screen-13 0.11.3

An easy-to-use Vulkan rendering engine in the spirit of QBasic.
# Screen 13


_Screen 13_ is an easy-to-use Vulkan rendering engine in the spirit of

screen-13 = "0.11"

## Overview

_Screen 13_ provides a high performance [Vulkan]( driver using smart
pointers. The driver may be created manually for headless rendering or automatically using the
built-in event loop abstraction:

use screen_13::prelude::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), DisplayError> {
    EventLoop::new().build()?.run(|frame| {
        // It's time to do some graphics! 😲

## Usage

_Screen 13_ provides a fully-generic render graph structure for simple and statically
typed access to all the resources used while rendering. The `RenderGraph` structure allows Vulkan
smart pointer resources to be bound as "nodes" which may be used anywhere in a graph. The graph
itself is not tied to swapchain access and may be used to execute general command streams.

Features of the render graph:

 - Compute, graphic, and ray-trace pipelines
 - Automatic Vulkan management (render passes, subpasses, descriptors, pools, _etc._)
 - Automatic render pass scheduling, re-ordering, merging, with resource aliasing
 - Interoperable with existing Vulkan code
 - Optional [shader hot-reload]contrib/screen-13-hot/ from disk

    .begin_pass("Fancy new algorithm for shading a moving character who is actively on fire")
    .read_descriptor(0, some_image)
    .read_descriptor(1, another_image)
    .read_descriptor(3, some_buf)
    .clear_color(0, swapchain_image)
    .store_color(0, swapchain_image)
    .record_subpass(move |subpass| {
        subpass.draw(6, 1, 0, 0);
### Debug Logging

This crate uses [`log`]( for low-overhead logging.

To enable logging, set the `RUST_LOG` environment variable to `trace`, `debug`, `info`, `warn` or
`error` and initialize the logging provider of your choice. Examples use

_You may also filter messages, for example:_

RUST_LOG=screen_13::driver=trace,screen_13=warn cargo run --example ray_trace

TRACE screen_13::driver::instance > created a Vulkan instance
DEBUG screen_13::driver::physical_device > physical device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
DEBUG screen_13::driver::physical_device > extension "VK_KHR_16bit_storage" v1
DEBUG screen_13::driver::physical_device > extension "VK_KHR_8bit_storage" v1
DEBUG screen_13::driver::physical_device > extension "VK_KHR_acceleration_structure" v13

### Performance Profiling

This crates uses [`profiling`]( and supports multiple profiling
providers. When not in use profiling has zero cost.

To enable profiling, compile with one of the `profile-with-*` features enabled and initialize the
profiling provider of your choice.

_Example code uses [puffin](

cargo run --features profile-with-puffin --release --example vsm_omni

<img src=".github/img/profile.png" alt="Flamegraph of performance data" width=30%>

## Quick Start

Included are some examples you might find helpful:

- [``]examples/ — Displays a window on the screen. Please start here.
- [``]examples/ — Shaders and full setup of index/vertex buffers; < 100 LOC.
- [`shader-toy/`]examples/shader-toy — Recreation of a two-pass shader toy using the original
  shader code.

See the [example code](examples/, 
[documentation](, or helpful
[getting started guide](examples/ for more information.

**_NOTE:_** Required development packages and libraries are listed in the _getting started guide_.
All new users should read and understand the guide.

## History

As a child I was given access to a computer that had _GW-Basic_; and later one with _QBasic_. All of
my favorite programs started with:


These commands cleared the screen of text and setup a 320x200 256-color paletized video mode. There
were other video modes available, but none of them had the 'magic' of 256 colors.

Additional commands _QBasic_ offered, such as `DRAW`, allowed you to build simple games quickly
because you didn't have to grok the entirety of compiling and linking. I think we should have
options like this today, and so I started this project to allow future developers to have the
ability to get things done quickly while using modern tools.

### Inspirations

_Screen 13_ was built from the learnings and lessons shared by others throughout our community. In
particular, here are some of the repositories I found useful:

 - [Bevy] A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
 - [Granite] - Open-source Vulkan renderer
 - [Kajiya] - Experimental real-time global illumination
   renderer made with Rust and Vulkan