
- [BREAKING] `From<String> for Url` changed to `TryFrom<String> for Url`.
- Fixed jumping cursor in inputs (#158) .
- Added method `orders.after_next_render(Option<RenderTimestampDelta>)` (#207).
- Fixed a bug with back/forward routing to the landing page (#296).
- Deprecated `Init` struct, replacing it with `BeforeMount` and `AfterMount` structs to
better denote state before and after mounting the `App` occurs.
- Added a new function `builder` which replaces `build` as part of deprecating `Init`.
- Added a new function `build_and_start` which replaces `finish` as part of deprecating `Init`.
- Added `IntoInit`and `IntoAfterMount` traits. It is possible to use these
in place of a closure or function to produce the corresponding `Init` and `AfterMount` structs.
- Messages sent from `IntoAfterMount` will now be run after the routing message.
- Added example `app_builder`.
- `events::Listener` is included in `prelude`.
- `()`s  have been replaced with structs - e.g. `GMs = ()` => `GMs = UndefinedGMs`.
- `WindowEvents` alias changed to `WindowEventsFn` for consistency with other `*Fn`.
- Commented builder and helper methods.

## v0.4.2

- Added an `Init` struct, which can help with initial routing (Breaking)
- The `routes` function now returns an `Option<Msg>` (Breaking)
- Updated `Tag::from()` to accept more input types
- `style!` now accepts also `Option<impl ToString>`
- Fixed a bug affecting element render order
- Added a `hashchange` listener
- Improved error-handling
- Tweaked bootstrap order so that `main_el_vdom` is initialized first (internal)
- Macro `custom!` checks if you set tag, and panics when you forget
- Fixed a bug with children being absent from cloned elements
- Improved debugging
- Fixed a namespace bug with adding children to `Svg` elements
- Fixed a bug affecting Safari
- Added `seed::html_document()` and `seed::cookies` convenience functions

## v0.4.1

- Added more SVG `At` variants
- Added the `St` enum, for style keys; similar to `At`
- Improved ergonomics of `add_child`, `add_attr`, `add_class`, 
`add_style`, `replace_text`, and `add_text`, `Node` methods

## v0.4.0

- `ElContainer`, imported in prelude, renamed to `View`. (Breaking)
- Internal refactor of `El`: Now wrapped in `Node`, along with
`Empty` and `Text`. Creation macros return `Node(Element)`. (Breaking)
- Changed the way special attributes like `disabled`, `autofocus`, and
`checked` are handled (Breaking)
- `MessageMapper` now accepts closures
- `Orders` is a trait now instead of a struct. (Breaking)
- Significant changes to MessageMapper
- Orders has new methods, `clone_app` and `msg_mapper` which can allow access to app instance.
- Added more SVG element macros
- Several minor bux fixes
- Examples updated to reflect these changes
- Improvements to Fetch API, especially regarding error handling
and deserialization

## v0.3.7

- `routes` now accepts `Url` instead of `&Url` (Breaking)
- Improvements to fetch API
- Added `raw!`, `md!`, and `plain!` macros that alias `El::from_html`, `El::from_markdown`,
and `El::new_text` respectively
- `Attrs!` and `Style!` macros can now use commas and whitespace as separators,
in addition to semicolons
- Fixed typos in a few attributes (Breaking)
- Fixed a bug where an HTML namespace was applied to raw html/markdown elements
- New conditional syntax added in `class!` macro, similar to `Elm`'s `classList`
- `Listener` now implements `MessageMapper`
- `El methods` `add_child`, `add_style`, `add_attr`, and `set_text` now return the elements,
allowing chaining
- Fixed a bug with `set_text`. Renamed to `replace_text`. Added `add_text`, which adds
a text node, but doesn't remove existing ones. Added `add_class`. (Breaking)

