Crate sea_orm

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🐚 An async & dynamic ORM for Rust

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SeaORM is a relational ORM to help you build web services in Rust with the familiarity of dynamic languages.

Getting Started

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Integration examples


  1. Async

    Relying on SQLx, SeaORM is a new library with async support from day 1.

  2. Dynamic

    Built upon SeaQuery, SeaORM allows you to build complex queries without ‘fighting the ORM’.

  3. Testable

    Use mock connections to write unit tests for your logic.

  4. Service Oriented

    Quickly build services that join, filter, sort and paginate data in APIs.

A quick taste of SeaORM


use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "cake")]
pub struct Model {
    pub id: i32,
    pub name: String,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {
    #[sea_orm(has_many = "super::fruit::Entity")]

impl Related<super::fruit::Entity> for Entity {
    fn to() -> RelationDef {


// find all models
let cakes: Vec<cake::Model> = Cake::find().all(db).await?;

// find and filter
let chocolate: Vec<cake::Model> = Cake::find()

// find one model
let cheese: Option<cake::Model> = Cake::find_by_id(1).one(db).await?;
let cheese: cake::Model = cheese.unwrap();

// find related models (lazy)
let fruits: Vec<fruit::Model> = cheese.find_related(Fruit).all(db).await?;

// find related models (eager)
let cake_with_fruits: Vec<(cake::Model, Vec<fruit::Model>)> =


let apple = fruit::ActiveModel {
    name: Set("Apple".to_owned()),
    ..Default::default() // no need to set primary key

let pear = fruit::ActiveModel {
    name: Set("Pear".to_owned()),

// insert one
let pear = pear.insert(db).await?;

// insert many
Fruit::insert_many(vec![apple, pear]).exec(db).await?;


use sea_orm::sea_query::{Expr, Value};

let pear: Option<fruit::Model> = Fruit::find_by_id(1).one(db).await?;
let mut pear: fruit::ActiveModel = pear.unwrap().into(); = Set("Sweet pear".to_owned());

// update one
let pear: fruit::Model = pear.update(db).await?;

// update many: UPDATE "fruit" SET "cake_id" = NULL WHERE "fruit"."name" LIKE '%Apple%'
    .col_expr(fruit::Column::CakeId, Expr::value(Value::Int(None)))


let banana = fruit::ActiveModel {
    id: NotSet,
    name: Set("Banana".to_owned()),

// create, because primary key `id` is `NotSet`
let mut banana =; = Set("Banana Mongo".to_owned());

// update, because primary key `id` is `Set`
let banana =;


// delete one
let orange: Option<fruit::Model> = Fruit::find_by_id(1).one(db).await?;
let orange: fruit::Model = orange.unwrap();

// or simply
let orange: Option<fruit::Model> = Fruit::find_by_id(1).one(db).await?;
let orange: fruit::Model = orange.unwrap();

// delete many: DELETE FROM "fruit" WHERE "fruit"."name" LIKE 'Orange'

Learn More

  1. Design
  2. Architecture
  3. Release Model
  4. Change Log

Who’s using SeaORM?

The following products are powered by SeaORM:

A lightweight web security auditing toolkit

The enterprise ready webhooks service

A personal search engine

SeaORM is the foundation of StarfishQL, an experimental graph database and query engine developed by SeaQL.

For more projects, see Built with SeaORM.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

SeaORM is a community driven project. We welcome you to participate, contribute and together help build Rust’s future.

A big shout out to our contributors:



pub use sea_query;
pub use strum;
pub use entity::*;
pub use error::*;
pub use query::*;
pub use schema::*;


Module for the Entity type and operations
Error types for all database operations
Holds types and methods to perform metric collection
Holds types and methods to perform queries
Holds types that defines the schemas of an Entity


Non-debug version
Helper to get a raw SQL string from an object that impl QueryTrait.
Helper to get a Statement from an object that impl QueryTrait.


Defines the configuration options of a database
Cursor pagination
Defines a database
Defines a database transaction, whether it is an open transaction and the type of backend to use
The result of a DELETE operation
Handles DELETE operations in a ActiveModel using DeleteStatement
Defines the result of executing an operation
The result of an INSERT operation on an ActiveModel
Defines a structure to perform INSERT operations in an ActiveModel
Define a structure containing the numbers of items and pages of a Paginator
Defines a Mock database suitable for testing
Defines a connection for the MockDatabase
Defines a database driver for the MockDatabase
Defines the results obtained from a MockDatabase
Defines the structure of a test Row for the MockDatabase which is just a BTreeMap<String, Value>
Defines a transaction that is has not been committed
Defined a structure to handle pagination of a result from a query operation on a Model
Defines the result of a query operation on a Model
The self-referencing struct.
Perform an operation on an entity that can yield a Value
Defines a type to get a Model
Defines a type to get two Modelss
Defines a type to do SELECT operations through a SelectStatement on a Model
Performs a raw SELECT operation on a model
Defines the [sqlx::mysql] connector
Defines a sqlx MySQL pool
Defines the [sqlx::postgres] connector
Defines a sqlx PostgreSQL pool
Defines the [sqlx::sqlite] connector
Defines a sqlx SQLite pool
Defines an SQL statement
Defines a database transaction as it holds a Vec<Statement>
The self-referencing struct.
The result of an update operation on an ActiveModel
Defines an update operation


The type of database backend for real world databases. This is enabled by feature flags as specified in the crate documentation
Handle a database connection depending on the backend enabled by the feature flags. This creates a database pool.
Defines errors for handling transaction failures
An error from trying to get a row from a Model
Value variants


Creates constraints for any structure that can create a database connection and execute SQL statements
A trait for any type that can be turn into a cursor
A trait to get a MockRow from a type useful for testing in the MockDatabase
A Trait for any type wanting to perform operations on the MockDatabase
A Trait for any type that can paginate results
A Trait for any type that can perform SELECT queries
Constraints for building a Statement
Stream query results
Spawn database transaction
Try to convert a type to a u64
Constrain any type trying to get a Row in a database
Perform a query on multiple columns
Perform a query on multiple columns


Converts an [sqlx::error] connection error to a DbErr
Converts an [sqlx::error] execution error to a DbErr
Converts an [sqlx::error] query error to a DbErr

Type Definitions

The same as DatabaseBackend just shorter :)
Pin a Model so that stream operations can be performed on the model

Derive Macros

A derive macro to implement sea_orm::ActiveEnum trait for enums.
The DeriveActiveModel derive macro will implement ActiveModelTrait for ActiveModel which provides setters and getters for all active values in the active model.
Models that a user can override
The DeriveColumn derive macro will implement [ColumnTrait] for Columns. It defines the identifier of each column by implementing Iden and IdenStatic. The EnumIter is also derived, allowing iteration over all enum variants.
Derive a column if column names are not in snake-case
Create an Entity
This derive macro is the ‘almighty’ macro which automatically generates Entity, Column, and PrimaryKey from a given Model.
Derive into an active model
The DeriveMigrationName derive macro will implement sea_orm_migration::MigrationName for a migration.
The DeriveModel derive macro will implement ModelTrait for Model, which provides setters and getters for all attributes in the mod It also implements FromQueryResult to convert a query result into the corresponding Model.
The DerivePrimaryKey derive macro will implement [PrimaryKeyToColumn] for PrimaryKey which defines tedious mappings between primary keys and columns. The [EnumIter] is also derived, allowing iteration over all enum variants.
The DeriveRelation derive macro will implement RelationTrait for Relation.
Creates a new type that iterates of the variants of an enum.
Convert a query result into the corresponding Model.