pub struct DeviceFnV1_0 {
Show 120 fields pub destroy_device: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub get_device_queue: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: u32, _: *mut Queue), pub queue_submit: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: u32, _: *const SubmitInfo, _: Fence) -> Result, pub queue_wait_idle: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Queue) -> Result, pub device_wait_idle: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device) -> Result, pub allocate_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const MemoryAllocateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DeviceMemory) -> Result, pub free_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub map_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: u64, _: u64, _: MemoryMapFlags, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> Result, pub unmap_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory), pub flush_mapped_memory_ranges: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const MappedMemoryRange) -> Result, pub invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const MappedMemoryRange) -> Result, pub get_device_memory_commitment: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: *mut u64), pub bind_buffer_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: DeviceMemory, _: u64) -> Result, pub bind_image_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: DeviceMemory, _: u64) -> Result, pub get_buffer_memory_requirements: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: *mut MemoryRequirements), pub get_image_memory_requirements: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *mut MemoryRequirements), pub get_image_sparse_memory_requirements: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *mut u32, _: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements), pub queue_bind_sparse: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: u32, _: *const BindSparseInfo, _: Fence) -> Result, pub create_fence: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const FenceCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Fence) -> Result, pub destroy_fence: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Fence, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub reset_fences: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const Fence) -> Result, pub get_fence_status: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Fence) -> Result, pub wait_for_fences: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const Fence, _: u32, _: u64) -> Result, pub create_semaphore: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SemaphoreCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Semaphore) -> Result, pub destroy_semaphore: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Semaphore, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const EventCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Event) -> Result, pub destroy_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub get_event_status: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result, pub set_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result, pub reset_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result, pub create_query_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const QueryPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut QueryPool) -> Result, pub destroy_query_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: QueryPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub get_query_pool_results: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32, _: usize, _: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: QueryResultFlags) -> Result, pub create_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Buffer) -> Result, pub destroy_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_buffer_view: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferViewCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut BufferView) -> Result, pub destroy_buffer_view: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: BufferView, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Image) -> Result, pub destroy_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub get_image_subresource_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *const ImageSubresource, _: *mut SubresourceLayout), pub create_image_view: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageViewCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut ImageView) -> Result, pub destroy_image_view: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: ImageView, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_shader_module: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ShaderModuleCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut ShaderModule) -> Result, pub destroy_shader_module: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: ShaderModule, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_pipeline_cache: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const PipelineCacheCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut PipelineCache) -> Result, pub destroy_pipeline_cache: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub get_pipeline_cache_data: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: *mut usize, _: *mut c_void) -> Result, pub merge_pipeline_caches: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const PipelineCache) -> Result, pub create_graphics_pipelines: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Pipeline) -> Result, pub create_compute_pipelines: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const ComputePipelineCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Pipeline) -> Result, pub destroy_pipeline: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Pipeline, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_pipeline_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const PipelineLayoutCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut PipelineLayout) -> Result, pub destroy_pipeline_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineLayout, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_sampler: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SamplerCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Sampler) -> Result, pub destroy_sampler: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Sampler, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_descriptor_set_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorSetLayout) -> Result, pub destroy_descriptor_set_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorSetLayout, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_descriptor_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorPool) -> Result, pub destroy_descriptor_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub reset_descriptor_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: DescriptorPoolResetFlags) -> Result, pub allocate_descriptor_sets: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorSetAllocateInfo, _: *mut DescriptorSet) -> Result, pub free_descriptor_sets: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: u32, _: *const DescriptorSet) -> Result, pub update_descriptor_sets: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const WriteDescriptorSet, _: u32, _: *const CopyDescriptorSet), pub create_framebuffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const FramebufferCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Framebuffer) -> Result, pub destroy_framebuffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Framebuffer, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub create_render_pass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const RenderPassCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut RenderPass) -> Result, pub destroy_render_pass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: RenderPass, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub get_render_area_granularity: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: RenderPass, _: *mut Extent2D), pub create_command_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const CommandPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut CommandPool) -> Result, pub destroy_command_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks), pub reset_command_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: CommandPoolResetFlags) -> Result, pub allocate_command_buffers: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const CommandBufferAllocateInfo, _: *mut CommandBuffer) -> Result, pub free_command_buffers: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: u32, _: *const CommandBuffer), pub begin_command_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const CommandBufferBeginInfo) -> Result, pub end_command_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer) -> Result, pub reset_command_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: CommandBufferResetFlags) -> Result, pub cmd_bind_pipeline: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: Pipeline), pub cmd_set_viewport: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Viewport), pub cmd_set_scissor: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Rect2D), pub cmd_set_line_width: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32), pub cmd_set_depth_bias: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32, _: f32, _: f32), pub cmd_set_blend_constants: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const [f32; 4]), pub cmd_set_depth_bounds: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32, _: f32), pub cmd_set_stencil_compare_mask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32), pub cmd_set_stencil_write_mask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32), pub cmd_set_stencil_reference: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32), pub cmd_bind_descriptor_sets: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: PipelineLayout, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const DescriptorSet, _: u32, _: *const u32), pub cmd_bind_index_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: IndexType), pub cmd_bind_vertex_buffers: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Buffer, _: *const u64), pub cmd_draw: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32), pub cmd_draw_indexed: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: i32, _: u32), pub cmd_draw_indirect: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32), pub cmd_draw_indexed_indirect: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32), pub cmd_dispatch: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32), pub cmd_dispatch_indirect: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64), pub cmd_copy_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: Buffer, _: u32, _: *const BufferCopy), pub cmd_copy_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageCopy), pub cmd_blit_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageBlit, _: Filter), pub cmd_copy_buffer_to_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const BufferImageCopy), pub cmd_copy_image_to_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Buffer, _: u32, _: *const BufferImageCopy), pub cmd_update_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u64, _: *const c_void), pub cmd_fill_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u64, _: u32), pub cmd_clear_color_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: *const ClearColorValue, _: u32, _: *const ImageSubresourceRange), pub cmd_clear_depth_stencil_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: *const ClearDepthStencilValue, _: u32, _: *const ImageSubresourceRange), pub cmd_clear_attachments: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const ClearAttachment, _: u32, _: *const ClearRect), pub cmd_resolve_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageResolve), pub cmd_set_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Event, _: PipelineStageFlags), pub cmd_reset_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Event, _: PipelineStageFlags), pub cmd_wait_events: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const Event, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: u32, _: *const MemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const ImageMemoryBarrier), pub cmd_pipeline_barrier: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: DependencyFlags, _: u32, _: *const MemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const ImageMemoryBarrier), pub cmd_begin_query: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: QueryControlFlags), pub cmd_end_query: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32), pub cmd_reset_query_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32), pub cmd_write_timestamp: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: QueryPool, _: u32), pub cmd_copy_query_pool_results: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u64, _: QueryResultFlags), pub cmd_push_constants: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineLayout, _: ShaderStageFlags, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const c_void), pub cmd_begin_render_pass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const RenderPassBeginInfo, _: SubpassContents), pub cmd_next_subpass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: SubpassContents), pub cmd_end_render_pass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer), pub cmd_execute_commands: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const CommandBuffer),


