Struct sdl2::surface::SurfaceRef [] [src]

pub struct SurfaceRef {
    // some fields omitted

An unsized Surface reference.

This type is used whenever Surfaces need to be borrowed from the SDL library, without concern for freeing the Surface.


impl SurfaceRef

unsafe fn from_ll<'a>(raw: *mut SDL_Surface) -> &'a SurfaceRef

unsafe fn from_ll_mut<'a>(raw: *mut SDL_Surface) -> &'a mut SurfaceRef

fn raw(&self) -> *mut SDL_Surface

fn width(&self) -> u32

fn height(&self) -> u32

fn pitch(&self) -> u32

fn size(&self) -> (u32, u32)

fn rect(&self) -> Rect

fn pixel_format(&self) -> PixelFormat

fn with_lock<R, F: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> R

Locks a surface so that the pixels can be directly accessed safely.

fn with_lock_mut<R, F: FnOnce(&mut [u8]) -> R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R

Locks a surface so that the pixels can be directly accessed safely.

fn without_lock(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>

Returns the Surface's pixel buffer if the Surface doesn't require locking (e.g. it's a software surface).

fn without_lock_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut [u8]>

Returns the Surface's pixel buffer if the Surface doesn't require locking (e.g. it's a software surface).

fn must_lock(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the Surface needs to be locked before accessing the Surface pixels.

fn save_bmp_rw(&self, rwops: &mut RWops) -> Result<()String>

fn save_bmp<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> Result<()String>

fn set_palette(&mut self, palette: &Palette) -> Result<()String>

fn enable_RLE(&mut self)

fn disable_RLE(&mut self)

fn set_color_key(&mut self, enable: bool, color: Color) -> Result<()String>

fn color_key(&self) -> Result<ColorString>

The function will fail if the surface doesn't have color key enabled.

fn set_color_mod(&mut self, color: Color)

fn color_mod(&self) -> Color

fn fill_rect(&mut self, rect: Option<Rect>, color: Color) -> Result<()String>

fn fill_rects(&mut self, rects: &[Option<Rect>], color: Color) -> Result<()String>

fn set_alpha_mod(&mut self, alpha: u8)

fn alpha_mod(&self) -> u8

fn set_blend_mode(&mut self, mode: BlendMode) -> Result<()String>

The function will fail if the blend mode is not supported by SDL.

fn blend_mode(&self) -> BlendMode

fn set_clip_rect(&mut self, rect: Option<Rect>) -> bool

Sets the clip rectangle for the surface.

If the rectangle is None, clipping will be disabled.

fn clip_rect(&self) -> Option<Rect>

Gets the clip rectangle for the surface.

Returns None if clipping is disabled.

fn convert(&self, format: &PixelFormat) -> Result<Surface<'static>, String>

Copies the surface into a new one that is optimized for blitting to a surface of a specified pixel format.

fn blit(&self, src_rect: Option<Rect>, dst: &mut SurfaceRef, dst_rect: Option<Rect>) -> Result<Option<Rect>, String>

Performs surface blitting (surface copying).

Returns the final blit rectangle, if a dst_rect was provided.

unsafe fn lower_blit(&self, src_rect: Option<Rect>, dst: &mut SurfaceRef, dst_rect: Option<Rect>) -> Result<()String>

Performs low-level surface blitting.

Unless you know what you're doing, use blit() instead, which will clip the input rectangles. This function could crash if the rectangles aren't pre-clipped to the surface, and is therefore unsafe.

fn blit_scaled(&self, src_rect: Option<Rect>, dst: &mut SurfaceRef, dst_rect: Option<Rect>) -> Result<Option<Rect>, String>

Performs scaled surface bliting (surface copying).

Returns the final blit rectangle, if a dst_rect was provided.

unsafe fn lower_blit_scaled(&self, src_rect: Option<Rect>, dst: &mut SurfaceRef, dst_rect: Option<Rect>) -> Result<()String>

Performs low-level scaled surface blitting.

Unless you know what you're doing, use blit_scaled() instead, which will clip the input rectangles. This function could crash if the rectangles aren't pre-clipped to the surface, and is therefore unsafe.