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Provide a lowercased diacritics-free version of a character or a string.

For example return e for é.

Secular's char lookup is an inlined lookup of a static table, which means it's possible to use it in performance sensitive code.

Secular also performs (optionally) Unicode normalization.

A common use case for the removal of diacritics and some unicode arterfacts is to ease searches:

broot search

(diacritics ignoring normalized search in broot: the user typed rève)


By default, diacritics removal is only done on ascii chars, so to include a smaller table.

If you want to handle the whole BMP, use the "bmp" feature" (the downside is that the binary is bigger as it includes a big map).

Default import:

secular = "0.3"

For more characters (the BMP):

secular = { version="0.3", features=["bmp"] }

With Unicode normalization functions (using the unicode-normalization crate):

secular = { version="0.3", features=["normalization"] }


secular = { version="0.3", features=["bmp","normalization"] }

This feature is optional so that you can avoid importing the unicode-normalization crate (note that it's used in many other crates so it's possible your text processing application already uses it).


On characters:

use secular::*;
    let s = "Comunicações"; // normalized string (length=12)
    let chars: Vec<char> = s.chars().collect();
    assert_eq!(chars.len(), 12);
    assert_eq!(chars[0], 'C');
    assert_eq!(lower_lay_char(chars[0]), 'c');
    assert_eq!(chars[8], 'ç');
    assert_eq!(lower_lay_char(chars[8]), 'c');

On strings:

use secular::*;
let s = "Comunicações"; // unnormalized string (length=14)
    assert_eq!(s.chars().count(), 14);
    let s = normalized_lower_lay_string(s);
    assert_eq!(s.chars().count(), 12);
    assert_eq!(s, "comunicacoes");