
Represents an counter value

Represents a CQL Duration value

Wrapper that allows to send dates outside of NaiveDate range (-262145-1-1 to 262143-12-31) Days since -5877641-06-23 i.e. 2^31 days before unix epoch

Keeps a buffer with serialized Values Allows adding new Values and iterating over serialized ones

Wrapper used to differentiate between Time and Timestamp as sending values Nanoseconds since midnight

Wrapper used to differentiate between Time and Timestamp as sending values Milliseconds since unix epoch

Represents an unset value


Enum providing a way to represent a value that might be unset


Represents List of ValueList for Batch statement

Every value being sent in a query must implement this trait serialize() should write the Value as bytes to the provided buffer

Represents list of values to be sent in a query gets serialized and but into request

Type Definitions