## v0.3.6

- Fetch module and API heavily changed (breaking)
- Added support for `request​Animation​Frame`, which improves render performance,
especially for animations
- Styles no longer implicitly add `px`. Added `unit!` macro in its place
- `Map` can now be used directly in elements, without needing to annotate type and collect 
(ie for child `Elements`, and `Listener`s)
- Significant changes to MessageMapper
- Orders hs new methods, `clone_app` and `msg_mapper` that allow access to app instance.
- Fixed a bug where `empty` elements at the top-level were rendering in the wrong order
- Added an `empty!` macro, which is similar to `seed::empty`
- Attributes and style now retain order

## v0.3.5

- Fixed a bug where view functions returning `Vec<El>` weren't rendering properly
- Fixed a typo with the `viewBox` attribute

## v0.3.4

- The `update` fn now accepts a (new) `Orders` struct, and returns nothing. Renders occur implicitly,
with the option to skip rendering, update with an additional message, or perform an asynchronous
action. (Breaking)
- `.mount()` now accepts elements. Deprecated `.mount_el()`
- The `log` function and macro now support items which implement `Debug`
- Removed deprecated `routing::push_path` function (breaking)

## v0.3.3

- Added `seed::update` function, which allows custom events, and updates from JS

## v0.3.2

- Top level view functions can now return `Vec<El<Ms>>`, `El<Ms>`, or something else implementing
the new ElContainer trait

## v0.3.1

- Top level view functions now return `Vec<El<Ms>>` instead of `El<Ms>`, mounted directly to
 the mount point. (Breaking)
- `push_route()` can now accept a `Vec<&str>`, depreciating `push_path()`
- Fixed a bug where window events couldn't be enabled on initialization

## v0.3.0

- `update` function now takes a mutable ref of the model. (Breaking)
- `Update` (update's return type) is now a struct. (Breaking)
- Async, etc events are now handled through messages, instead of passing `App`
through the view func. (Breaking)
- Fixed some bugs with empty elements
- Internal code cleanup
- Added commented-out release command to example build files
- Added more tests

## v0.2.10

- Routing can be triggered by clicking any element containing a `Href` attribute
with value as a relative link
- Internal links no longer trigger a page refresh
- Models no longer need to implement `Clone`
- Fixed a bug introduced in 0.2.9 for `select` elements

## v0.2.9

- Added a `RenderThen` option to `Update`, which allows chaining update messages
- Added a `.model` method to `Update`, allowing for cleaner recursion in updates
- Improved controlled-component (sync fields with model) logic

## v0.2.8

- Reflowed `El::from_html` and `El::from_markdown` to return `Vec`s of `El`s, instead of wrapping
them in a single span.
- Improved support for SVG and namespaces
- Added `set_timeout` wrapper

## v0.2.7

- Fixed a bug where `line!` macro interfered with builtin
- Fixed a bug with routing search (ie `?`)

## v0.2.6

- Fixed a bug where children would render out-of-order
- Improved vdom diffing logic

## v0.2.5

- Attributes and Events now can use `At` and `Ev` enums
- Routing overhauled; modelled after react-reason. Cleaner syntax, and more flexible
- Input, Textarea, and Select elements are now "controlled" - they always
stay in sync with the model
- index.html file updated in examples and quickstart to use relative paths,
which fixes landing-page routing

## v0.2.4

- Changed render func to use a new pattern (Breaking)
- Default mount point added: \"app\" for element id
- View func now takes a ref to the model instead of the model itself
- Routing refactored; now works dynamically
- Update function now returns an enum that returns Render or Skip,
to allow conditional rendering (Breaking)
- Elements can now store more than 1 text node

## V0.2.3

- Fixed a bug where initially-empty text won't update
- Added more tests
- Exposed web_sys Document and Window in top level of Seed create, with .expect
- Modified build scripts to keep the wasm output name fixed at 'package', simplifying example/quickstart renames
- Tests now work in Windows due to update in wasm-pack

## V0.2.2

- Overhaul of fetch module
- Added server-integration example

## V0.2.1

- Added support for custom tags
- Added `class!` and `id!` convenience macros for setting style

## v0.2.0

- Added high-level fetch api
- Added routing
- Added element lifecycles (did_mount, did_update, will_unmount)
- Added support for updating state outside events
- Added server_interaction, and homepage (this site) examples

## v0.1.0

- Initial release