sea-query 0.17.3

🌊 A dynamic query builder for MySQL, Postgres and SQLite
macro_rules! impl_schema_statement_builder {
    ( $mod_name: ident, $struct_name: ident ) => {
        mod $mod_name {

            use crate::{$struct_name, SchemaBuilder, SchemaStatementBuilder};

            impl $struct_name {
                pub fn to_string<T: SchemaBuilder>(&self, schema_builder: T) -> String {
                    <Self as SchemaStatementBuilder>::to_string(self, schema_builder)

                pub fn build<T: SchemaBuilder>(&self, schema_builder: T) -> String {
                    <Self as SchemaStatementBuilder>::build(self, schema_builder)

                pub fn build_any(&self, schema_builder: &dyn SchemaBuilder) -> String {
                    <Self as SchemaStatementBuilder>::build_any(self, schema_builder)

macro_rules! impl_query_statement_builder {
    ( $mod_name: ident, $struct_name: ident ) => {
        mod $mod_name {

            use crate::{$struct_name, QueryBuilder, QueryStatementBuilder, Values};

            impl $struct_name {
                pub fn to_string<T: QueryBuilder>(&self, query_builder: T) -> String {
                    <Self as QueryStatementBuilder>::to_string(self, query_builder)

                pub fn build<T: QueryBuilder>(&self, query_builder: T) -> (String, Values) {
                    <Self as QueryStatementBuilder>::build(self, query_builder)

                pub fn build_any(&self, query_builder: &dyn QueryBuilder) -> (String, Values) {
                    <Self as QueryStatementBuilder>::build_any(self, query_builder)

macro_rules! impl_conditional_statement {
    ( $mod_name: ident, $struct_name: ident ) => {
        mod $mod_name {

            use crate::{ConditionalStatement, SimpleExpr, IntoCondition, $struct_name};

            impl $struct_name {
                pub fn and_where(&mut self, other: SimpleExpr) -> &mut Self {
                    <Self as ConditionalStatement>::and_where(self, other)

                pub fn and_where_option(&mut self, other: Option<SimpleExpr>) -> &mut Self {
                    <Self as ConditionalStatement>::and_where_option(self, other)

                    since = "0.12.0",
                    note = "Please use [`ConditionalStatement::cond_where`]. Calling `or_where` after `and_where` will panic."
                pub fn or_where(&mut self, other: SimpleExpr) -> &mut Self {
                    <Self as ConditionalStatement>::or_where(self, other)

                pub fn cond_where<C>(&mut self, condition: C) -> &mut Self where C: IntoCondition {
                    <Self as ConditionalStatement>::cond_where(self, condition)

macro_rules! impl_ordered_statement {
    ( $mod_name: ident, $struct_name: ident ) => {
        mod $mod_name {

            use crate::{OrderedStatement, IntoColumnRef, IntoIden, Order, SimpleExpr, $struct_name};

            impl $struct_name {
                pub fn order_by<T>(&mut self, col: T, order: Order) -> &mut Self
                    where T: IntoColumnRef {
                    <Self as OrderedStatement>::order_by(self, col, order)

                    since = "0.9.0",
                    note = "Please use the [`OrderedStatement::order_by`] with a tuple as [`ColumnRef`]"
                pub fn order_by_tbl<T, C>
                    (&mut self, table: T, col: C, order: Order) -> &mut Self
                    where T: IntoIden, C: IntoIden {
                    <Self as OrderedStatement>::order_by_tbl(self, table, col, order)

                pub fn order_by_expr(&mut self, expr: SimpleExpr, order: Order) -> &mut Self {
                    <Self as OrderedStatement>::order_by_expr(self, expr, order)

                pub fn order_by_customs<T>(&mut self, cols: Vec<(T, Order)>) -> &mut Self
                    where T: ToString {
                    <Self as OrderedStatement>::order_by_customs(self, cols)

                pub fn order_by_columns<T>(&mut self, cols: Vec<(T, Order)>) -> &mut Self
                    where T: IntoColumnRef {
                    <Self as OrderedStatement>::order_by_columns(self, cols)

                    since = "0.9.0",
                    note = "Please use the [`OrderedStatement::order_by_columns`] with a tuple as [`ColumnRef`]"
                pub fn order_by_table_columns<T, C>
                    (&mut self, cols: Vec<(T, C, Order)>) -> &mut Self
                    where T: IntoIden, C: IntoIden {
                    <Self as OrderedStatement>::order_by_table_columns(self, cols)