sec 0.99.2

Prevent secrets from leaking via `Debug` or `Display` traits
authors = ["Marc Brinkmann <>"]
name = "sec"
version = "0.99.2"
license = "MIT"
repository = ""
description = "Prevent secrets from leaking via `Debug` or `Display` traits"
documentation = ""

diesel = { version = "0.99.0", optional = true }
serde = { version = "1.0.24", optional = true }

default = ["std"]

# the std feature enables `String` support, but requires the standard library
std = []

# the ord feature enables potentially leaky PartialOrd and Ord traits
ord = []

# serde is optional
serialize = ["serde"]
deserialize = ["serde"]

# feature for diesel-rs
diesel_sql = ["diesel"]