Module seax_util::bytecode [] [src]

Functions for encoding and decoding Seax bytecode.


This module contains functions for encoding and decoding Seax bytecode.

Seax Bytecode Format

Seax Bytecode Standard Revision 0, June 11th, 2015

I: The preamble

All Seax Bytecode files begin with a preamble. This preamble consists of the following:

  1. The identifying bytes 0x5ECD. These bytes, chosen based on a poorly-advised attempt to spell out the abbreviation SECD in hexadecimal, identify the file as a Seax bytecode file.
  2. A 16-bit unsigned integer that represents the version of the Seax bytecode format that the file was encoded with. This number is used to determine how the remainder of the file should be decoded. This document is Revision 0 of the Seax Bytecode format, so the version should be 0x0000.

Future revisions of this standard will allow additional metadata, such as the author's cryptographic signature, checksums for ensuring the executable's integrity, and directives to the virtual machine, to be placed in the preamble as well.

II: Instructions

All Seax VM instructions are encoded using single byes. The Seax opcodes occupy the space 0x00 to 0x30, with the bytes 0x1D through 0x3F being reserved for future use.

The following table shows all of the currently available SVM opcodes.

| Value | Name | Description +-------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x00 | NIL | Pushes an empty list (nil) onto $s. 0x01 | LD (a . b) | Pushes the variable at $e[a][b] onto the stack. 0x02 | LDF f | Constructs a closure from the list f and the current environment, and pushes it to $s. 0x03 | AP c | Applies the function closure c. 0x04 | APCC c | Applies the function closure c and pushes a continuation on $d. 0x05 | JOIN | Returns control to the calling scope at the end of a SEL. 0x06 | RAP c | Applies the recursive closure c. 0x07 | RET | Returns control from a function to the calling function. 0x08 | DUM | Pushes a dummy environment to $e for applying a recursive function. 0x09 | SEL a | Applies the first list of instructions on $c if a is non-nil, or the second list if it is nil. 0x0A | ADD a b | 0x0B | SUB a b | 0x0C | MUL a b | 0x0D | DIV a b | 0x0E | MOD a b | 0x0F | FDIV a b | 0x10 | EQ a b | 0x11 | GT a b | 0x12 | GTE a b | 0x13 | LT a b | 0x14 | LTE a b | 0x15 | ATOM a | 0x16 | NULL a | 0x17 | READC | 0x18 | WRITEC | 0x19 | CONS a b | 0x1A | CAR (a . b) | 0x1B | CDR (a . b) | 0x1C | LDC | 0x1D | STOP | 0x1E | reserved | | ... | 0x30 | reserved |

III: Constants

Constants are identified by a preceeding constant-identification byte. Constant-identification bytes comprise the range of bytes between 0xC0 and 0xCF, inclusive, and the NIL byte, 0x00.

Constants are expected in two places: following either an LDC (LoaD Constant) instruction, or following an instruction that expects a list on $c, such as a SEL instruction.

  1. CONS Cells (0xC0)

    0xC0 identifies the beginning of a CONS cell constant. It may then be followed by the identification byte denoting any other constant, which will be interpreted as the CAR part of the CONS cell. This is followed by the actual bytecode data for the CAR part of the CONS cell, which is of the length specified by the type identified by the identification byte.

    After the constant for the CAR part, there must be an additional identification byte, which identifies the type of the CONS cell's CDR part. Unlike the CAR part, this may be any constant type, including another CONS cell. This identification byte is again followed by the bytecode for the data stored in the CONS cell's CDR part, whose length is determined by the type identified by the identification byte.

    Alternatively, the CAR or CDR parts of a CONS cell may also contain a Seax instruction. In such a case, the identification byte is replaced by that instruction's opcode. The opcode comprises the entirity of the CAR or CDR part, and any further data is interpreted as appropriate (i.e., if the opcode is the CAR part, another opcode or identifying byte will be expected, while if the opcode is in the CDR part, a new instruction or constant will be expected.)

  2. Atom constants (0xC1 ... 0xCF)

    Any constants that are not CONS cells are atom constants. Atom constants are identified by bytes in the range between 0xC1 and 0xCF, inclusive. Currently, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC3, and 0xC4 identify extant atom types, while 0xC5 ... 0xCE are reserved for future use.

    Once an atom constant identifying byte is read, the bytes that follow it will be read as that type of atom. The number of bytes read depends on the length of the atom type, which is determined using the identifying bytes. The following identifying bytes correspond to the following atom types:

  • 0xC1: uint atom (64-bit unsigned integer)
  • 0xC2: sint atom (64-bit signed integer)
  • 0xC3: char atom (32-bit Unicode scalar value)
  • 0xC4: float atom (64-bit double-precision floating point number

    If additional primitive data types are added to the Seax VM, the bytes 0xC5 to 0xCF will be used to identify those types.

    Note that the type tag identifying a constant may be extracted by byte-masking the identifying byte with the number 0x0F.





Identifying bytes for a Seax bytecode file


Identifying bytes for this version of the Seax bytecode standard.



Trait for an object that can be encoded to Seax bytecode.



Decode a whole program