Struct sdl2::video::WindowRef [] [src]

pub struct WindowRef {
    // some fields omitted

An unsized Window reference.

This type is used whenever Windows need to be borrowed from the SDL library, without concern for freeing the Window.


impl WindowRef

fn raw(&self) -> *mut SDL_Window

unsafe fn from_ll<'a>(raw: *mut SDL_Window) -> &'a WindowRef

unsafe fn from_ll_mut<'a>(raw: *mut SDL_Window) -> &'a mut WindowRef

fn id(&self) -> u32

fn gl_create_context(&self) -> Result<GLContextString>

fn gl_set_context_to_current(&self) -> Result<()String>

Set the window's OpenGL context to the current context on the thread.

fn gl_make_current(&self, context: &GLContext) -> Result<()String>

fn gl_swap_window(&self)

fn display_index(&self) -> Result<i32String>

fn set_display_mode(&mut self, display_mode: Option<DisplayMode>) -> Result<()String>

fn display_mode(&self) -> Result<DisplayModeString>

fn window_pixel_format(&self) -> PixelFormatEnum

fn window_flags(&self) -> u32

fn set_title(&mut self, title: &str) -> Result<()NulError>

fn title(&self) -> &str

fn set_icon<S: AsRef<SurfaceRef>>(&mut self, icon: S)

fn set_position(&mut self, x: WindowPos, y: WindowPos)

fn position(&self) -> (i32, i32)

fn set_size(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Result<()IntegerOrSdlError>

fn size(&self) -> (u32, u32)

fn drawable_size(&self) -> (u32, u32)

fn set_minimum_size(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Result<()IntegerOrSdlError>

fn minimum_size(&self) -> (u32, u32)

fn set_maximum_size(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Result<()IntegerOrSdlError>

fn maximum_size(&self) -> (u32, u32)

fn set_bordered(&mut self, bordered: bool)

fn show(&mut self)

fn hide(&mut self)

fn raise(&mut self)

fn maximize(&mut self)

fn minimize(&mut self)

fn restore(&mut self)

fn set_fullscreen(&mut self, fullscreen_type: FullscreenType) -> Result<()String>

fn surface<'a>(&'a self, _e: &'a EventPump) -> Result<&'a SurfaceRefString>

fn surface_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, _e: &'a EventPump) -> Result<&'a mut SurfaceRefString>

fn update_surface(&self) -> Result<()String>

fn update_surface_rects(&self, rects: &[Rect]) -> Result<()String>

fn set_grab(&mut self, grabbed: bool)

fn grab(&self) -> bool

fn set_brightness(&mut self, brightness: f64) -> Result<()String>

fn brightness(&self) -> f64

fn set_gamma_ramp(&mut self, red: Option<&[u16; 256]>, green: Option<&[u16; 256]>, blue: Option<&[u16; 256]>) -> Result<()String>

fn gamma_ramp(&self) -> Result<(Vec<u16>, Vec<u16>, Vec<u16>)String>