Attribute Macro seamless::api::ApiBody[][src]

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Use this macro to generate serde Serialize/Deserialize impls in addition to an ApiBody impl that can hand back information about the shape of the type.


Several attributes can be provided to tweak how this works:

  • #[ApiBody]: Generates serde Serialize and Deserialize impls for this type.
  • #[ApiBody(Serialize,Deserialize]: The same as above.
  • #[ApiBody(Serialize)]: Only generate the Serialize impl for this type.
  • #[ApiBody(Deserialize)]: Only generate the Deserialize impl for this type.
  • #[api_body(tag = "foo")]: Used at the top level, right under #[ApiBody], and works the same as #[serde(tag = "foo")] would.
  • #[api_body(flatten)]: Used on a struct field whose value is itself a struct, and works the same as #[serde(flatten)] would.


Unit enums like enum Foo { A, B, C } will automatically (de)serialize to one-of the string literals “A”, “B” or “C”, which slightly differs from how Serde normally apply serialization. Unit and non-unit variants cannot exist in the same enum for this reason, so that it is “obvious” how the thing will be (de)serialized.


/// This text will form part of the description of the type
struct Foo {
    /// This is a value
    value: usize,
    bar: Bar

/// A 'Bar'y thing
enum Bar {
    A {
        /// Hello!
        hello: String
    /// B!
    B {
        /// Bye!
        bye: String

// Here's an example of what the JSON output (because it's more concise) of
// obtaining the type info of `Foo` would look like):
        "description": "This text will form part of the description of the type",
        "shape": {
            "type": "Object",
            "keys": {
                "value": {
                    "description": "This is a value",
                    "shape": { "type": "Number" }
                "bar": {
                    "description": "A 'Bar'y thing",
                    "shape": {
                        "type": "OneOf",
                        "values": [
                                "description": "",
                                "shape": {
                                    "type": "Object",
                                    "keys": {
                                        "kind": {
                                            "description": "Variant tag",
                                            "shape": { "type": "StringLiteral", "literal": "A" }
                                        "hello": {
                                            "description": "Hello!",
                                            "shape": { "type": "String" }
                                "description": "B!",
                                "shape": {
                                    "type": "Object",
                                    "keys": {
                                        "kind": {
                                            "description": "Variant tag",
                                            "shape": { "type": "StringLiteral", "literal": "B" }
                                        "bye": {
                                            "description": "Bye!",
                                            "shape": { "type": "String" }