seed 0.4.1

A Rust framework for creating web apps, using WebAssembly
# Release Checklist

This is a list of steps to complete when making a new release.

1. Review the commit and PR history since last release. Ensure that all relevant
changes are included in ``, and that breaking changes
are specifically annotated
1. Ensure both the readme and homepage website reflect API changes. Instructions
for updating the homepage are available [here]
1. Ensure the [quickstart repo] is updated
to reflect API changes, and the new version
1. Ensure the version listed in `Cargo.toml` is updated
1. Update Rust tools: `rustup update`
1. Run `cargo make populate_all` to synchronize `St`, `At` and other enums with official values
1. Run `cargo make verify` to ensure tests pass, and `clippy` / `fmt` are run
1. Commit and push the repo
1. Check that CI pipeline passed
1. Run `cargo package`
1. Run `cargo publish`
1. Add a release on [Github], following the format of previous releases
1. Verify the [docs page] updated correctly
1. Clone the quickstart repo, and verify it builds and runs correctly