§destroy_device: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§get_device_queue: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: u32, _: *mut Queue)§queue_submit: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: u32, _: *const SubmitInfo, _: Fence) -> Result§queue_wait_idle: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Queue) -> Result§device_wait_idle: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device) -> Result§allocate_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const MemoryAllocateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DeviceMemory) -> Result§free_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§map_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: u64, _: u64, _: MemoryMapFlags, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> Result§unmap_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory)§flush_mapped_memory_ranges: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const MappedMemoryRange) -> Result§invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const MappedMemoryRange) -> Result§get_device_memory_commitment: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DeviceMemory, _: *mut u64)§bind_buffer_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: DeviceMemory, _: u64) -> Result§bind_image_memory: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: DeviceMemory, _: u64) -> Result§get_buffer_memory_requirements: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: *mut MemoryRequirements)§get_image_memory_requirements: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *mut MemoryRequirements)§get_image_sparse_memory_requirements: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *mut u32, _: *mut SparseImageMemoryRequirements)§queue_bind_sparse: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Queue, _: u32, _: *const BindSparseInfo, _: Fence) -> Result§create_fence: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const FenceCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Fence) -> Result§destroy_fence: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Fence, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§reset_fences: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const Fence) -> Result§get_fence_status: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Fence) -> Result§wait_for_fences: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const Fence, _: u32, _: u64) -> Result§create_semaphore: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SemaphoreCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Semaphore) -> Result§destroy_semaphore: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Semaphore, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const EventCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Event) -> Result§destroy_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§get_event_status: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result§set_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result§reset_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Event) -> Result§create_query_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const QueryPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut QueryPool) -> Result§destroy_query_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: QueryPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§get_query_pool_results: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32, _: usize, _: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: QueryResultFlags) -> Result§create_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Buffer) -> Result§destroy_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Buffer, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_buffer_view: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const BufferViewCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut BufferView) -> Result§destroy_buffer_view: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: BufferView, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Image) -> Result§destroy_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§get_image_subresource_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Image, _: *const ImageSubresource, _: *mut SubresourceLayout)§create_image_view: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ImageViewCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut ImageView) -> Result§destroy_image_view: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: ImageView, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_shader_module: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const ShaderModuleCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut ShaderModule) -> Result§destroy_shader_module: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: ShaderModule, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_pipeline_cache: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const PipelineCacheCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut PipelineCache) -> Result§destroy_pipeline_cache: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§get_pipeline_cache_data: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: *mut usize, _: *mut c_void) -> Result§merge_pipeline_caches: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const PipelineCache) -> Result§create_graphics_pipelines: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Pipeline) -> Result§create_compute_pipelines: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineCache, _: u32, _: *const ComputePipelineCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Pipeline) -> Result§destroy_pipeline: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Pipeline, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_pipeline_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const PipelineLayoutCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut PipelineLayout) -> Result§destroy_pipeline_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: PipelineLayout, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_sampler: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const SamplerCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Sampler) -> Result§destroy_sampler: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Sampler, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_descriptor_set_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorSetLayout) -> Result§destroy_descriptor_set_layout: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorSetLayout, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_descriptor_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut DescriptorPool) -> Result§destroy_descriptor_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§reset_descriptor_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: DescriptorPoolResetFlags) -> Result§allocate_descriptor_sets: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const