sea-query 0.21.0

🌊 A dynamic query builder for MySQL, Postgres and SQLite
use crate::{
    query::{condition::*, OrderedStatement},
    Query, QueryStatementBuilder, QueryStatementWriter, SelectExpr, SelectStatement,
    SubQueryStatement, WithClause, WithQuery,

/// Delete existing rows from the table
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use sea_query::{tests_cfg::*, *};
/// let query = Query::delete()
///     .from_table(Glyph::Table)
///     .or_where(Expr::col(Glyph::Id).lt(1))
///     .or_where(Expr::col(Glyph::Id).gt(10))
///     .to_owned();
/// assert_eq!(
///     query.to_string(MysqlQueryBuilder),
///     r#"DELETE FROM `glyph` WHERE `id` < 1 OR `id` > 10"#
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
///     query.to_string(PostgresQueryBuilder),
///     r#"DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" < 1 OR "id" > 10"#
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
///     query.to_string(SqliteQueryBuilder),
///     r#"DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" < 1 OR "id" > 10"#
/// );
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DeleteStatement {
    pub(crate) table: Option<Box<TableRef>>,
    pub(crate) wherei: ConditionHolder,
    pub(crate) orders: Vec<OrderExpr>,
    pub(crate) limit: Option<Value>,
    pub(crate) returning: Vec<SelectExpr>,

impl Default for DeleteStatement {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl DeleteStatement {
    /// Construct a new [`DeleteStatement`]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            table: None,
            wherei: ConditionHolder::new(),
            orders: Vec::new(),
            limit: None,
            returning: Vec::new(),

    /// Specify which table to delete from.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use sea_query::{tests_cfg::*, *};
    /// let query = Query::delete()
    ///     .from_table(Glyph::Table)
    ///     .and_where(Expr::col(Glyph::Id).eq(1))
    ///     .to_owned();
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(MysqlQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM `glyph` WHERE `id` = 1"#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(PostgresQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" = 1"#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(SqliteQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" = 1"#
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn from_table<T>(&mut self, tbl_ref: T) -> &mut Self
        T: IntoTableRef,
        self.table = Some(Box::new(tbl_ref.into_table_ref()));

    /// Limit number of updated rows.
    pub fn limit(&mut self, limit: u64) -> &mut Self {
        self.limit = Some(Value::BigUnsigned(Some(limit)));

    /// RETURNING expressions.
    /// ## Note:
    /// Works on
    /// * PostgreSQL
    /// * SQLite
    ///     - SQLite version >= 3.35.0
    ///     - **Note that sea-query won't try to enforce either of these constraints**
    /// ```
    /// use sea_query::{tests_cfg::*, *};
    /// let query = Query::delete()
    ///     .from_table(Glyph::Table)
    ///     .and_where(Expr::col(Glyph::Id).eq(1))
    ///     .returning(Query::select().column(Glyph::Id).take())
    ///     .to_owned();
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(MysqlQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM `glyph` WHERE `id` = 1"#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(PostgresQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" = 1 RETURNING "id""#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(SqliteQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" = 1 RETURNING "id""#
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn returning(&mut self, select: SelectStatement) -> &mut Self {
        self.returning = select.selects;

    /// RETURNING a column after delete.
    /// Wrapper over [`DeleteStatement::returning()`].
    /// ## Note:
    /// Works on
    /// * PostgreSQL
    /// * SQLite
    ///     - SQLite version >= 3.35.0
    ///     - **Note that sea-query won't try to enforce either of these constraints**
    /// ```
    /// use sea_query::{tests_cfg::*, *};
    /// let query = Query::delete()
    ///     .from_table(Glyph::Table)
    ///     .and_where(Expr::col(Glyph::Id).eq(1))
    ///     .returning_col(Glyph::Id)
    ///     .to_owned();
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(MysqlQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM `glyph` WHERE `id` = 1"#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(PostgresQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" = 1 RETURNING "id""#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(SqliteQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" = 1 RETURNING "id""#
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn returning_col<C>(&mut self, col: C) -> &mut Self
        C: IntoIden,

    /// Create a [WithQuery] by specifying a [WithClause] to execute this query with.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use sea_query::{*, IntoCondition, IntoIden, tests_cfg::*};
    /// let select = SelectStatement::new()
    ///         .columns([Glyph::Id])
    ///         .from(Glyph::Table)
    ///         .and_where(Expr::col(Glyph::Image).like("0%"))
    ///         .to_owned();
    ///     let cte = CommonTableExpression::new()
    ///         .query(select)
    ///         .column(Glyph::Id)
    ///         .table_name(Alias::new("cte"))
    ///         .to_owned();
    ///     let with_clause = WithClause::new().cte(cte).to_owned();
    ///     let update = DeleteStatement::new()
    ///         .from_table(Glyph::Table)
    ///         .and_where(Expr::col(Glyph::Id).in_subquery(SelectStatement::new().column(Glyph::Id).from(Alias::new("cte")).to_owned()))
    ///         .to_owned();
    ///     let query = update.with(with_clause);
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(MysqlQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"WITH `cte` (`id`) AS (SELECT `id` FROM `glyph` WHERE `image` LIKE '0%') DELETE FROM `glyph` WHERE `id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `cte`)"#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(PostgresQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"WITH "cte" ("id") AS (SELECT "id" FROM "glyph" WHERE "image" LIKE '0%') DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" IN (SELECT "id" FROM "cte")"#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(SqliteQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"WITH "cte" ("id") AS (SELECT "id" FROM "glyph" WHERE "image" LIKE '0%') DELETE FROM "glyph" WHERE "id" IN (SELECT "id" FROM "cte")"#
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn with(self, clause: WithClause) -> WithQuery {

impl QueryStatementBuilder for DeleteStatement {
    fn build_collect_any_into(
        query_builder: &dyn QueryBuilder,
        sql: &mut SqlWriter,
        collector: &mut dyn FnMut(Value),
    ) {
        query_builder.prepare_delete_statement(self, sql, collector);

    fn into_sub_query_statement(self) -> SubQueryStatement {

impl QueryStatementWriter for DeleteStatement {
    /// Build corresponding SQL statement for certain database backend and collect query parameters
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use sea_query::{tests_cfg::*, *};
    /// let query = Query::delete()
    ///     .from_table(Glyph::Table)
    ///     .and_where(Expr::col(Glyph::Id).eq(1))
    ///     .to_owned();
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.to_string(MysqlQueryBuilder),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM `glyph` WHERE `id` = 1"#
    /// );
    /// let mut params = Vec::new();
    /// let mut collector = |v| params.push(v);
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     query.build_collect(MysqlQueryBuilder, &mut collector),
    ///     r#"DELETE FROM `glyph` WHERE `id` = ?"#
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(params, vec![Value::Int(Some(1)),]);
    /// ```
    fn build_collect<T: QueryBuilder>(
        query_builder: T,
        collector: &mut dyn FnMut(Value),
    ) -> String {
        let mut sql = SqlWriter::new();
        query_builder.prepare_delete_statement(self, &mut sql, collector);

impl OrderedStatement for DeleteStatement {
    fn add_order_by(&mut self, order: OrderExpr) -> &mut Self {

impl ConditionalStatement for DeleteStatement {
    fn and_or_where(&mut self, condition: LogicalChainOper) -> &mut Self {

    fn cond_where<C>(&mut self, condition: C) -> &mut Self
        C: IntoCondition,