Trait scroll::Pread [] [src]

pub trait Pread<Ctx = Endian, E = Error, I = usize, TryCtx = (I, Ctx), SliceCtx = (I, I, Ctx)> where E: Debug,
               Ctx: Copy + Default + Debug,
               I: Copy + Debug,
               TryCtx: Copy + Default + Debug,
               SliceCtx: Copy + Default + Debug
{ fn pread_with<'a, N: TryFromCtx<'a, TryCtx, Error=E>>(&'a self,
                                                          offset: I,
                                                          ctx: Ctx)
                                                          -> Result<N, E>; fn pread_slice<'a, N: ?Sized + TryRefFromCtx<SliceCtx, Error=E>>(&'a self,
                                                                     offset: I,
                                                                     count: I)
                                                                     -> Result<&'a N, E>; fn pread_unsafe<'a, N: TryFromCtx<'a, TryCtx, Error=E>>(&'a self,
                                                            offset: I,
                                                            ctx: Ctx)
                                                            -> N { ... } fn pread<'a, N: TryFromCtx<'a, TryCtx, Error=E>>(&'a self,
                                                     offset: I)
                                                     -> Result<N, E> { ... } }

A very generic, contextual pread interface in Rust. Allows completely parallelized reads, as Self is immutable

Don't be scared! The Pread definition is terrifying, but it is definitely tractable. Essentially, E is the error, Ctx the parsing context, I is the indexing type, TryCtx is the "offset + ctx" Context given to the TryFromCtx trait bounds, and SliceCtx is the "offset + size + ctx" context given to the TryRefFromCtx trait bound.

They all have reasonable defaults, so if you're just using this trait, you can usually get away with fn <T: scroll::Pread>(bytes: &T) -> yourResultWhichConvertsScrollErrors

Implementing Your Own Reader

If you want to implement your own reader for a type Foo from some kind of buffer (say [u8]), then you need to implement TryFromCtx

use scroll::{self, ctx};
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub struct Foo(u16);

 impl<'a> ctx::TryFromCtx<'a> for Foo {
     type Error = scroll::Error;
     fn try_from_ctx(this: &'a [u8], ctx: (usize, scroll::Endian)) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
         use scroll::Pread;
         let offset = ctx.0;
         let le = ctx.1;
         if offset > 2 { return Err((scroll::Error::BadOffset("whatever".to_string())).into()) }
         let n = this.pread_with(offset, le)?;

use scroll::Pread;
// you can now read `Foo`'s out of a &[u8] buffer for free, with `Pread` and `Gread` without doing _anything_ else!
let bytes: [u8; 4] = [0xde, 0xad, 0, 0];
let foo = bytes.pread::<Foo>(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Foo(0xadde), foo);
let foo2 = bytes.pread_with::<Foo>(0, scroll::BE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Foo(0xdeadu16), foo2);

Advanced: Using Your Own Error in TryFromCtx

 use scroll::{self, ctx};
 use std::error;
 use std::fmt::{self, Display};
 // make some kind of normal error which also can transform a scroll error ideally (quick_error, error_chain allow this automatically nowadays)
 pub struct ExternalError {}

 impl Display for ExternalError {
     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
         write!(fmt, "ExternalError")

 impl error::Error for ExternalError {
     fn description(&self) -> &str {
     fn cause(&self) -> Option<&error::Error> { None}

 impl From<scroll::Error> for ExternalError {
     fn from(err: scroll::Error) -> Self {
         match err {
             _ => ExternalError{},
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub struct Foo(u16);

 impl<'a> ctx::TryFromCtx<'a> for Foo {
     type Error = ExternalError;
     fn try_from_ctx(this: &'a [u8], ctx: (usize, scroll::Endian)) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
         use scroll::Pread;
         let offset = ctx.0;
         let le = ctx.1;
         if offset > 2 { return Err((ExternalError {}).into()) }
         let n = this.pread_with(offset, le)?;

use scroll::Pread;
// the only caveat is that you now need to specify the error type in fn generic params, e.g. `fn thingee<S: scroll::Pread<YourCtx, ExternalError>>`
let bytes: [u8; 4] = [0xde, 0xad, 0, 0];
let foo: Result<Foo, ExternalError> = bytes.pread(0);

Required Methods

Reads a value from self at offset with the given ctx


use scroll::Pread;
let bytes: [u8; 2] = [0xde, 0xad];
let dead: u16 = bytes.pread_with(0, scroll::BE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(dead, 0xdeadu16);

Slices an N from self at offset up to count times


use scroll::Pread;
let bytes: [u8; 2] = [0x48, 0x49];
let hi: &str = bytes.pread_slice(0, 2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(hi, "HI");
let bytes2 = bytes.pread_slice::<[u8]>(0, 2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(bytes, bytes2);

Provided Methods

Implement this if you need a faster version for use by Gread

Reads a value from self at offset with a default Ctx. For the primitive numeric values, this will read at the machine's endianness.


use scroll::Pread;
let bytes = [0x7fu8; 0x01];
let byte = bytes.pread::<u8>(0).unwrap();