DescriptorSetAllocateInfo, _: *mut DescriptorSet) -> Result§free_descriptor_sets: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: DescriptorPool, _: u32, _: *const DescriptorSet) -> Result§update_descriptor_sets: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: u32, _: *const WriteDescriptorSet, _: u32, _: *const CopyDescriptorSet)§create_framebuffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const FramebufferCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut Framebuffer) -> Result§destroy_framebuffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: Framebuffer, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§create_render_pass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const RenderPassCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut RenderPass) -> Result§destroy_render_pass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: RenderPass, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§get_render_area_granularity: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: RenderPass, _: *mut Extent2D)§create_command_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const CommandPoolCreateInfo, _: *const AllocationCallbacks, _: *mut CommandPool) -> Result§destroy_command_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: *const AllocationCallbacks)§reset_command_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: CommandPoolResetFlags) -> Result§allocate_command_buffers: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: *const CommandBufferAllocateInfo, _: *mut CommandBuffer) -> Result§free_command_buffers: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: Device, _: CommandPool, _: u32, _: *const CommandBuffer)§begin_command_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const CommandBufferBeginInfo) -> Result§end_command_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer) -> Result§reset_command_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: CommandBufferResetFlags) -> Result§cmd_bind_pipeline: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: Pipeline)§cmd_set_viewport: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Viewport)§cmd_set_scissor: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Rect2D)§cmd_set_line_width: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32)§cmd_set_depth_bias: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32, _: f32, _: f32)§cmd_set_blend_constants: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const [f32; 4])§cmd_set_depth_bounds: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: f32, _: f32)§cmd_set_stencil_compare_mask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32)§cmd_set_stencil_write_mask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32)§cmd_set_stencil_reference: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: StencilFaceFlags, _: u32)§cmd_bind_descriptor_sets: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineBindPoint, _: PipelineLayout, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const DescriptorSet, _: u32, _: *const u32)§cmd_bind_index_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: IndexType)§cmd_bind_vertex_buffers: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const Buffer, _: *const u64)§cmd_draw: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32)§cmd_draw_indexed: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32, _: i32, _: u32)§cmd_draw_indirect: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32)§cmd_draw_indexed_indirect: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32)§cmd_dispatch: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32)§cmd_dispatch_indirect: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64)§cmd_copy_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: Buffer, _: u32, _: *const BufferCopy)§cmd_copy_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageCopy)§cmd_blit_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageBlit, _: Filter)§cmd_copy_buffer_to_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const BufferImageCopy)§cmd_copy_image_to_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Buffer, _: u32, _: *const BufferImageCopy)§cmd_update_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u64, _: *const c_void)§cmd_fill_buffer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u64, _: u32)§cmd_clear_color_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: *const ClearColorValue, _: u32, _: *const ImageSubresourceRange)§cmd_clear_depth_stencil_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: *const ClearDepthStencilValue, _: u32, _: *const ImageSubresourceRange)§cmd_clear_attachments: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const ClearAttachment, _: u32, _: *const ClearRect)§cmd_resolve_image: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: Image, _: ImageLayout, _: u32, _: *const ImageResolve)§cmd_set_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Event, _: PipelineStageFlags)§cmd_reset_event: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: Event, _: PipelineStageFlags)§cmd_wait_events: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const Event, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: u32, _: *const MemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const ImageMemoryBarrier)§cmd_pipeline_barrier: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: DependencyFlags, _: u32, _: *const MemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const BufferMemoryBarrier, _: u32, _: *const ImageMemoryBarrier)§cmd_begin_query: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: QueryControlFlags)§cmd_end_query: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32)§cmd_reset_query_pool: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32)§cmd_write_timestamp: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineStageFlags, _: QueryPool, _: u32)§cmd_copy_query_pool_results: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: QueryPool, _: u32, _: u32, _: Buffer, _: u64, _: u64, _: QueryResultFlags)§cmd_push_constants: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: PipelineLayout, _: ShaderStageFlags, _: u32, _: u32, _: *const c_void)§cmd_begin_render_pass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: *const RenderPassBeginInfo, _: SubpassContents)§cmd_next_subpass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: SubpassContents)§cmd_end_render_pass: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer)§cmd_execute_commands: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: CommandBuffer, _: u32, _: *const CommandBuffer)



impl DeviceFnV1_0


pub fn load<F>(_f: F) -> DeviceFnV1_0
where F: FnMut(&CStr) -> *const c_void,

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for DeviceFnV1_0


fn clone(&self) -> DeviceFnV1_0

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Send for DeviceFnV1_0


impl Sync for DeviceFnV1_0

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.